Scorpio New Moon Eclipse: October 25, 2022
Scorpio New Moon Eclipse: October 25, 2022
peaking at 6:48 A.M. EST
happening at 2°00’ Scorpio
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
You are glowing - glowing from the inside out - glowing.
This isn’t a metaphor.
But a scientific fact.
I was thinking about this while brushing my teeth in the morning.
A question on Jeopardy the week before had piqued my interest - something about human bioluminescence. I’d never heard of such a thing, so I searched the words: human bioluminescence.
I found a bunch of articles from thirteen years ago, when the study was first published: “Imaging of Ultraweak Spontaneous Photon Emission from Human Body Displaying Diurnal Rhythm.”
I looked for something more recent than 2009 and quickly failed. Nevertheless, the results were conclusive then: We glow, are glowing, especially at night, especially around the crowns of our heads.
Wait, that isn’t what the study showed, but those are the words I’m hearing now: We glow strongest at night, around the crowns of our heads.
The study was small. It featured just five people - all male, all in their twenties - and only gathered data between 10AM and 10PM.* Based on this incredibly limited information, the researchers were able to prove that humans do indeed glow. We are bioluminescent, emitting light from our body that’s unrelated to heat and possibly the result of metabolic processes within our cells. Our light is strongest in the late afternoon, glowing from our lips and chins and cheeks, but even then, it’s so faint that it’s invisible to the human eye.
Still, I can’t help but wonder how we look to hummingbirds and bees, creatures adapted to perceive the light radiating from flowers.
And I can’t help but wonder if some people are capable of seeing this light. Perhaps that’s what they mean when they describe seeing an aura. Perhaps that’s what I saw that one time when the girl in front of me was suddenly glowing - a shimmering light radiating around her shoulders and face.
And I can’t help but wonder now how bright we get between the hours of 10PM and 10AM. I wonder what our light looks like then, especially at the crown of our heads.
And I wonder if there’s a difference between men and women, between different points in the cycle of the moon, between different stages of our lives.
I wonder what would happen if the knowledge from this super tiny study was taken further. The knowledge that WE GLOW.
To capture the glow of the human body, participants had to strip naked and sit in a completely dark, light-sealed room. A highly sensitive, freezing cold camera - capable of detecting as little as one photon of light - was pointed in their direction. This is what it saw:
image from the published study in PLOS
The blue areas of the body represent where basically no photons were detected, but the green, yellow, and red? That’s where light was shining.
You can see the spectrum of photon activity in the square in the bottom righthand corner. You can see how it moves from blue to yellow with green in between, like a bridge.
And as I looked at this, I couldn’t help but think of my dream from August 15th:
I dreamt that the tree of life was sick. It was radiating this neon blue light, but by the end of the dream, the tree was healed, and the light had become golden.
The light had changed from blue to gold.
I was thinking of all of this when an email landed in my inbox. It was from a place that sends me at least two emails a week. Most of the time, I don’t even open them, but this time, it caught my attention and called me close. Inside, I was shocked to see these bananas:
image from The Marginalian
Bananas that appeared to be shifting from blue to gold, like the tree in my dream and the hexagonal jet stream at Saturn’s north pole and the men in the human bioluminescence study.
I was thinking about them while brushing my teeth in the morning.
I was thinking about the hummingbirds that fly towards the feeder by my living room window and how sometimes, instead of going for the food, they pause in front of the glass and seem to stare straight at me.
I was thinking about our glowing, shining bodies, getting brighter and brighter as the day goes on until 4PM arrives, and suddenly our faces are all aglow at the place where we eat and drink and kiss and speak. I was thinking that this is important, and somehow, this Scorpio new moon eclipse is connected to the fact that we glow.
In my mind, I saw the moon passing in front of the sun, partially blocking its light - not actually changing its light, but changing how we see it - and I suddenly knew: “There’s an asteroid aligned with this eclipse that means something like glowing or shining or light.”
I put my toothbrush down and turned on the TV, but before I could hit play on anything, my fingers were on my phone screen, entering asteroid #47 into my planetary mapping software. It was the only asteroid I could think of, the asteroid Aglaea, Greek for “shining one.”
When I did this, I saw that Aglaea was conjunct my sun. In other words, it was almost in the exact same spot in the sky (as seen from Earth) as where the sun was on the day I was born. This coincidence felt meaningful, but only to me/for me, and this message - the message of our glowing bodies - isn’t about me. It’s about all of us. It’s for all of us, and Aglaea - I knew - wasn’t the right asteroid.
