Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse: December 4, 2021
Sagittarius New Moon
Total Solar Eclipse,
December 4, 2021
peaking at 2:43 A.M. EST
happening at 12°22’ Sagittarius
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
Before diving into this new moon eclipse, take a moment now to reflect on the first half of Eclipse Season:
Pull out your journal if you’d like - or simply meander through your memories in your mind - and reflect on everything that’s happened from November 17th to now. The big and the small of it: What thoughts/ideas keep entering your mind? What major events have maybe happened for you? What actions did you take during this time?
Answer these questions now.
And know that all of this is THE START - the start of the Taurus/Scorpio cycle that will be taking us through 2023 and the start of THIS eclipse season right now. The second eclipse is here: the Sagittarius new moon total solar eclipse happening exactly at 12°22’ Sagittarius in the early morning (EST) of December 4th.
This eclipse season is full of major endings that look like beginnings and beginnings that look like endings because that’s what they are - they are both.
And while this eclipse season technically ends on December 17th, you can expect BIG THINGS with the Gemini full moon on December 18th. This new moon eclipse is building to the Gemini full moon on the 18th (which connects back to a major eclipse in June), AND this eclipse is building to the Sagittarius full moon that’s coming in June 2022. In short, this eclipse is THE NEXUS - a fulcrum in the middle of a year of time - June 2021 to June 2022.
June - the month named after the goddess Juno, like the asteroid Juno that marked the GRAND UNIFICATION CYCLE OF 2021.
Juno is about marriage - all of the fractals and iterations of what marriage is - including the MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.
And that’s what this eclipse is about: THE AXIS MUNDI.
Axis Mundi - a Latin phrase meaning - line or stem through the earth's center connecting its surface to the underworld and the heavens and around which the universe revolves.
In other words, the axis mundi is the point that joins Heaven and Earth.
I see this point now - this point in time - December 4, 2021 - and I see all of the cycles feeding into this point. Like circles that start at the point and curve out from it, reconnecting to the point at their end. I just see circles upon circles, looping through and around this point.
One circle is the Juno cycle - that grand unification cycle mentioned above.
One circle is the Weaving of Peace - the cycle of Jupiter crossing the 25th degree of Aquarius three times this year (mentioned in the last note and completing its final crossing on December 4th…as this new moon eclipse arrives).
Another circle is the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse cycle that started in June 2020 and is reaching its end now, with this eclipse.
And there are more, more, more circles - some we’ve seen, and some we haven’t.
It looks like this -
I started to draw it, but then I stopped. I stopped after two circles because of what I saw: an infinity symbol.
On November 9th, I wrote the Taurus full moon eclipse note, and as I wrote the words “We are EXPOSING the flame of the past,” I saw:
A vertical infinity symbol between what’s above and what’s below, between Heaven and Earth. The symbol is on fire and undulating. The top loop moves in one direction while the bottom loop moves in the other, and they keep going like this, back and forth. Pulsing, preparing. Like a violent transmutation of energy. A grid locking into place. Until the symbol lies flat on the ground, burned into the earth but now, no longer burning, but radiating. Imbedded in the soil so deep inside that eventually, we can no longer even see its remnants on the surface because it has implanted itself here on Earth…This eclipse season brings the infinity symbol down to the surface of the earth. Like an hourglass. And then, through 2023, the symbol buries itself into the earth, its power rippling across the globe.
I wrote that on November 9th about this eclipse season now, and then, four days later, I was guided to remember a ritual I performed (as did many of you) in August 2020. This is how it went. This is what I did:
I purchased two candles from my favorite candlemaker in Massachusetts that still makes candles the old fashioned way. When the candles arrived, I carved symbols into the wax. On the red candle, I carved the symbol for the south node of the moon. This candle - like the south node - now represented the past. Then, on the white candle, I carved the symbol for the north node of the moon. This candle - like the north node - represented the future.
Then, I placed the candles on two adjacent marble table tops - about one foot apart.
And between them, encircling them, I curved a pale piece of twine, curving it into the shape of an infinity symbol with each candle resting at the center of the symbol’s opposing loops.
