Capricorn Full Moon: July 13, 2022


Capricorn Full Moon,
July 13, 2022

peaking at 2:37 P.M. EST
happening at 21°21’ Capricorn

click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart

Coming up for air.

As I tune into this Capricorn full moon - before looking at the astrology or anything else - I just keep hearing: coming up for air.

Like we are coming up for air.

Like we’ve been swimming.

Like at times we were swimming so hard and for so long and through a tunnel that we weren’t sure when we’d make it to surface, when we’d be able to break through the water’s edge, open our mouths, and BREATHE.

breathe - right now - take a moment and just breathe.

This Capricorn full moon sets the stage for the period of time stretching from July 13th to July 27th, and this whole period is giving us something special: a reprieve, relief, the sensation of fresh air filling our lungs and nourishing our bodies in the places where for a while now, they’ve felt constricted and tight.

Now is when we can relax a little.

Now is when our skin can soften around our bodies.

Now is when we close our eyes and when we open them again, we find a new light flickering. Something inside that was always there but now, now: we can see it and more importantly, SO CAN THEY.

Everyone who looks at your face - through your eyes and into those portals to your soul - the world sees: a new light flickering.

On July 12th - the day before this Capricorn full moon - a big announcement is coming. It’s coming in pictures - a herald for all the world.

NASA’s James Webb Telescope - the most powerful deep space telescope of all time - is sharing its first images with us.

I couldn’t have known in December - when the telescope was first launched into space - that they’d be releasing the photos on this very day, nearly the exact same day as the Capricorn full moon, but still, it was with the Capricorn new moon on January 2nd that I found myself writing all about the telescope, and it was then that I shared a story with you, a story about a rose blooming above the earth.

In August 2021, I had a vision. The vision was of a huge rose blooming above the earth, and it came with words, and the words told a story about the arrival of a new golden age, a golden age of enlightenment.

It is coming. I was told, It is coming as the rose blooms above the earth.

I didn’t know anything then about the James Webb Telescope. I knew nothing about the years that scientists spent constructing it, how the whole project had almost been scrapped, how finally after so long it was getting ready to launch. The date kept getting pushed, but then, on Christmas, it was sent into space.

In January, as it unfolded above the earth, it was described as a flower blooming, and again and again - in publication after publication - people have written that if all goes well, the telescope “will ignite a new golden age.” And its mission - its goal - is to reveal the first light of the universe. The Webb Telescope is expected to show us the very moment when THE LIGHT TURNED ON.

In other words, it is bringing us…a golden age of…enlightenment.

Look at the word: enlightenment.


It comes from Latin and quite literally means: “into the light.”

The telescope is ultimately expected to reveal the very moment when we - as a universe - went into the light, and the photos arriving on this full moon are going to give us the first glimpse of some of the earliest light in the universe that we have ever had the pleasure - in this life, in this moment - of seeing.

I just did a quick Google search to find the recently-released list of what the photos are supposed to show us, and as I was reading about galaxies colliding, stars forming and dying, I suddenly saw a field of sunflowers.

It was an image in the ad placed between the paragraphs on the webpage, and while algorithmically driven advertising may make you question the meaningfulness of this image, I couldn’t help but find it meaningful, and this is why:

When I went to make the image for this full moon, a sunflower is what I saw.

In my mind, I saw fresh honeycomb laid atop a golden moon - honeycomb like the shape of the golden mirror on the James Webb Telescope - and then, atop the honeycomb, I saw…a sunflower.

As I type this now, my mind flashes back in time, back to 2020, back to a field of sunflowers I found one day at the bottom of a rabbit hole. That day, I’d followed an intuitive thread all the way to its end, and there, at the end, I found: a field of sunflowers.

The sunflowers were in Providence, Rhode Island. They were part of an art installation called 10,000 Suns, and I wonder now how many suns the James Webb Telescope has seen, and I wonder about the timing of it all.

This next part is maybe a bit confusing, so…I think I’ll draw it.

Maybe that will help.

Let’s start here:

An Intuitive Thread
June 11, 2020

The story of this particular thread and the meaning of the sunflowers was first shared in the July 2020 Magic Guide with…the Capricorn full moon. That full moon fell at 13°37’.

On January 2, 2022, there was a Capricorn new moon. It fell at nearly the exact same place: 12°19’. And that January 2022 new moon laid the foundation for a course of events:

A Course of Events
January - July 2022

a course of events

During the Capricorn new moon time in January, a volcano erupted in the Ring of Fire, near the island of Tonga (which - if you look at a map - appears to be off the coast of Australia).

This eruption sent a once-in-a-century shockwave around the earth that rang like a bell. A bell? Yes, a bell, and it just so happens that I received a message from one of you just the other day telling me that you received an intuitive message, and the message said: “Bells are the sound of light. Their sound is another way to call light in.”


And it was the January 2nd Capricorn new moon time that laid the foundation for this full moon now. Reflect back: January 2 - January 16. What arose in your life during that time? What images, ideas, people, decisions, and events were swirling around you? You can expect similar things to come up now. This full moon brings an evolution of your new moon experience.

But that’s not all. This full moon period is also directly connected to the Capricorn new moon time that spanned January 13 - January 27, 2021. Take a moment to reflect on that period as well.

