Gemini Full Moon: December 7, 2022
Gemini Full Moon: December 7, 2022
peaking at 11:08 P.M. EST
happening at 16°02’ Gemini
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
I looked at the news in the morning, and there, on the NPR homepage, I saw the image of a burning heart in a young woman’s chest. It was from the cover of an album released on my birthday - November 18th - the same day that doctors placed two stents in my uncle’s heart in an attempt to keep it beating. It was his birthday too. A healed heart for his birthday! I thought. I hoped. But the stents didn’t take, and one week later, his heart stopped beating altogether.
“And in the darkness, hearts aglow,” the woman sung as I found myself writing about diamonds forged from heat and pressure deep in the earth. My email pinged as an unexpected message arrived. It was from another woman, sharing how her son had been on the TV show Forged in Fire. She included an image of his winning sword. A raging fire was burning behind its multi-toothed blade, split in two at the end, like a mouth, ready to consume us whole.
A quick search on the sword - known as the Teeth of the Tegha - revealed that the split-tip blade is a powerful symbol in Islam. It’s inspired by a legendary sword named Zulfiqar.
Legend goes that Muhammad asked God to give him a sword. He saw it in a dream, and it magically appeared in his hands during battle. Muhammad then threw it to a man whose sword was broken.
And when I saw the sword, all I could think of was this:
I first drew the sword of truth in March 2021. I didn’t show it to anyone then. I simply drew it for myself, based on a vision I had on March 23, 2021. March 23rd? Why is that date familiar? I flip back to the legend I just learned about, and I read: “Muhammad acquired the sword on the day of Badr, after he had seen it in a dream concerning the day of Uhud.” My cursor hovers over the hyperlinked text day of Uhud, revealing the words: “The Battle of Uhud was fought on Saturday, 23 March 625 AD.”
March 23rd…
The truth is that I hadn’t easily remembered when I’d drawn the sword or why. I had to go through my portfolio of illustrations to find the general time period when I created the image. Then, I had to search my camera roll to find the exact day I sketched it (March 29, 2021), and then I had to ask the question: Why did I draw this then?
I opened my journal from 2021. I search for “sword,” and that’s when I read in an entry dated March 23, 2021:
Middle of the night vision: I called in [the angel] Michael for protection. He said he’s always there. He was carrying a flaming sword of truth. Then he stuck it into my stomach as a test. It didn’t hurt at all, and I easily pulled it out with my hands. My hands were unharmed by the flames. FREE FROM ILLUSION.
I had forgotten this completely, forgotten it until the fiery split-tip sword arrived in my inbox during the new moon time, a time for which I’d written:
“On this new moon, don’t go looking for fire, but notice if and when and how it appears. If it comes to you, take it as a sign. A sign of what? That’s for you to explore. Don’t assume to know the answer, simply let the answer burn through you, in time, as all things do.”
The fire was burning through me, through the blade of the fiery sword of truth, and I remembered that for a while after the vision in March 2021, I would use the sword as a visualization exercise. I would close my eyes, and in my mind, I would visualize the fiery sword inside my stomach. I’d tune into how it felt, and if it didn’t hurt, I took it as a sign that whatever I was considering doing was aligned with whatever it is in this world that is True, and if it did hurt, I would draw my attention to the pain and to whatever thought was causing the fire to burn me. In short, I used the sword to help me make sure that whatever I was thinking and doing was aligned with what was true for me. At some point, I stopped doing this exercise, and I forgot all about it, flash forward to the end of November 2022, and I was facing the fiery sword of truth again.
Truth, I wondered, where is it?
I entered the asteroid named Truth into my software and saw that on the very day the image of the fiery sword arrived, the asteroid Truth was exactly aligned with the south node of the moon - not just for me, but for all of us.
the little u-shaped horseshoe is the south node of the moon
At the end of November, the truth came for me. It came. It poured itself down my face in a rush of tears that would not stop, left my eyes all puffy and red:
Like the tip of the blade, our world is split in two. Not actually. Not at the center or at the outer reaches of things, but in between, in our minds, it’s a pulverized thing, torn in half, and most of us are so sold on the half in which we live, we can’t even see the break.