That’s when I looked up from my phone and saw the name ASTRID - in yellow gold - shining on the TV screen in front of me.
photo taken on the morning of October 15, 2022
I remembered there was an asteroid by that name. I’d learned this fact in January 2021 during a time when hexagons and the number 17 seemed to be following me everywhere. So much so that one day - out of nowhere - my husband pulled an old jewelry box out of the closet. It had belonged to his grandmother, and unbeknownst to me, had been up there for years. He'd forgotten all about it, but one day, in January 2021, he just happened to see it. He handed it to me and said something like, Oh! This goes with the watch I gave you.
The box was green, in the shape of a hexagon, and inside, the words “seventeen jewels” were printed in gold on the cream lining. When he gave it to me, he had no idea about the synchronicity of it all. He didn’t know about the hexagon or the number seventeen inside the box, and he didn’t know about the jewelry I currently had sitting in a digital shopping cart.
It was a pair of green rose cross earrings. I felt so drawn to them, like I had to have them. The symbolism of the rose cross had been coming up for me ever since a powerful dream one month earlier, but I was feeling cheap, like I shouldn’t spend the money. Then, he handed me the box, and the next day, a bizarre accounting error resulted in me receiving an unexpected sum that was the exact cost of the earrings. Exact. And so, I went to buy the earrings, but before I did, I saw these other earrings. They were small and green and shaped like a hexagon. They reminded me of the box, and they were named Astrid.
It was then that I learned that the name Astrid means “divinely beautiful.” Or really, more precisely - from the Old Norse - it means “beautiful god.”
And this is what I remembered when I saw the name ASTRID staring at me from the TV screen.
I removed Aglaea from my mapping software and replaced it with Astrid, and that’s when I saw that on this Scorpio new moon eclipse - the eclipse happening on October 25, 2022 - not only are the sun and moon meeting at the same place in the sky (as they do with every new moon) but the asteroid Astrid is conjunct the eclipse. All planetary bodies - sun, moon, and Astrid - aligning at approximately 2 degrees Scorpio. And they aren’t alone. The planet Venus is also there:
The moon (with the eclipse) will actually be at the exact same spot as the sun and Venus, not off to the right as depicted here.
Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, the planet Venus has many associations, and because it is often the last “star” shining in the morning, it is known as the morning star.
And with that, just like with Astrid, I am taken back to January 2021, for it was then - on January 7, 2021 - that I first learned that Venus is known as the morning star and that “morning star” has come to be associated with the devil (aka Lucifer) in Christian mythology. Somehow, over time, a planet named after a powerful, beautiful goddess figure became linguistically conflated with the story of the devil, and the name Lucifer - it turns out - has been associated with the planet Venus for far longer than it was ever associated with the devil.
Why would names associated with the only planet named after a goddess (instead of a god) become associated with “the devil”? Well…I’ll let you fill in that blank, and simply say for now that the name Lucifer did not begin as some harbinger of doom. Rather, from the Latin, Lucifer translates to mean “light bringer” (and from the Greek, “shining one”).
Venus is the light-bringing morning star, and on this new moon eclipse, it aligns with the sun and moon and Astrid, bringing great light even as the light from the sun is partially blocked. And so with this, the story of this new moon time (October 25 - November 7) begins to come into focus: This is a time of great beauty, of love, of literal glowing light.
For even when we can’t see it, there is light.
I finally press play on the TV and find myself pausing for some reason just a few minutes in, pausing with exactly 39:39 left.
I wonder…
I enter it into my software and see that asteroid #39 is also aligning right at two degrees Scorpio on the new moon eclipse! How is this the way the world works?!
I laugh, I smile, I’m overwhelmed by the divine beauty of whatever it is that’s revealing each of these asteroids like a paper fortune teller, moving between the fingers of the universe, stopping to reveal what’s written under that square there and this square here.
Here: asteroid #39, aka Laetitia, arriving to help clarify any lingering concern over the notion of Lucifer shining while the sun is blocked.
Laetitia translates from Latin to mean “happy, glad, jubilant, prosperous, abounding.” She was a fertility goddess associated with celebrations, and on Roman coins, she was depicted at times as an anchor for stability and at other times, as a rudder on a ship, helping to guide people towards prosperity.
And that’s what this new moon eclipse time is doing - blessing us with an awareness of divine beauty, guiding us towards prosperity, leading us to the full moon eclipse on November 8th - the very day of the midterm elections in America.
Which takes me back yet again to January 2021.
