THE GREAT DIVIDE, The Taurus/Scorpio Karmic Cycle, 2022-2023


The Great Divide

January 18, 2022
1:49 PM EST.

July 17, 2023
3:58 PM EST.

Publication Note: This was first published on January 13, 2022. On June 17, 2022, I updated the text’s tense to reflect the fact that we are no longer entering the cycle but are now firmly within the cycle and moving through it. While I’ve updated the opening text to re-contextualize the information, not a single word of the channeled story was changed. It remains exactly as it was when channeled in early January 2022. Let us begin.


The Great Divide is the name I received for the karmic cycle we entered on January 18, 2022.

A new karmic cycle begins approximately every 1.5 years when the karmic nodes of the moon change signs. There are two karmic nodes - the north node and the south node. Generally speaking, the north node speaks to where we are going (our future, our destiny) and the south node speaks to where we are coming from (our past). From May 6, 2020 to January 17, 2022, the nodes were in Gemini and Sagittarius (respectively). January 18th marked the big transition between the last karmic cycle and the one we are now moving through.

From January 19, 2022 to July 17, 2023, the nodes will be in Taurus and Scorpio.

Let this note guide you. You can return to it again and again for some extra perspective as you watch the cycle unfold over the course of these 18+ months.


The Last Time the Nodes were in Taurus & Scorpio

exactly as they are now
(north node in Taurus, south node in Scorpio):
April 14, 2003 - December 26, 2004

the inverse of what they are now
(south node in Taurus, north node in Scorpio):
August 29, 2012 - February 18, 2014

These cycles are always connected. Everything that happens during this cycle in some way connects back to what happened from 2003-2004 and from 2012-2014. This is true both collectively and personally. It’s also true that these cycles connect back MUCH FARTHER than this, connecting all the way back to events long before your birth, but since most of us just have this lifetime of memory to sift through, I offer you these most recent dates to reflect on, to see what if any themes you can recall from these periods in your life. You may want to pull out a journal as you go through this note and mark down anything that comes to mind. Starting now:

What do you remember about your life/the world from April 14, 2003 - December 26, 2004?

What do you remember about your life/the world from August 29, 2012 - February 19, 2014?

Is there a thread of connection or any major theme that you can observe moving through these periods of time?


The eclipses align with the karmic nodes of the moon and mark major moments within the cycle. Here are the eclipse dates for the Taurus/Scorpio cycle. This has already started.

November 19, 2021
27°17′ Taurus, Lunar Eclipse

April 30, 2022
10°28′ Taurus, Solar Eclipse

May 16, 2022
25°18′ Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse

October 25, 2022
2°00′ Scorpio, Solar Eclipse

November 8, 2022
16°01′ Taurus, Lunar Eclipse

May 5, 2023
14°52′ Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse

October 28, 2023
5°03′ Taurus, Lunar Eclipse

As you can see, the peak moments extend beyond the nodal cycle by a few months in both directions - reaching back into 2021 and out into 2023, making this whole cycle stretch really from November 19, 2021 - October 28, 2023.

Check your chart and observe where Scorpio and Taurus are. Determine what house(s) is ruled by each sign. The house(s) that Taurus rules marks the area(s) of your life where you are bound to see a lot of expansion throughout this cycle. The house(s) that Scorpio rules marks the area(s) of your life that you are most likely to experience a lot of release/change. The release/change that Scorpio brings is ultimately in service of the growth happening in the house that Taurus rules.

For comparison, you may want to look at the house(s) that Gemini and Sagittarius rule in your chart. Ask yourself, how did I experience growth in the area ruled by Gemini from May 2020 to January 2022? How did I experience release in the area ruled by Sagittarius?

Really, what’s the difference between growth and release? Are these not really two sides of the same thing - always occurring concurrently? Can you ever have one without the other?

Ultimately, every karmic cycle is about EXPANSION and CHANGE. Each cycle produces tension between two areas of your life. It doe this in order to help you confront and resolve this tension and create greater ease. This current cycle - The Great Divide - is ultimately creating ease by helping you embrace your truest shape here on Earth.


between beauty and truth

between depth and stagnation

between what was above and what will be below.