Then, I placed a silver coin at the center - at the place where the twine crossed and the loops met - and then, I pulled a match from a matchbox that read SOMETIMES GRACE FEELS LIKE FIRE, and I set the candles on fire. The flames flickered from their wicks, alighting the infinity symbol around them.
This was the ritual I was instructed to do then - for the Leo new moon on August 18, 2020, the new moon leading to The Portal of Destiny.
What was The Portal of Destiny? The Portal of Destiny took place on August 27, 2020. It began when the south node of the moon started crossing the point in Sagittarius that aligns with the center of our galaxy. This rare event only happens about once every nineteen years when the karmic nodes of the moon are in Gemini and Sagittarius (as they are now).
An equally rare crossing that occurs with the Gemini/Sagittarius cycle is when the north node of the moon travels through The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic in Gemini. This crossing just happened from September-October 2021 and is part of a longer cycle that has lasted many, many months (see the reading about this here). But really, what I’m just now realizing, is that these two cycles work together like two portals in space and time.
The first portal is The Portal of Destiny (which is activated after the south node of the moon crosses The Galactic Center), and the second is The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic (which is activated when the north node crosses through The Golden Gate). These are major points framing the entire Gemini/Sagittarius cycle. I’ve sketched this out for you to try to make this easier to understand, but I’m also going to explain it so don’t worry if the picture makes zero sense right now,
Let’s start with the picture. It went a little off the page at the bottom, but here it is:
Okay, SO - this is what you’re looking at:
The circle is the zodiac wheel - or really, the circle is the ecliptic. (The ecliptic is the invisible line in the sky that the sun appears to move along over the course of a single year on Earth.)
The two big symbols just outside the circle represent Sagittarius and Gemini. Sagittarius is the big arrow at the top, and Gemini looks like a Roman numeral II.
At approximately 27 degrees Sagittarius, there is THE GALACTIC CENTER.
At 2 to 5 degrees Gemini, there is THE GOLDEN GATE.
Also outside the circle are two little horseshoe-like symbols next to two arrows. These symbols represent the karmic nodes of the moon, and the arrows extending out from them show the direction the nodes have been moving during the Gemini/Sagittarius cycle. In simplest terms, the south node was moving from left to right, crossing the Galactic Center early in the cycle in August 2020, and the north node (moving from right to left) didn’t get to The Golden Gate until closer to the end of the cycle. (It finished crossing The Golden Gate just a little over a month ago on October 19th).
Now, if you look at the spots within the circle marked The Golden Gate and The Galactic Center, you will see dashed lines extending from these points. These lines connect to the exact opposite points on the ecliptic (the points exactly 180 degrees from The Golden Gate and The Galactic Center). The reason I drew these lines is because when the south node crossed The Galactic Center in August 2020, the north node was EXACTLY opposite it on the circle, and when the north node crossed The Golden Gate in October, the south node was EXACTLY opposite it on the circle. These lines are the two major axes of this cycle, and as I drew these dashed axes, they formed an X.
An X that is connected by the curve of the circle (or the dashed lines that I drew outside of the circle) - and THIS creates the shape of…an infinity symbol. Or, if you prefer, an hourglass.
But this infinity symbol isn’t some still, stable creation. It’s been undulating, moving, and laying itself through space and time. It wasn’t formed in one fell swoop at one moment in time. Rather, it started in August 2020 when the first axis was laid, and it wasn’t until this fall that the second axis was solidified…and over the last year+, the eclipses have been triggering these lines, leading to now - this month of December with the final lighting of the axes.
This is happening both with this eclipse (on the second axis) and then with the Gemini full moon on December 18th, for on that full moon, the sun will be EXACTLY at The Galactic Center and the moon will be exactly at its opposite point. In other words, this month’s Gemini full moon falls on THE FIRST AXIS.
The same axis as THE PORTAL OF DESTINY.
And this new moon eclipse is building to this…
And this whole cycle has been building to this…
THIS WHOLE CYCLE has been the fiery infinity.