For it was then, on January 6, 2021, that America’s last major election was met with violence and lies, and it was then that the planet Venus aligned with the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and it was then that I saw A GREAT LIGHT - like a beacon, radiating out across all the land - and it was then that I wrote a story…I told the truth about what I saw that day, and the very day that I (in all my knee-shaking vulnerability) hit publish on that story, my husband handed me a green box, and the money for the earrings magically arrived, and I learned about Astrid.
And somehow…everything happening now - in the synchronicities and the stars - is taking me back to then, and it’s not a coincidence. It can’t just be a coincidence that I’m being reminded of all of this just as the next election is approaching.
And I close my eyes, and I remember the great golden light I saw in January 2021, and I think of the JUBILATION expressed after the 2020 election results were finalized. (That was the word used all over the news: “jubilant.”) And I think of Laetitia, and I feel joy, and I remember: there’s another asteroid!
It was revealed to me first…before Astrid and before Laetitia…back in September. On September 9th, I saw that the sun would soon conjunct the asteroid Truth (named in honor of Sojourner Truth), and I marked my calendar then. For the day of October 24, 2022, I wrote in all caps: DAY OF GOLDEN TRUTH.
That’s what’s coming right before this election, with this eclipse: TRUTH.
The truth of all the light that is there even when our eyes can’t see it.
The light that has been there - radiating across the land - despite the challenges to it, despite the fact that for most of us, most of the time, it remains invisible.
If only we had a highly sensitive, freezing cold camera capable of detecting it. Maybe then we’d see that we are glowing and the very air we breathe is glowing and the earth is glowing and all the world is glowing, and now is a time to remember that the world you see through your eyes is not the world as it is.
Rather, there is more.
So much more.
Shining all around us.
The world is shining now, shining like our bodies - through our auras - and of course, it just so happens that on this new moon eclipse, the asteroid Aura is conjunct the destiny point. Really, how is this the way the world works?!
It just does. It does. It works in magic and miracles and mystery, and all of us - held in the whole unfathomably large collective body of everything - are being aligned with a previously, mostly invisible light. We are being guided to SEE IT, to see THE TRUTH OF IT.
And while the skeptic in me sees all the devastating things happening in the world and resists letting hope take hold, hope is what I feel. A smile is what’s upon my face. Not yet glowing (I imagine) at 10:15 AM.
But soon, soon.
Upper Circle: Astrid, Laetitia, Truth, and Venus conjunct the sun and moon.
Bottom Circle: Aura conjunct the north node (aka destiny point).
This Scorpio new moon eclipse begins a period for seeding divinely beautiful truth, joy, and literal light. It is bringing a huge reset to our collective aura, our external “energy.”
How the world sees us and how we are seen.
This time now is aligning and changing the light - the light as we see it, the light as it is.
It is guiding us towards greater prosperity and stability.
I hear the lyrics “shine bright like a diamond.”
And the words “prepare for celebration.”
The new moon time lasts from October 25th through November 7th.
What starts now will greatly impact what’s to come in November with the next eclipse, and what happens now will just keep building and evolving, leading us to the final Scorpio eclipse of the Scorpio/Taurus eclipse cycle on May 5, 2023.
Take some time now to reflect back to January 2021 and also to the period of time around October 17, 2017.
On October 17, 2022, I received SO MANY MESSAGES about how this time now is connected to five years ago. I went back to my notes and pictures from then and realized that a number of things from my life in October 2017 were happening again in the most bizarrely specific of ways. Almost like the world of now is holding a mirror to the world of then and simply reflecting it back.
What’s the connection? I wondered.
And then I saw that from October 17-25, 2017, the planet Jupiter was crossing two degrees of Scorpio, right where this new moon eclipse is happening.
What came into your life then - in October 2017?
Watch and see how it evolves and flourishes now.
It’s a time of miracles.
It’s a time of miracles.
It’s a time of miracles.
That’s what was running through my head as I sensed I was missing something about this new moon time.
Then, I randomly learned about Lazarus Syndrome, the rare medical occurrence of people essentially coming back from the dead, and my husband turned on Jeopardy to see that it was time for the first-ever “second chance” tournament. And for whatever reason, all of this felt important. Like somehow this notion of coming back and getting a second chance was related to the eclipse.
I vaguely remembered that there’s an asteroid that means “to be reborn/to rise again,” but I couldn’t remember its name. All I remembered was that it started with the letters “re.” It was on the tip of my tongue and nagging at me, but after a few minutes of trying to find it, I let it go. I reminded myself that if something is important, it will always reveal itself through the great paper fortune teller that is the universe. I don’t need to go looking for it.
