The Scorpion & the Sage

black line illustration of a woman sitting in meditation, the sun radiating behind her head as her hair appear electrified and a scorpion rests in the palm of her left hand


The Scorpion & the Sage

The story for the full moon time:
Apr 23 – May 6


Full Moon
4°18′ Scorpio
Apr. 23, 2024
7:48 PM EST


Jul. 24 – Aug. 7, 2021
Nov. 13 – 26, 2023



Virginia, Virginia, wake up!

I gulped the midnight air as I opened my eyes and searched for some semblance of light.

What was that? My husband asked about the sounds I was making in my sleep, the mumbled words that tumbled from my mouth.

Nothing. Nothing. Just hold me please. I snuggled into him and tried to brush aside the memory of what I’d seen:

My face in the mirror, half covered in skin so scarred I could barely see my right eye. My dead skin quickly became covered in maggots, which have historically been used to clean wounds and rid the body of non-viable flesh, but nothing about this felt healing. It didn’t even feel real. After all, it wasn’t. It was a dream, and I knew it. I could see how this dark scene was being projected upon my mind by some dark force, and I felt the fierce will of Spirit coursing through me, and I screamed in the mirror: DARKNESS OF THE WORLD — I AM COMING FOR YOU!

And the dark scene disappeared, and my face returned to normal, and that’s when my husband woke me because apparently, I wasn’t just screaming in my sleep. The might of my message moved through me with such force it pierced the veil between the waking and the dreaming. It floated in a swirl of golden light and entered me until all I could do was open my mouth — my literal, physical mouth — and SCREAM.

The sun rose, and I still felt rattled. I sat up straight and crossed my legs and place my hand on my heart. I tuned into the feeling there — such peace, such calm — and then, I spread my awareness out to the world only to feel it again — the darkness encroaching. Concerned, I flipped to the news and saw that overnight, a major earthquake shook the other side of the globe:

At 7:58 AM GMT, the largest earthquake in twenty-five years hit Taiwan.

What time was that here — in Ohio?

I gasped. It was the exact moment I woke from my sleep.

I felt it out there — the darkness — moving through the world.

But here, in the sanctuary of myself, I felt peace and calm. I basked in the warm rays of the sun and the first blooms of spring, and I stood — coated in gold powder, glittering in the dark — during those four magical minutes when the moon covered the sun and the world went dark blue as a white ring burned in the sky and the horizon glowed gold gold gold.

The next morning, my husband boarded a plane, and I bought myself pink flowers. My cat jumped on the table and nipped at their petals, and This is the garden, I thought.

I just want to stay in the garden.

I want to watch a movie that feels like a garden.

I decided to watch Ever After: A Cinderella Story. I’d seen it once as a girl and didn’t like it, but for whatever reason, it felt right to try it again now.

Not ten minutes in, and I was gasping again. This time at the sight of the main character — her face half covered in mud, the pattern of the dark dirty swirls reminiscent of the scars from my dream.

Moments later, when she was gifted the book Utopia, I instinctively picked up my phone and searched: “asteroid Utopia.” That’s when I learned that between Jupiter and Mars, in the outer regions of the asteroid belt, there is a dark, carbon-rich rock bearing the name: Utopia.

It’s asteroid number 1282.

And on the day I was born, it was aligned in the sign of Scorpio, right near the point where on the evening of April 23, 2024, a full moon is rising.

It’s rising. It’s rising.

Like a golden orb of wild hope.

The Scorpio full moon is conjunct the asteroid Elpis, a.k.a. the Spirit of Hope, sitting at the same spot where Utopia was when I was born.

But the message now is not as simple as hope, only hope.

This full moon is specifically about hope in a time of darkness.

This hope is fierce and warrior-like, coated in gold, just as I was at the moment of the total solar eclipse.

For not only is the full moon rising in the sky, just six degrees from the asteroid Elpis, but it’s also conjunct (with zero degrees between) the asteroids Golden and Virginia.

This is a golden, hopeful moon. And while I see my name there, and the egoist in me is like, It’s about me! I was literally covered in gold on the eclipse! I know that it’s actually about something more.

It’s about the message in the name, Virginia, which means wild, pure, untamed.

This full moon time is about the golden hopeful power that comes when we let ourselves be exactly as we are and we embrace our divine wild expression — just like the scorpion itself.

Legend goes that once upon a time, a giant was born. His name was Orion, and he became a great hunter. But his lust for the hunt was too strong, and one day, he boasted that he would kill every wild animal on Earth. That’s when Gaia, goddess and protector of the earth, decided to enlist the help of who else? A scorpion. She sent the scorpion after the hunter, and with its fierce sting, it defeated Orion, saving the animals and earning the scorpion a forever home amongst the stars.

These days, the scorpion’s sting has a bad rap. Fiercely wielding your power is often painted as “negative” (especially for women), but never forget, the scorpion’s sting is what saved the world.

And if someone doesn’t want you to use it, there’s probably a reason why.

Because sometimes a little (nonviolent) fire and fierceness is exactly what’s in order.

Sometimes, it’s the most loving light-filled thing in the world.

And if we’re going to help build a utopia (a.k.a. spaces for Heaven to flow on Earth), then we have to stop doubting and undermining our own knowledge and power.

We have to be willing to stand our ground.

Or rather, sit firmly — legs-crossed, heart soft — radiating with such brightness that no darkness can invade our sphere. A sphere that is capable of spreading far beyond our individual lives and personal experience, for when nurtured, each person’s individual sphere of light is capable of sending a protective force field out towards the larger world.