See here - the cycle laid out before you, the eclipses triggering one axis and then the next. Again and again:
June 5, 2020
Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse
midway between the two axes
August 27, 2020
the ritual of the fiery infinity symbol
the initiation of the first axis
November 30, 2020
Gemini Full Moon Eclipse
along the second axis - moon in The Golden Gate
December 14, 2020
Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse
along the first axis - moon conjunct the Galactic Center
May 26, 2021
Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse
along the second axis - sun in The Golden Gate
June 10, 2021
Gemini New Moon Eclipse
along the first axis - sun and moon opposite The Galactic Center
September 9 - October 19, 2021
The north node through The Golden Gate
the solidification of the second axis
(November 19, 2021 - Taurus Full Moon Eclipse
a wink to the karmic nodes shifting signs on 1/19/2022)
December 4, 2021
Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse
along the second axis - sun and moon opposite The Golden Gate
December 18, 2021
Gemini Full Moon
along the first axis - sun conjunct the Galactic Center
After the initiation of the first axis with The Portal of Destiny on August 27, 2020, the eclipses have moved back and forth between these axes three times. THREE being that magic number for offering strength and support through change.
In this month of December, we are being bolstered with this final movement through the axes - this run around the infinity symbol from second axis to first.
This is the third and final time for many, many years.
And it will never happen exactly like this again.
It’s always a little different.
Yet, it’s all connected.
Each moment itself acting like a golden thread, weaving its layer of reality, its moment of perfection, its piece of the tapestry we call life.
On this Sagittarius new moon total solar eclipse, we ARE HOOKED BACK IN TIME to what was initiated on August 27, 2020. That Portal of Destiny was all about shedding the pain of the past and freeing yourself for the future. And this new moon? It’s about THE FUTURE, YOUR FUTURE.
This month, we are inviting our future in such a big way that any lingering semblance of the past can’t help but be cleared by the end.
On this new moon, the sun, moon, and Mercury are all conjunct, and guess what? This was also true with the Leo new moon on August 18, 2020! That was the new moon that led to The Portal of Destiny. Reflect back on that time if you haven’t already.
This whole Gemini/Sagittarius cycle has been remaking and transforming your perspective, so the Mercury conjunction with this new moon is really about the RESULTS of your new perspective and how you are communicating this perspective. This is about REWARDS AND RECOGNITION that are perfectly aligned with YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE. The one you’ve been building to throughout this entire cycle. (See what house 12 degrees Sagittarius falls in your chart to better understand what area of your life this will most effect.)
The asteroids Victoria and Mnemosyne are conjunct in Pisces, near Jupiter in Aquarius. This is about REMEMBERING WHO YOU REALLY ARE. This whole bright, new future you’ve been building? It’s rooted in your past. All the way back to the deepest portals of your being. The truth that is your essence.
This new moon brings a BLOOMING OF PEACE AROUND THE WORLD. Does that mean that there’s no more violence ever? Doubtful, but it means that this fiery infinity symbol we’ve been riding is about to lay down its grand finale - A GOLDEN MOMENT IN TIME.
A SHINING MOMENT FOR HEALTH (Hygieia conjunct Aglaja) and A GRAND STRIDE TOWARD PEACE WITHIN THE RAGING DUALITY (Mars conjuncts Irene and Didymos).
After the new moon on the 4th, there are some major dates leading toward the Gemini full moon:
December 12th
Mercury crosses the Galactic Center
leading to a great remembrance & big messages
(possibly communication issues at first before resolution)
December 14th
The asteroid Rosa goes direct as Klio conjuncts Jupiter
a historic day connected to the big blooming
December 16th
Mars conjuncts the south node
actions/peace reset
Irene - the asteroid named after goddess of peace - will cross the south node with the full moon on the 18th. Everything now is leading to the coming full moon.
All of this together is about The Axis Mundi - the junction of Heaven and Earth, the same idea I’ve been talking about for over a year now because…turns out…this whole cycle has been transpiring for at least that long.
In the Taurus full moon note, I wrote a lot about Israel and messages I’d been receiving about The Dome of the Rock, the Second Temple, and the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
The messages only ramped up for me during the Taurus full moon period. I even received a surprising postcard in the mail on November 17th. The picture on the card was of the dome of a temple covered in beautiful mosaics (just as the exterior of the Dome of the Rock is), and in the image on the postcard, the window in the dome appeared to be holding a fire. The person who sent me this knew nothing about my visions or writing about The Dome of the Rock.