PLEASE NOTE: What follows is a completely channeled explanation of this karmic cycle. I have done basically nothing to edit it. This is simply how the messages moved through me as I received them. In time - and only in time - will we truly understand what they mean and how they reveal themselves during this fleeting moment of history - both fleeting and forever, as all moments are, held within the unified infinity.

This is the story.

The Great Divide starts with a WHIRRING. An undercurrent of energy, flowing beneath the surface of the earth, moving quickly and easily around the entire earth, encircling it. This energy is not impeded. It faces no obstacles in its path that it cannot overcome without even a second’s pause.

Here, we rest on Earth, living our lives, going about our days, our troubles, our worries, our whatevers. We are just going. We don’t even see THIS GREAT ENERGY UNDERNEATH OUR FEET.

But it’s moving. It’s progressing. And by midway through this cycle, it will have completely traversed the entire earth. This process takes three months.

January 19 - April 19, approximately.

This leads us into the next eclipse season on April 30th.

By then, the energy has COVERED THE SURFACE (beneath our feet, beneath the crust, we can’t see it yet). And with the eclipses, the energy penetrates down to the core of the earth, anchoring itself.

Once it reaches the core, IT FILLS IT COMPLETELY.

After this, the energy then begins to grow, reaching back out towards the surface of the earth where - towards the end of the cycle - it will sprout, eventually growing tall and strong on the surface of the earth. I’m seeing this as a TREE. A big beautiful tree. Like the tree of life HERE ON EARTH.

And I’m being reminded of this drawing from February 2021:


Except I’m not seeing the tree from space. I’m seeing the tree here on Earth. LUSH, GREEN, BEAUTIFUL, MAGICAL - FRUITFUL.

This cycle is about the EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH.

It is about the great descension of heaven to Earth. The light of Heaven FILLING THE EARTH, preparing to SPRING FORTH, and REMAKE THE EARTH.

Scorpio in many ways represents THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN AND THE SHADOW OF HELL. It represents EVERYTHING - as it is expressed in the invisible layers, what I often call “the ether.”

Taurus represents THE PHYSICAL REALITY. The visible, the tangible.

Our attention during this cycle is ON WHAT WE CAN SEE AND TOUCH, but what we can see and touch IS CHANGING.

This isn’t a separation from the spiritual.

This is an experience of the spiritual on Earth.

This cycle reduces the need to enter the ether to touch Spirit because Spirit is more accessible here on Earth.

We are releasing our dependency on the ethereal because we are experiencing it in our daily reality.


As the earth experiences this change, there is a great divide.



We will need to tend to the soft, gentle, tenderness of our bodies to take care of ourselves during this challenging time. The challenge is in THE DIVIDE.

The gap.

Between what was and what’s coming.

This may leave you at times feeling shaky and insecure - in your core - but this cycle is really about A RETURN TO SAFETY AND SECURITY.

Taurus longs for this, and we are learning what we need to let go of in order to truly experience this on Earth now, especially as these changes take hold.

These changes aren’t just happening to the earth.

They are also happening to our bodies.


My stomach.

My heart.

My feet.

I’ve been seeing this sun at my chest. At my solar plexus - and I wonder now if that’s why it received its name - and this energy - THIS HEAVEN’S LIGHT - is permeating down not just through the earth as a whole but through our individual bodies. We are experiencing the whirring under the surface, the filling up, the blooming just as the earth is experiencing it. But not everyone will experience this in the same way. Not everyone is open to experiencing this at all. But for those who are open, this will bring forth an incredibly powerful time for WORKING MAGIC ON EARTH.

Earth magic.

The shifting of material reality.

Honestly in what I’m seeing and feeling about this it feels very fantastical. Like there will be more magic available on Earth than there has been in a very, very long time. EONS.

And my whole body is very hot as I am typing.

And my logical brain is like “this sounds crazy” but my soul is like “shhhh just listen.”


There is magic.

I’m seeing crystal clear water, sparkling, running through a stream, and down stones.

I’m seeing moss in a forest.

I’m seeing fairies and butterflies.

I’m seeing this deep dark soil that is RICH with untold nutrients and power.

And I am seeing a DIVINE RECONCILIATION between plants and animals.

And I’m being reminded this morning of the murmuration of starlings that swarmed my yard today. There must have been a hundred of them. I don’t know. All I know is that they were covering the lawn and the trees, and when they moved, they moved in unison, in beautiful undulating waves.