And there are people doing this — all over the earth.

Forging fields of loving, protective light.

This is a powerful, peaceful revolution, happening through the invisible layers and originating in the hearts of individual people.

As more and more fields are forged — and the stronger and brighter they become — the less room there is for darkness to spread. The fields reach towards each other and lock together like a golden gate, forming an even larger protective barrier.

This is the work of heavenly forces on Earth.

They work in a multitude of ways, and they work through us.

Doubt is the ultimate weapon used against the fields of light. And mostly, we use it against ourselves. Be mindful. Stay strong.

On April 20, the planets Jupiter and Uranus perfectly aligned in the sky for the first time in nearly fourteen years. They are still aligned today, on this full moon, and they are not alone. They are merging forces with the asteroid Pandora and the calculated point Selena — a.k.a. the white moon.

In astrology, Selena is typically considered a guardian angel of sorts, a protective force, and Pandora…well, she was named after the woman who mythologically released evil on the Earth. Of course, as we recently learned, she also released hope.

And so, as evil and darkness spread through the world, so does light and hope and a great protective force — all growing and strengthening now like a powerful, godly force rebelling against all the violence, greed, hate, and woeful ignorance working to destroy our garden home.

This golden hopeful moon conjuncts the sun and the asteroid Aglaja —named after one of the three graces of Greek mythology. The Grace whose name means “shining one.”

So let us shine.

Gone are the days of curious seeking.

Here are the times of remembering.

In the hours before watching Ever After, I was struck by a recurring vision of a woman sitting peacefully, legs crossed. Her body marked by tattoos. Wings spreading at her back. The image came with the words: THE SAGE.

And I learned about the ancient Greek understanding of the term. According to them, most people lack wisdom and don’t seek it because they foolishly believe themselves to already be wise. Other people are philosophers — seeking wisdom because they are aware that they are not yet wise. And then, there are the sages: the people who have attained a degree of wisdom and so have reached the end of seeking.

And these are the people — or the parts of ourselves — that are being granted power now.

The sages of the world are being asked to come out of hiding and BE exactly where they are — at their own unique point on a map from which there are no more roads to wander but there is profound wisdom to be found.

What wisdom has been bubbling in your mind? What do you KNOW? With absolution.

On what rock of wisdom can you sit — like a throne?

If an answer just appeared in your mind, write it down! For help with this, turn to the reflection dates at the start of this chapter, or simply, allow time to unfold. Allow the answer to reveal itself — all in good time.

On April 25, Mercury completes its retrograde cycle, placing the diamond of destiny in your hand, as it conjuncts the north node of the moon and the asteroid Gold.

For during this full moon time — April 23 to May 6 — an intuitive wild knowing is shining like a golden beacon of hope, and your destiny is aligned with all that is gold. It starts with the wisdom in your mind.

It starts when you arrive at the point where you can comfortably SIT IN YOUR WISDOM.



As the waves of the world ripple through and off your being, allowing your energy itself to be like a sound — breaking through the night — saying: DARKNESS OF THE WORLD — I AM COMING FOR YOU!

And so, you sit.

And I sit.

And together, we all sit.

And we blast our love like an ethereal weapon, let it explode from our chests.

For we are both the scorpion and the sage. We are a dynamic expression of love and the earth has enlisted our help!

If your wisdom was revealed to you while reading this and you wrote it down on a piece of paper, turn to that paper now. Hold it against your chest. Tell yourself what you know, the piece of sage advice (a.k.a. wisdom) that you carry with you at this stage in life. And know that just because you possess wisdom now, that doesn’t mean that more wisdom won’t appear later in life. But for now, own this piece. Own your wisdom!

Speak it out loud:

“My name is [insert your name here], and I carry the wisdom of [insert your wisdom here].”

Say it again and again. Remind yourself whenever you start to doubt, and allow your wisdom to ripple through the world.

Oh, and if you didn’t write down an answer while reading but one eventually does appear for you, return to this exercise. It is waiting for you whenever you’re ready and able to take your seat.

Thank you for joining me.


To be continued…


During this full moon time — April 23 to May 6 — your full wild expression is unlocked. You are called to sit firmly in your own remembrance, for you have reached the end of a road. There is nowhere else to wander from here, so now, you take your seat. You allow the power of your own loving wisdom to ripple through and around your body, forming a protective sphere of golden light that radiates far and wide. It pulses with peace and burns with protection and works magic in the ether that becomes manifest on Earth as wisdom itself moves from mind to matter and a whole new story starts to form. The story of your life from here on out. Godspeed.


  • weekly video messages from Virginia

  • a library of magical rituals

  • intuitive readings for major cycles

  • exercises for daily magic

  • 44-card digital oracle deck

  • & more



60 minutes, via Zoom

A magical exploration of your circumstances. A chance for us to enter the wide open field together and see what’s longing to be revealed.

Sessions can be tailored around yourself or a creative project.



The Magic Guide is a calling I answer every time I sit to write. I spend 20+ hours on every chapter, and I couldn’t do it without you. If you enjoyed this story, please put some money in the tip jar. Thank you.


Virginia Mason Richardson

Virginia’s true stories of real magic have inspired readers to consistently crown her The Queen of Synchronicity. She is the writer and illustrator of The Magic Guide.

At the Ends of the Earth


The Ethereal Clockmaker