Ten and a half hours later, I rose from my sleep.
It was 3:30 AM, and these lyrics from “American Pie” were streaming through my mind:
“Did you write the book of love and do you have faith in God above, if The Bible tells you so?”
My husband had played the song the night before, so it wasn’t completely bizarre that I was hearing it. That said…we listen to music every night, and I don’t typically wake to it playing in my mind. But for some reason, on this night, the song woke me, and of all the words, it was those that were playing - over and over again - almost like they were being sung to me, coaxing me awake:
“Did you write the book of love and do you have faith in God above, if The Bible tells you so?”
The words “book of love” caught my attention.
Years ago, I wrote a book, and while I was writing it, I just kept hearing (in my mind) that it was called “The Book of Love.” So…I wrote The Book of Love, but I didn’t know then that a book of love already existed. I didn’t learn this until I woke at 3:30 in the morning with Don McLean’s song streaming through my mind.
I searched the words: The Book of Love
I learned that it’s the title of a couple of songs and a movie, but also, it’s the name of John 1 in the The Bible. Given the fact that the rest of the lyrics mention The Bible, I figured maybe that’s what Don was talking about. I made a mental note to learn more later, put my phone back down, and closed my eyes only to have them immediately open wide with instructions on where to find the “re” asteroid.
I picked up my phone again to see the time - 3:33 AM.
And that’s when I found it: asteroid #575, Renate.
An asteroid that I had first written about…it turns out…in January 2021…in the story I wrote about January 6th…the story of the great golden light permeating the invisible layers of reality. The light that was there that we could not see except for on that day, for whatever reason, I saw it.
I entered number 575 into my mapping software and that’s when I saw that like Astrid and Venus and Laetitia, Renate is also conjunct this Scorpio new moon solar eclipse:
While Renate is not as perfectly conjunct as the other asteroids, it’s still very close and positioned within the range of a conjunction.
In other words, this new moon is not just a time of divinely beautiful, joyous truth, but it’s about THE REBIRTH OF TRUTH.
The rising of what was buried and dead.
The miracle of second chances.
The coming of a great golden light.
The coming of something for you and me and everyone.
I was reminded of this fact at 3:33 AM.
When - I wonder - if the crown of my head was glowing bright.
The next morning, when I was fully awake, curiosity drove me to read John 1.
I’d never read it before, and as any longtime Magic Guide reader could tell you, I don’t go out of my way to read spiritual/religious texts, but sometimes, when I feel guided to specific passages (be it in The Bible or the Quran or the Bhagavad Gita), I will read them.
And on this day, I was guided to John 1, and I started to read:
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it…The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world…‘Do you believe?…Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened.’”
And I remember that I did.
And I think of all the stories told by people who’ve nearly died and the memories of heaven spoken by children too young to have forgotten, and the research currently being conducted at UVA.
And “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,” asking you to remember.
Remember all the light you cannot see.
Remember where you come from.
Remember who you are.
Remember the divine beauty weaving through everything from pictures of bananas to advertisements on TV screens.
Remember, remember, remember.
For there are reasons to believe even when reason itself tells us that we don’t know a thing.
We don’t know a thing at all.
To be continued…
Long story short:
This new moon eclipse is the first of two eclipses. The next is coming on November 8th - election day in America - and everything in the stars now takes me back to memories of January 6, 2021, to the events that day at the American Capitol and the great light I saw through all the pain. That light is showing itself again now. The invisible is being made seen. The very nature of light - literal, physical light - is changing in terms of how we see it and how we understand it, for we are made of star stuff, and we glow in the afternoon, and our shining bodies are all connected, forming one bright glowing body. And the light is changing, and we are being propelled towards prosperity and joy and truth. TRUTH is rising now. What was buried and thought dead is rising now. This is a time for second chances and new beginnings, all culminating at its first peak on November 8th and again on May 5, 2023. Read this story, invite it into your heart, but otherwise, I don’t sense that there’s much to do right now. Not much at all but rest and be and let the light GLOW through you and through us all.
The Tip Jar
Every dollar says thank you and helps keep the story going - for everyone, for free.
* Technically, in the bioluminescence study, the researchers also gathered some data overnight. However, for some reason, they only looked at the glow of the body after it was kept intentionally awake and forced to sit in bright light as if it were day. In other words, the overnight data collected doesn’t actually tell us anything about what our light is doing while we are asleep.