I mentioned in the full moon note that I really didn’t know what to make of all of these messages, and I hesitate to say with any complete certainty that I know now, but I will say that since writing that note, all of this actually happened:
Wildfire spread across parts of Israel, reaching neighborhoods just outside Jerusalem (where the Dome of the Rock is) and causing many people to have to leave their homes while some houses burned.
A week later - just two days after the Taurus eclipse - a gunman killed one person and injured four others in the Old City of Jerusalem (near the Dome of the Rock). This was the first attack from a Palestinian gunman to result in the death of a Jewish Israeli civilian since the 11-day war in May.
Then, two days later, it was announced that an 11-year-old girl found a rare, ancient silver coin on the road the led to where the Second Temple is believed to have once stood. The coin itself is thought to have been minted in the temple. The moment I saw the image of the young girl holding the silver coin I flashed back to the vision I had in May in which a young girl handed me a silver key. The image in the paper and the image in my mind were incredibly similar. And then, just now, as I sat to finish this note, I noticed for the first time - the silver coin at the center of the fiery infinity symbol during my Portal of Destiny ritual.
There’s so much more to all of this - far more happened then even what’s in this list now - but I want to get to the point which is: I keep getting all of these messages about Israel, and I really don’t understand why.
Why is so much coming up around Israel? Why do I keep getting messages about this tiny sliver of land? I - unlike a large percentage of the world’s population - have never deemed it anything particularly special or sacred. I have no strong personal attachment to it at all. Yet…I keep getting these messages.
Could it be that this land is actually as important and sacred as some people think? Possibly.
Could it be that the stories of the three major religions that deem this land sacred are so deeply imbedded in the collective unconscious and in our society that it’s affecting me in ways I don’t realize? Possibly.
Could it be because of all of this and more that I’m not even aware of or bothering to mention here? Totally.
But, when I just stop THINKING ABOUT IT ALL, and tune in and listen and trust, I know that it’s because the stories are true.
Because at this place on Earth there is a seed, and it’s preparing to bloom.
In August, I had a vision. I saw A ROSE BLOOMING ABOVE THE EARTH. A huge rose, hovering above the earth, and I heard that it was coming soon. I was told that this would happen after some very specific events that have in fact transpired. This is too long to share in full, but I am sharing this now because, when I first received this information, I saw a sketch in my mind that I’d drawn nearly a year earlier - in November 2020. I sketched this after we went through The Portal of Destiny and right before the first eclipse that fell along the axes of the infinity symbol.
I sketched…a huge rose blooming above the a spherical object…
And in August, I saw: this is what is happening to the earth. The sphere is Earth, and the rose is preparing to bloom.
Metaphorically speaking, in the ether.
The rose is a symbol of the unification of universal energies - the whole of divinity - the heart of God and the keepers of magic on Earth.
You will laugh (I think) when I tell you something else about the Gemini full moon later this month, but first: we have this new moon eclipse.
The point with all of the circles - the cycles weaving in and out of it.
When I started to sketch the image (shared at the top of this note), I stopped at just two circles - the infinity symbol - but in my mind, before I even put pen to paper, I saw all of the circles looping around the point. I saw them like petals, and in my mind: the image became a rose.
Why do I keep getting messages about Israel? I wondered.
I pulled open my phone and started scrolling back through my photos. I was looking for a list I made on October 13th - my “What I Stand For” list - but before I got to it, I saw pictures of the temple that my friend sent me in a postcard on November 17th. She sent me the postcard because she’d recently visited the temple in Italy and thought it was beautiful. Then, she sent me more photos. I saved them to my phone and shared one in a story on IG. But strangely, the IG story wasn’t saved in my phone on the day I posted it in November. Instead, it was saved back in time on October 20th - the very day she visited the temple and the day after the north node completed its transit through The Golden Gate.
I noticed this oddity and kept on scrolling until I found the picture of my “What I Stand For” list. When I arrived at the photo, I saw - written beneath all of the other words representing what I stand for - the words: “the holiest of holies.”
I’d channeled the list - relying on my intuition instead of my head to tell me what I stand for, and when the words “holiest of holies” spilled out of me, I felt reverence for them, but also, I had no idea what they meant.
I then googled the words and learned that the Holy of Holies is the name for the inner sanctuary within the ancient temple that is believed to have once stood where The Dome of the Rock now stands.