I saw it clearly at the end of November. I cried and cried and cried. My husband knocked gently on the bedroom door, asked to come in, wrapped his arms around me, and held me as the fire burned.
I eventually spoke through the tears: I don’t know if you’ll understand this, and I fear you won’t respect it, but for the last six years, I have had the incredible privilege of living completely according to this great energy I feel moving through me, connecting me to everything, guiding me every step of the way with every single thing I do. For me, this is God, and today, for the first time in six years, I felt like I wasn’t allowed to follow it.
I had agreed to help a company part time and had spent the day working for them over Zoom. Throughout the day, I was at the whim of their schedule and their requests, and
I felt like I was ripped away from God. I know I wasn’t actually. I know God is always there, but I couldn’t feel it anymore. I was so busy, I stopped feeling it. I stopped feeling God.
Thankfully, despite my fears, my husband didn’t judge me. He simply said, That sounds terrible. I’m so sorry.
And in that moment, I asked: Is this how most people feel most of the time? So focused on everything in front of them and all the to-dos that they can’t even feel it? They can’t feel God?
And my heart broke even wider, and I cried thinking about all the people all over the world who go about their days never feeling the great current moving through us or maybe only feeling it sometimes - perhaps at the end of yoga class or when they’re walking through the woods. And I saw in my mind a world in which everyone stopped doing what they were doing and instead, dove into the current and let it carry them.
For the last six years, I have let myself be carried. I got there and I stayed there by slowing down and focusing my attention on the sensation of the energy inside me and all around me. I got there by listening to it and following it, and mostly, I got there by saying NO to the great force society tries to exert on me, asking me to bend to its will instead of God’s. And I think I’d been in the current so long that I forgot how it felt not to feel it. And I think that’s why at the end of November, the current pushed me ashore so I would feel - at least for a moment - how cold and hard and lonely it is out of the water. So I could feel the pain of the fiery sword of truth when I build my day around a bunch of lies.
I missed you, I missed you, I said to God, and We have to stop! I told my husband. We have to stop living this way, torn in half, unable to see, feel, or move in relation to our own being and in relation to what is for me - God.
Not the God from any text or any specific religion or anything any one person can teach you but the God that only you can know and understand as you feel the weight of your own being being carried by the current. Your weight is not my weight. Your path not my path. But regardless of whatever shape and name it takes, in my mind, God is God. Truth is Truth. I was reminded of this the day after my tearful breakdown.
I sat at a table in a restaurant with two older women. I’d met one of them months earlier, and ever since, she’d been telling me, You have to meet Linda! And as walked through the restaurant door, it felt special that I was finally meeting her now of all days - the day after my breakdown.
We sat at the table and ordered biscuits and avocado toast. Linda sat across from me, and I listened in awe as she told me her story. I won’t tell it in detail here because it is hers not mine, but in short, thirteen years earlier, she was hit by a car. She suffered a traumatic brain injury that forced her to basically have to relearn everything, but during the healing process, she learned something new, something unexpected.
She started seeing and feeling this great energy moving through her and connecting everything. She was having incredible experiences of being in this bright white space and communicating with angels and strangers’ deceased loved ones. She described everything here and everything everywhere as existing beyond space and time. It’s pure perfection, she told me as tears welled in her eyes because she could see and feel it then, the perfection of everything.
And then she said that as her brain healed, she slowly stopped experiencing this perfection. She stopped living every moment according to the great energy that she too had come to know as God. Now, for her, her connection to this perfection is like a light switch. She can turn it on and off, entering the current whenever she consciously chooses, but otherwise, she’s back experiencing life much the way she did before the accident.
And only when she shared that with me did I tell her about my breakdown the night before: It was like the light switch was turned off completely. And why would I ever want to turn it off? Why would any of us ever want to turn it off?
