illustration of a key wrapped in green leaves and hanging from a golden thread

Once upon a time,

a story arrived to help us remember that magic is real.


The Magic Guide is a tome of true magical stories and spiritual insights.

From 2018 to 2024, a new chapter of The Magic Guide was published every other week. Across hundreds of thousands of words and 148 chapters, The Magic Guide wove memoir, science, mythology, and history to reveal very real magic. It is currently being edited into a collection of timeless short stories, each illuminating the mysterious and miraculous nature of life.


The Magic Guide is for anyone who’s ever been curious about:

  • the waking vs. dreaming life

  • visions and extrasensory perception

  • the possibility of other worlds and other lives

  • strange coincidences and synchronicity

  • ancestral ties and the collective body of humanity

  • the structure of the human mind and the nature of consciousness

  • observable patterns in material reality

  • experiences of a spiritual reality

  • the existence of real magic


The Magic Guide is a tome of true magical stories and philosophical insights that inspires awe, sparks synchronicity, and helps you connect with real magic. 

The Magic Guide values curiosity above certainty.

The Magic Guide will not tell you what to think. It is not an answer book. Rather, it is a nuanced and magical text, designed to guide you towards your own inner knowing.


The Magic Guide is written and illustrated by Virginia M. Richardson. A descendent of the Salem Witch Trials and former research assistant in human evolution, Virginia never used to believe in magic, but then, everything changed.