I learned that this site is thought to have been where the foundation stone is now - inside The Dome of the Rock.
I’d never heard of the foundation stone either, but apparently, it’s a literal stone inside the temple. I first learned about it in May after I had a vision of The Dome of the Rock (referenced in the last note). In that vision, when I landed inside the temple, I placed my hands on the ground, and dust flew up around them. Before the ground beneath me turned into beautiful blue and white tiles, it was just a dusty stone. And in this vision, I then looked up, and I saw a red box.
After the vision, when I researched The Dome of the Rock (a site I was completely unfamiliar with save for its glowing golden dome), I learned of the beautiful blue and white mosaics that cover its exterior, and I learned about the stone inside, but I couldn’t find any mention of a red box.
Then, months later - as the north node was crossing through The Golden Gate - I wrote the words HOLIEST OF HOLIES, and I learned that in the Holy of Holies inside the temple, that’s where it’s believed that the gilded box known as the Ark of the Covenant was kept. I learned that historically - supposedly - the priests would perform animal sacrifice at this site, intentionally spilling blood on the ark.
And then, with the Taurus full moon, when I wondered: what’s so special about this damn dome? I learned that many people believe that it is here - inside The Dome of the Rock, at the foundation stone, within the Holy of Holies - where Heaven and Earth meet.
This - they say - is the axis mundi.
And the ark - so the story goes - when opened has the power to release a blinding light.
Like an explosion.
Like fire raging out through the top of the Dome of the Rock.
Like a beacon of golden light shooting up from the ground at the base of a plum tree.
Like all of the portals of the earth unlocking.
Like all of the people who are ready, awakening and opening their own individual portals to Heaven.
Like all the portals connecting and from them creating a blooming rose.
An invitation for God to appear on Earth now.
And all of those last words I let spill out of me despite the resistance and discomfort I feel in making claims like “God’s gonna appear on Earth now” - so I stopped writing this note, and I went about my evening, and when my husband turned on the Cavs game, I decided to open my phone and jot down what I could remember from my dream the night before. Certain details had kept returning to my mind throughout the day, including the fact that in the dream there was a book called Churches - just Churches - and it seemed important, so while he watched the game, I googled “book Churches,” and I saw the covers of many books, but one grabbed my attention right away. On the cover of a book was a face with glowing amber eyes that immediately stopped my scroll.
The eyes stopped me in my tracks because on the evening of November 24th/morning of November 25th, I had another dream:
I dreamt about being given a free flight to Israel but deciding not to go because it didn’t feel safe. Then - in my dream - I started looking at all of these necklaces, and hanging from the necklaces were stones cut in the shapes of various African countries. But what stood out to me most from the dream was that in the dream, a being came to me and told me: There will be one more day of peace before the explosion.
But the being felt like love and the message felt like a good thing. I remembered something about snow and I remembered seeing the dome again in my mind - an explosion in a temple - but all I could remember from the being, all I could see were its glowing amber eyes.
I woke from the dream, and that evening, I heard about the South African variant of Covid-19 for the first time.
The next day, on November 26th, Israel red flagged travel to and from most African countries in an effort to stop the spread.
That same day, it started snowing here - where I live in Ohio. It snowed for days and days until the snow covered the ground completely.
I was - admittedly - nervous about the virus. The message in my dream about the explosion had me fearing the worst, and I wondered - could this new variant be the explosion? But in the dream, the explosion was the temple…the focus has always been on the temple…
And I looked to the planets, and then, I saw Neptune.
Neptune is known for creating confusion and illusion - especially when retrograde - and after being retrograde since June 25th, it’s finally going direct on December 1st. And it’s going direct right beside the asteroid numbered 11529. As in B1.1.529 - the Omicron variant believed to have originated in South Africa.
We don’t have all the information, and I will always wait for the science to roll in before drawing any conclusions, and the science is coming - with this eclipse and with Neptune going direct - so please take all of this with a grain of salt and if I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I will share that my instinct tells me that actually, this variant and the snow and everything that shifted on November 26th is the result of an ethereal EXPLOSION OF LIGHT.