Which is not to say that I don’t have any personal boundaries. I have happily learned how to turn certain aspects of my spiritual connection on and off (specifically the receiving of psychic information for other people), but in doing that, I do not have to place a boundary between myself and the flow of the current. In fact, if there’s psychic information that really wants to come through, the current seems to always let me know when I need to turn that particular light back on, and ultimately, my experience isn’t exactly the same as Linda’s.
When she turns on the light switch, she just goes straight to that place of pure perfection, and when she turns it off, she’s back in the “normal” human experience. But for me, I experience the world in layers. I am almost always simultaneously experiencing both the outermost layer of pure perfection and the inner layers running through our human experience, and my breakdown the day before came because for a few hours there, I stopped seeing the outermost layer. I became so focused on the human layers in order to accomplish my work that I lost touch with the truth of pure perfection.
But for me, the answer to my heartbreak isn’t simply that the world is pure perfection so we should all be grateful, accept everything as it is, and just be. In fact, when I imagine a world where that ethos is adopted, all I see is the immense suffering that would continue. I see discrimination, poverty, greed, a dying earth, and I see all the ways people will keep hurting each other in the name of God, and if we allow the notion of pure perfection to lead us towards blind acceptance of our circumstances, then we will simply have found yet another way to use God to hurt each other.
I love God, and I love living in the current, and I am so grateful for my life, for I am surely more fortunate than most people who have ever lived throughout the course of human history. And I still want change. I want us all to be free enough to live in the current. I want people to feel safe to do that. I want us to each have our own individual experience of pure perfection enveloping our lives. I want you to feel carried. I want you to know that you are carried. I want us all to see just how magical the world would be if we all genuinely lived according to that which has the power to carry us.
So know this: you can be where you are and want to be somewhere else.
You can be wholeheartedly grateful and still want change.
You can have faith and doubt.
You get to be all the things you are, which I tend to think is also all the things God is. Or is capable of being.
Do not let the knowledge of a realm of pure perfection make you complicit.
It’s not enough to know that pure perfection is out there, we must act.
We must do what Walt Whitman said: “dismiss whatever insults your own soul.”
The truth is that most of us, most of the time, are not doing that. We are sacrificing our souls on the altar of fear. Fear that what we really want is not possible and not enough. Fear that our desire is a sinful thing leading us astray. Fear that “flow” or “God” or whatever you want to call it is only interested in smiling, happy people in their designer kitchens and that these ideas are only for the privileged, that they do not apply to the less fortunate, that they are not available to everyone everywhere when they absolutely are and could be - if we only make it so.
And the only way we make it so is by acting.
By taking the scary leaps of faith into the current.
By relaxing there and trusting it to carry us.
By experiencing for ourselves how this is enough.
As more and more people do this all over the world, the current will become so full of smiling people that eventually, maybe, everyone on shore will decide to jump in too. This is how two worlds become one. This is how what’s outside moves in, what’s in moves out, and pure perfection reigns.
I just want to walk with God and help other people walk with God. That’s the desire - the truth - that came bursting through my broken heart on November 28th.
What truth did you face on or a few days before or after that? Did you notice it? Either way, take a moment now to slow down, to breathe, to reflect and listen.
Ask yourself: What truth came for me at the end of November? What did I see and feel?
Perhaps you even visualize a fiery sword inside your belly, you tune in to how it feels, you follow its flame to whatever lie you are telling yourself now.
On this Gemini full moon, what was once known to be true is remembered again. A great fortune from the past is returned to you, and that which was hidden is revealed, leading to cheers of victory. In short: this full moon is about a resetting of fortune as a result of a divine change in how you do things.
The planet Venus - ruler of love and money and light - is crossing the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, just as it did on January 6, 2021.
The asteroid Fortuna is conjunct the south node - finding itself where TRUTH was on November 27th - and in the days that follow this full moon, the asteroid Midas will be crossing the same point. These are our MIDAS DAYS: December 17, 18, and 19th.
If you surrender to the current - if you find a way to allow yourself to do this throughout your days - you will experience more magic, more support, more wonder, and more awe. Things can flow together with greater ease. There can be ease. Not everything has to be a push to accomplish tasks created by your own mind - either because you invented them or you accepted someone else’s authority to do so for you. You are the boss of you, so what do you want to do?
