Aries Full Moon: October 9, 2022
Aries Full Moon,
October 9, 2022
peaking at 4:54 P.M. EST
happening at 16°33’ Aries
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
fun fact: this audio ended up being exactly 77.7 MB 😊
What does it mean to heal the earth?
Could a planet ever be broken?
Could you?
This Aries full moon is about HEALING.
This healing is not a sign that’s something’s broken - like a bone, split in two, needing to be set back in place. This healing is much more akin to a wilted flower, simply in need of some water, some sun, a repositioned pot. It arrives through a shift in circumstances - some small, some large - that allows life to not just survive but to flourish and thrive.
Together, we help heal the earth by healing the ego, the billions of egos - each carving its own territory within the collective body of everything and everyone.
Can you see it?
All of the minds - the billions of minds - all around the earth, spinning their stories inside their bodies and above their heads like Magic 8 Balls of possibility? Except instead of twenty basic answers, each ball holds a little bit of EVERYTHING. An infinite world of creation, experienced as separate but actually a part of a larger, interconnected world.
Left: a sketch of “billions” of magic 8 balls held within one large magic 8 ball. Right: a sketch of cells under a microscope.
Now, imagine that the whole earth is like a Magic 8 Ball.
Imagine some great God-like force coming and shaking the ball.
Every time, these larger shakes affect the shaking of the billions of individual Magic 8 Balls.
They change what’s possible. Or rather, they change what we - individually - are able to see and understand as being possible.
And we keep getting shaken.
Sometimes, after the shakes, it takes a while for our individual balls to settle, for the “answer” to rise clearly in view.
Now is a time when THE ANSWER RISES.
For we have been shaken, and the answer has changed, and now, we see.
This Aries full moon is an outgrowth of events from April 1-15, 2022.
Imagine the ocean, imagine a new wave forming, imagine it rising and rising and then cresting.
That’s basically what happened from April 1-15th, and now? That same wave is breaking, it’s settling back into the great ocean of everything.
But that’s not just happening for you. It’s happening to the earth.
What happened to the earth in early April? What great wave rose?
And why is that the question: “What great wave rose”?
I’ve been writing about moon cycles for four+ years, and I’ve never before seen it in my mind like this: like a great wave rising and breaking.
And so I wonder, quite literally: what great wave rose?
After some research, I learn that five tropical storms formed globally in April, which is more than average. They caused catastrophic flooding in South Africa and deadly landslides in Colombia and the Philippines. When I read this, I immediately think of all the flooding caused by storms over the last few weeks. I see the island of Puerto Rico drowning in water. I see homes torn apart in Southwest Florida. I see people wading through water where once there was a street in the Philippines, and then I see how that same storm arrived in Vietnam, flooding Da Nang. I see water like waves, and then I think: a great wave really is a tsunami. So, out of curiosity, I search “tsunami April 2022,” and I learn that April 2022 was Tsunami Awareness Month in Hawaii. I read:
“Tsunamis can happen at any time of the day, and with little or no warning. Unlike hurricanes, there is no season for tsunamis – they can happen all year round. Earthquakes generally cause tsunamis.”
And I think about the idea of the earth being shaken. I think of all the words and images that have moved through me so far while writing this story. They weren’t planned. They simply arrived, flowing freely through my being as pictures and ideas I’d never even imagined before now.
And perhaps this is all just that - imagination.
Or perhaps - it’s something more.
Just now, as I typed that, the words appeared in bold. I did not consciously press the keys to make the words bold. I did not choose “bold” text. I simple typed “imagination” and then hit enter, and when I went to type the next words - “Or perhaps ” - the text was suddenly boldened, drawing our attention close:
Perhaps all of this is something more.
I feel intense heat between my shoulder blades as I type. I feel warm soothing energy all around my neck and over my chest and down my arms - like a blanket, like protection, like whatever’s in this “something more” is safe.
The Aries full moon time lasts from October 9 through October 24th. It is leading us into Eclipse Season, which starts on October 25th.
I can’t say for sure what it has in store, and my goodness, my computer just made this text bold too. I did not select this. Okay…so now I wonder: what big message wants to move through in bold?
I let it move through me:
But…I promise this time will be powerful. This time will change things.
I feel in my solar plexus the shifting of the earth. I see in my mind the shifting of plates.
I see the image from the Mars retrograde story of the heart split into so many pieces, and I think…if this is what happens - IF - then how is this not a break? How is this just like a wilted flower? And then I remember the image of the wave - breaking now, not like a bone, but like water, settling back into the ocean.
And now I just see water, so much water arriving on the shore, and “THIS IS HOPEFUL.” I hear: This is hopeful.
Like the water itself is full of hope.
And I think - isn’t there an asteroid for hope? Yes, yes, “The Spirit of Hope.” The goddess Elpis, asteroid #59.
I feel something tight in my throat now. I let out a cough.
(All of this wants to be in bold. I don’t know why.)
Where’s asteroid #59?
I go to my software to enter the number, and I see that the date I have entered is not October 9, 2022 - the date of this full moon - but instead, it’s October 1, 2020. The date of the Aries full moon from 2020. A full moon that like this full moon (and just like the Aries new moon in April) fell right next to the asteroid Chiron.
I hear my first astrology teacher’s words in my ears now, describing the asteroid Chiron: It wounds, and it heals.
So I enter asteroid #59, and I leave the date - October 1, 2020 - and I see:
In October 2020, the asteroid Elpis crossed the karmic south node of the moon. A few days later, it crossed the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. All of this symbolizes a huge RESETTING OF HOPE. A purging of hope, a loss of hope, that ultimately leads to the RESTORATION OF HOPE.
It’s like the water itself is full of hope.
And I hear in my mind a phrase that repeated itself in The Magic Guide in December 2020:
Let the water flow.