What some scientific experts are saying: Viruses really don’t want to kill their hosts. They - like us - want homes to live in. Burning the home to the ground? Not a great strategy for a thriving viral life. So while this new variant may spread more easily than past variants and may even spread amongst the vaccinated, it’s also possible that the virus is a lot safer and more mild, and in time, if it spreads easily, it could even become the dominant strain, which could actually make the more lethal strains disappear. If this happens, we may actually be thanking this variant for turning Covid into just another flu, and basically eliminating the threat of Covid.
This theory may turn out not to be true. The science is still out on this variant - how it spreads and how it will affect us - but this is an actual theory about what these mutations could mean. So until we have all the information, there’s no need to panic. Only a need to take extra precautions while we gather information. And then, maybe, listen to the rest of this story:
Last night, on the couch, I saw the amber eyes on the cover of what turned out to be a graphic novel version of The Book of Revelation. The eyes looked exactly like the eyes in my dream. Was I even dreaming? Or partially awake? And when I saw them there on the cover, I wondered: Whose eyes are those??? What’s that creature??
Then, my husband turned off the game, and I went back to hanging out with him, and it wasn’t until later - when we were lying in bed and he was going to sleep - that I pulled my phone back out and pulled up the information on the book.
As I was doing this, I could hear the dialogue from the random old episode of Parks & Recreation that my husband had chosen to fall asleep to. As I flipped through the pages of this book (I found a full video of it online), I heard a character on TV complaining about the overtly Christian themes in something for a time capsule, and I laughed silently because I didn’t want to wake my husband and also because that’s exactly how I felt flipping through that book! What’s with the overtly Christian themes?! I was not raised Christian and do not consider myself a Christian.
But as I flipped through the book, I saw image after image that matched various visions I’ve had for over a year…ever since the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses started…
And then I arrived at the amber eyes. I feared they belonged to the beast, but they didn’t. Quite the opposite.
The glowing amber eyes belonged to the lamb of God.
What’s the lamb of God? I wondered, and I learned that in the Book of Revelation, the lamb delivers a victory similar to the resurrected Christ, and I saw this image:
Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, with gushing blood, detail of the Ghent Altarpiece, Jan van Eyck, c. 1432. From Wikipedia.
And I saw the red box. And I wondered if the ark was mentioned anywhere in The Book of Revelation, so I googled “ark book of revelation,” and I found these words:
“Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of the covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a severe hailstorm.”
I remembered the night before: I’d heard thunder so loud that I ran downstairs to get a better view of what was happening outside. I’d never heard thunder with snow before in my life, but outside, it was thundering - my husband said he saw lightning - and hail was pounding the ground.
And now here I was - one day later, almost to the hour - reading these words from The Book of Revelation, and then, I noticed the chapter and verse that they came from, and I took a deep breath. The quote about the ark in God’s temple is from Revelation 11:19.
Like November 19th. The date of the Taurus full moon eclipse. The note in which I wrote all about bright light exploding above the golden dome of The Dome of the Rock - a temple that was built on land that is considered by many to be the axis mundi.
And I thought: Maybe The Dome is just a metaphor. Even though there have been very real material events that have transpired in Israel this month, they all feel like winks to the messages versus THE EVENT, and maybe that’s because the actual temple is ABOVE the dome. Maybe it’s the LAYER OF REALITY I saw in my vision in May - the one with the throne room and the red box. Maybe the temple I keep receiving messages about is God’s temple in heaven. Maybe that is where the fire starts - making its way down along the curved lines of infinity until it reaches us here, at the point where Heaven meets Earth.
Long story short:
This new moon eclipse leads to the end of a massive cycle that we’ve been moving through since June 2020. It connects back to The Portal of Destiny on August 27, 2020, and it’s been a fiery ride to deliver us here: THE START OF A BRIGHT NEW FUTURE. Your thinking and communicating is aligned with the future you’ve been (at times painfully) creating, but this is a more peaceful future. The path to peace is not necessarily peaceful, but the final destination is. And now, we seek to find peace in every moment. We allow God’s golden light to ripple across the earth. We allow ourselves to receive. We open our hearts to what is coming with the Gemini full moon on December 18th, and we KEEP ON TRUSTING in the fiery infinity symbol that has been anchoring us to a new, divine reality that we are only just now about to start getting a taste of. Amen.