The destiny point is currently conjunct (and has been for a while) the planet Uranus. Uranus represents both the materialization of “heaven” and the rebel/entrepreneur. You are being guided to rebel against that which insults your own soul. You rebel by saying NO to that which you do not want to accept, and remember that every time you say no to creating that which you do not want, you are also saying yes to the creation of what you do want. With this knowledge and power, you wield the fiery sword of truth. You stay true to your heart’s desire, you stay true to the current moving through you, and you stay true to God.
This full moon conjuncts the planet Mars, which is currently retrograde. And here’s something wild: When I first saw and drew the fiery sword in March 2021, the planet Mars was at almost the exact same spot in the sky as where it (and the moon) will be on this full moon! And on that day in 2021, Mars wasn’t alone. It was conjunct the destiny point. Reflect back: What did you do on/around March 27, 2021? Back then, your actions were aligned with your destiny, and what transpires on this full moon is connected to that time.
This full moon also links back to the Gemini new moon time six months ago and the Mercury retrograde cycle from the end of last year. To better understand whatever you experience during this full moon time (December 7 - 22), you can reflect back on:
The end of March 2021
December 29, 2021 - February 24, 2022 (see the retrograde reading)
May 29 - June 13, 2022 (see the Gemini new moon story)
Do you see any themes/overlaps between these moments in time? Maybe you’re reading this around December 7th - at the start of the full moon period - if so, I recommend turning back to this section around December 22nd and seeing how these earlier periods of time relate to what you experienced over the last two weeks. From there, you will really start to see how all of this is connecting for you and what it’s leading you towards.
Ultimately, what happens on this full moon time is not the end of the story (it never is), but this is especially true since Mars is currently retrograde and Mercury is entering another retrograde cycle on December 12th. When I wonder what these retrogrades ultimately mean for what happens now, I see (in my mind) the blanket of spacetime like a grid across a black void, and then I see an invisible something coming and punching the blanket, creating a massive indentation almost like a black hole. Then, I search “curvature of spacetime around a black hole,” and this image appears. It’s nearly identical to what I’m seeing in my mind:
This full moon is massive in the literal sense of the word - something with so much mass that it curves spacetime, giving it tremendous gravity and causing everything around it to fall into its orbit.
I won’t pretend to understand exactly what this means within the context of what we will experience now, so I will simply leave this message here, allowing its meaning to unfold with time. Perhaps you will come to see something in this image as it relates to now. Perhaps I will come to see something in it. Perhaps these two things are not the same, and as I type that, I suddenly feel this tremendous levity in my chest, like ha! of course, like falling into the current of God or current of the universe or whatever you want to call it is kind of like approaching a black hole. The gravity of it is so large that the closer you get to it, the more you fall into its orbit, its flow.
Perhaps for Linda, the massive trauma to her brain created such a direct line that it wiped her mind of knowing anything but the pure perfection of the singularity, the oneness of everything where space and time cease to exist. But thankfully, such an extreme, challenging experience is not necessary for most of us to stop clinging to the edges of what we think we know and to instead, let ourselves be swept up in the flow of something so much bigger than any one of us. And when you let go, you won’t fall into the hole completely. Instead, you will join the ring of bright bright stars that surrounds it.
To be continued…
Long Story Short:
This Gemini full moon time stretches from December 7 - December 22. It connects back to events from the end of March 2021, the start of 2022, and also early June. Ultimately, this time is about reuniting with the part of yourself that is one with everything. It’s about reflecting on how you are living your life and the actions you are taking and then deciding: Is this how I want to keep doing things? When I really stop and listen to myself, what do I want to do? If you could trust that you will be carried, that you are safe, that what you want is actually possible, then what would you do? How would you do it? This is a time for uncovering a newfound devotion to your deepest desires and following them to the edges of the earth. This is a time for leaps of faith, for remembering that which you’ve forgotten, and for allowing the truth to burn through you with such clarity that it doesn’t even hurt. “Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”
The Tip Jar
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