One that we have been building to for a very long time.

But as the harmony BURSTS FORTH, there is loss and decay, and as I write that I weirdly feel this stabbing sensation in my left ovary and I am feeling a lot in my womb in general.


We’ve been experiencing the division for a while now, but with this cycle - over the next 1.5+ years (thinking ahead to October/November 2023 with the final eclipse) - the divide experiences a WIDENING. And within this widening, there is greater sorrow, and THERE IS GREATER JOY AND MAGIC.

I’m seeing now a massive fault line in the earth cracked open wide, dividing two populations of people. There is a rift/a cliff/a bridge that is never built.

And I’m being reminded of a vision I had in May 2020…right as we entered the last karmic cycle…hold on, I’m supposed to show you what I sketched then:


I sketched that leading into a Scorpio full moon. I received this vision on a Scorpio full moon. I experienced it then basically as timelines splitting and a division in human experience, but as I look at it now…I see a tree. I see a rift in experience - two populations divided. I see the symbol for Scorpio, and I see the words “the manifestation of enlightenment,” and I am reminded of the prophecy of the rose that I received in August 2021 that said we were heading towards a GOLDEN AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Based on what I was told in August 2021, I believe that with the start of this karmic cycle, we have entered that age.

That the last cycle was basically preparing for this great divide and lining everything up, and now, WE EXPERIENCE IT.

Not immediately. Not overnight. But over the course of the cycle.

The full moon in 2020 that gave me this vision was at 17°19′ Scorpio.

The final Scorpio eclipse of this karmic cycle is on May 5th - exactly three years from when I had this vision - and it is falling at 14°52′ - that’s less than three degrees from the full moon in May 2020.

This cycle feels like a time for STRONG BOUNDARIES, for yes, while we are all ultimately a part of the same unified universe, what is happening now is creating major shifts and divides, and it’s important that you stay grounded and strong in yourself and the reality YOU ARE CREATING.

This is part of your magic.

This does not mean that you deny other people’s experiences or the whole of reality. It never means that. It simply means that you focus on the thread you are weaving with each choice, each step. One step at a time. Knowing that your thread is part of the unified tapestry, but your job - YOUR JOB - is to tend to your thread in service of THE WHOLE.

It is not to stop weaving.

It is not to drop your thread to help other people with theirs. (Though some of your own thread may involve helping people with theirs.)

It is not to see what other people are doing and convince yourself that that means your thread is pointless or worthless.

This cycle brings a deep penetration of SELF WORTH IN SERVICE OF THE WHOLE.

The lessons you learn regarding all of this are paramount for what comes next. Next, there is an Aries/Libra cycle that is all about the role of the self within the collective.

As you move through this cycle and all of its BIG BEAUTIFUL MAGIC and grave uncertainty, remember this - envision this - THERE IS A BRIGHT LIGHT MOVING DOWN THROUGH YOUR BODY, DOWN THROUGH THE CROWN OF YOUR HEAD. Let this light move through you and spread through your body. Let it move out towards your hands and feet. Let yourself be a vessel for this. Let this be your greatest contribution.


There is more in the Long Story Short…

Long story short:

This karmic cycle connects to an eclipse cycle that spans from November 2021 - November 2023. During this period, it may often seem that there are two realities playing out on Earth, and it’s important to stay focused on what you are creating and not get sucked into unnecessary drama. This cycle is about FIXED ATTENTION. You are attending to your home, your heart, your power. Your body is shifting as the earth is shifting. Material reality is changing as more light from above is woven into our earthly reality. This is a powerful period for working magic - especially the latter half of the cycle. By this, I quite literally mean working magic. Making magical things happen in magical ways. We will learn more about what’s behind this magic in the years to come. There will be MORE INFORMATION. New research and data. We are entering A GOLDEN AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT NOW. In other words, we are moving INTO THE LIGHT.

Commit to The Practice of Eternal Light with this special meditation created for this cycle.

Virginia Mason Richardson

I am a writer, illustrator, and designer with over twenty years of experience, including 9+ years creating custom (no-template) Squarespace designs.

Aquarius New Moon: February 1, 2022


Cancer Full Moon: January 17, 2022