Just as the July 2020 full moon fell at nearly the same place as the January 2022 new moon, the January 2021 moon fell at nearly the exact same place as this full moon now. This is all part of the overarching 2020-2022 echo cycle that I’ve written about in detail here.

The echo cycle started in January with the Capricorn new moon…and it’s reaching its conclusion now.

During the last six months, we’ve been building upon the foundation that was laid from July 2020 - January 2021. Reflect on what this means and how this has shown up for you…and maybe wait until the end of this Capricorn full moon time (July 27th) to do this in full.

As I’m typing, it feels as though my mind is moving like lightning, making so many connections that I don’t know how I could possibly explain it all. What happens now with this full moon is just…so woven…but in short, I received a message in June 2020 about an island off the coast of Australia…it was formed by deep sea volcanoes in The Ring of Fire…and then the spool just kept unraveling, and I followed the thread…and I found myself *metaphorically* standing in a field of sunflowers - an installation of 10,000 suns - in Providence, and as I looked at the field of flowers, the words from the 16th Verse of the Tao Te Ching rang through my mind:

Empty yourself of everything.

Let the mind rest at peace.

The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.

They grow and flourish and then return to the source.

Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature.”

The ten thousand things rise and fall
while the Self watches their return.

10,000 things

I could tell you now so many things.

I could tell you how the asteroid Aura - the goddess of the breeze - is conjunct Mars with this moon, bringing us fresh air. I could tell you how really, it’s like we’re all just living in the breeze, on the wind, forming and changing and dying like stars, for we are no different now than the galaxies colliding in space.

And I could tell you how in August, when I saw the flower blooming above the earth, my eyes were open, and in my mind, it was as though the goddess Isis was with me. It was she who instructed me to open my eyes, and when I did, I was looking at the ceiling, but then, a vision was projected upon it - like a hologram - and I saw the flower blooming. I saw it bloom fully, and I saw what happened then: It was like it formed an umbrella around the earth, expelling all the darkness. And by then, it was like my eyes were hardly eyes at all and barely even mine, but instead, they were beams of light, and I could tell you how with this full moon, the sun is conjunct the asteroid Isis and the moon is conjunct Pluto and the asteroid Aristaeus - named after the god of beekeeping - and how now, now we are all changing. What happens now changes everything. And this is always true, but specifically, what happens now changes our sight, and it’s like an umbrella is opened, and darkness is dispersed, and you are sitting there, under its shade. Your eyes are closed, and you’re completely still - seeing everything everywhere all at once - as the sweet smell of honey permeates the air.

Smell it! Smell it!

You breathe in its scent and throw back your head - an exclamation of joy!

Perhaps by the time you read this, you will already have seen the photos from the telescope.

But I’m writing this in the days before, when all I’ve heard are whispers in articles, mention of how the images have created “profound existential experiences and left some on the verge of tears.”

Thomas Zurbuchen of NASA has said, “It's not an image. It’s a new worldview.”

And the light of the sun is blinding.

And in the stillness, you are granted the opportunity to see.

And on the 17th, something happens.

And on the 19th, Chiron goes retrograde as the moon crosses its path in Aries, and a great fire returns.

And its this fire now that propels us - out through the end of this great echo chamber - like we are shot out of a cannon, reaching the other side with a myriad of woven experiences that are forming something inside us that struggles to be laid flat but instead, it burns with the heat of 10,000 suns, and in the stillness - we will need stillness - we remember, we remember, we remember: Providence.

A Golden Umbrella

the golden umbrella

A Special Ritual
for this Full Moon

During this full moon time, the destiny point is approaching Uranus - GOD OF THE SKY. In Greek mythology, he was the personification of heaven. And here we are now, receiving images of the sky, images from out in space.

You are welcome to use The Library of Rituals to choose a ritual for this moon time, but if you prefer, I offer you this:

1) Look at all of the pictures from the James Webb Telescope.

2) Really look at them.

3) Then, choose one. Choose the image that jumps out at you. Choose it with your intuition, your heart, knowing there’s no right or wrong.

4) Print the image.

5) Then, choose a place to meditate. Perhaps it’s on the floor or on your bed or wherever - you choose.

6) Place the image on the ground approximately 2-3 feet in front of you.

7) Take a comfortable crossed-legged seated position. Place your hands palm down on your knees. Tune into your posture, making sure your body feels at ease. Breathe into any tension you may be carrying. Let your muscles relax, and then, let your eyes gently gaze at the image before you. Just sit and breathe and take in the image. Not by staring and thinking about it, but by simply letting the image be within your field of visual awareness.

Sit here for as long as you’d like (at least 11 minutes).

Let this inspire whatever it inspires in you.

Maybe, when you’re done, you make a wish. Simple, simple. However it comes. If it comes.

Just let it be.

Let it be.

Long story short:

This full moon period from July 13 - 27th marks the conclusion of a major cycle that started in January, but that really, we’ve been moving through since July 2020. What have you built? Reflect on all of the dates in this note, and know that now is when A PROTECTIVE GOLDEN LIGHT IS CAST. A great fire burns, and through your eyes, the world assumes a whole new perspective. Because of your eyes and what happens now with your sight - be it physically or a shift of mind or all of the above - everything changes.

Virginia Mason Richardson

I am a writer, illustrator, and designer with over twenty years of experience, including 9+ years creating custom (no-template) Squarespace designs.

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