Let the water flow.
Let the water flow.
The water is literal, and the water is a metaphor.
There was indeed a tsunami in October 2020.
Just like there was another tsunami coupled with a major shockwave that shook the earth at the start of 2022. That shockwave circled the earth for days, and according to the story of The Great Divide, it didn’t totally finish until April, with the Aries new moon.
Just like in October 2020, the April 2022 Aries moon was conjunct Chiron at approximately 10 degrees, but this time, the asteroid Elpis was crossing the north node of the moon, aka the destiny point. That April moon helped aligned our destiny with the SPIRIT OF HOPE.
These three Aries moons (October 2020, April 2022, and now) are all working together as part of a huge healing cycle. The October 2020 and April 2022 moons created a massive resetting of hope that will only now begin to be more clearly realized now.
Reflect back to April 7, 2022 (give or take a few days on either side). This was the day that Elpis perfectly aligned with the destiny point: What happened in your life then?
Look to your journals, calendars, camera roll, etc. to help you remember, and look the image below to more fully understand how these three moons are working together. The two past moons laid the foundation for what’s to come now (through October 24th and ushering us into Eclipse Season).
A Healing Cycle of Hope
October 1, 2020 - October 24, 2022
Hope Restored?
Something is happening.
Something has been happening.
Something akin to a war in the invisible layers of reality.
A war that is testing our hope - causing it to bend back and forth.
There is HOPE, but there is also hope because hope is needed.
Because as more and more light makes its way across the earth, there is resistance. There is a counter offense. There is war. In matter and spirit.
I started receiving messages about the war in May 2021.
It was then - after six months of visions of various images at my chest (everything from a golden hexagram to a swirling ring of fire to a blooming rose) - that I was handed a golden key. In my mind’s eye, I saw it, and I knew what to do with it: I placed it in my heart.
Afterwards, the evolving vision of my heart space expanded even further, and I started seeing my heart as a golden vortex, a tunnel reaching past a garden and out into space and all the way towards infinity. I saw this in my mind, and in my body, I felt pangs. Pangs of pain in my heart. Fluttering in my heart. All sorts of sensations in my heart, and I heard (intuitively): “WE ARE FORTIFYING YOUR HEART FOR WAR/BATTLE.”
We are fortifying your heart for war.
And I wrote in parentheses: “spiritual, not physical in the traditional sense.”
That message arrived two days before a Taurus new moon - the last Taurus moon before the two year Taurus eclipse cycle started in November 2021.
These Aries moons (the one in April 2022 and the one now) have been falling right before Taurus eclipses.
It is all connected.
And when I string all of the stories and messages from the Taurus moons together…they are telling a clear story…a story about a war…I’ll save that story for the next moon, but I share all of this now to say that what happens during this Aries full moon time is paving the wave to the next big moment in the Taurus eclipse cycle story, a story that’s connected to the karmic cycle of The Great Divide. A story that is in many ways about war and the restoration of a great big hope inside your heart.
This spiritual war is rippling through nations and through the matter that makes the earth.
We are seeing it in major climate events like the volcanic eruption near Tonga in January 2022 and in events like the Nord Stream explosion earlier this month. Events rippling and shaking the earth, shaking it again and again, leaving a great big question mark in the screen of the Magic 8 Ball that is Earth.
But something happens now…something that (at least for a bright shining moment) brings an answer into view.
This is just the middle of the story. It’s not the end.
This full moon conjuncts the asteroids Chiron, Gaea, Angelica, and Bella.
It looks like this:
In the golden circle, you’ll see Chiron, Gaea, Angel(ica), and Bella, nestled together around the same spot in Aries, the same spot where this full moon is falling. You may also notice that they all have a little “r” next to them. This means that every one of these asteroids is currently retrograde, simply meaning that everything happening now is not the end. It’s part of a larger cycle.
Chiron represents wounding and healing.
Gaea represents the earth.
And Angelica and Bella? They are quite literal, referencing “angel” and “beautiful.”
The story the stars are telling is that this full moon brings a beautiful, angelic healing of the earth. A great transcendence.
A transcendence echoed by the sun, which is conjunct the asteroids Psyche and Pele.
Rooted in Greek mythology, Psyche tells the story of transcending from the mortal realm to the heavenly realm, and from Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the goddess of sacred earthly changes.
And so with this moon, we have sacred earthly changes coupled with transcendence on one side, and a beautiful, angelic healing of the earth on the other side.
We will feel this. We will feel it shaking things, and we will feel tensions (momentarily) ease.
During this full moon, Mercury completes its retrograde cycle, Pluto goes direct, and so does Saturn (on October 23rd).
Whatever happens, remember HOPE.
Let yourself be awash in hope.
Let it enter your heart.
Imagine it - like golden light - filling you up from the inside out.
And for when fear and anxiety try to get the best of you, I created this - A Bedtime Blessing (part channeled story, mostly energy healing) for you to listen to as you are falling asleep at night:
May we all be blessed.
May the land be blessed.
May we - with all our thoughts and ideas and questions and uncertainty - know and trust deep down that we are already blessed.
We aren’t in need of any fixing.
We are forever held in the protective care of a bright, bright light in a mysterious world that despite all our prodding struggles to be understood, but still, inside, in your heart, you know what’s true.
You already know.
This life is one big blessing.
Long story short:
The Aries full moon time lasts from October 9-24th, leading us into Eclipse Season. This is a powerful time, bringing FOUNDATIONAL changes, great healing changes. These changes might not always feel good. They may at times be scary. They are quite literally shifting matter, changing the earth - affecting all of us - but this time is an outgrowth of a great healing cycle that started with the Aries moons in October 2020 and April 2022. The big message? A RESTORATION OF HOPE.