Sagittarius New Moon: November 23, 2022
Sagittarius New Moon: November 23, 2022
peaking at 5:57 P.M. EST
happening at 1°38’ Sagittarius
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
Stop! I screamed, but it was too late.
The shoddy roadside sparkler had already been lit. He threw it into the air like that’s what it was designed to do, seemed shock when it landed on the roof and set it ablaze.
I called 911, but the fire department was slammed. Apparently, there were fires everywhere that night, and the firemen couldn’t just come over and help, despite my insistence that This is an active fire! If you don’t come, it will spread throughout the house.
We can send five men in seventy-nine minutes.
Five men in seventy-nine minutes? It wasn’t fast enough. I knew that, but still, it was much faster than their original estimate, so I took it. What else could I do?
I told Jen this story the evening of November 14, 2022, the night before the world’s population crossed eight billion people and Artemis 1 was launched into space.
We added one billion people in just twelve years! I told her.
Ugh! she said before sending me a picture of two adorable fuzzy creatures curled up in front of the fireplace. The gas-lit flame inside was flickering, not quite holding, cutting in and out. We troubleshooted reasons why this might be happening - a clog? a leak? - and I dreamt about fire last night! I told her, told her about the dream with the sparkler on the roof, the firemen who couldn’t just come but instead would take seventy-nine minutes to arrive.
79 is so specific, and I wondered: Why 79?
I entered asteroid 79 into my planetary mapping software, set the date for nine days out, to November 23, 2022 - the day of the next new moon - and Ha! I told her: Asteroid 79 is on the new moon!
She responded with double exclamation marks while I looked at the image on my screen. The image of asteroid 79 - named Eurynome - just three degrees (aka three little tick marks in the picture below) from the sun.
The green glyphs above from left to right are: Mercury, Venus, Eurynome, and the sun.
On November 23, 2022, the moon will align at the exact same place (as seen from Earth) as the sun, just a few degrees from the asteroid Eurynome. Together, they’ll all be so close that if you were to look up at the sky with the right telescope, you’d have a hard time telling them apart. They’d all just appear to be one big unified object. Unified as well with the planets Mercury and Venus, which on the new moon will be aligned at the exact same point (just a few degrees over from Eurynome in the picture above).
Who is Eurynome? I wondered, knowing that most asteroids are named after mythological figures, and Eurynome’s no different. She’s a large, bright rock that’s just 39.444 miles across. She moves between Jupiter and Mars with a cluster of other asteroids who are thought to move together, as a family, and in 1863, while America was fighting itself from the inside out, John Craig Watson was in Michigan, looking up at the sky, and I imagine he was excited - so excited - to have found her, for she was the first asteroid he’d ever discovered, and he named her Eurynome, after the Greek Titan goddess.
In Greek mythology - long before Zeus - Eurynome was the Queen of Heaven, and as Watson - a man who thought it was impossible to be both a mathematician and an atheist - looked to the sky, I imagine that’s what he thought he saw: Heaven.
How will heaven reveal itself? I wondered as November arrived. How will it reveal itself?
And then I dreamt about a night of many fires, of five firemen coming in seventy-nine minutes.
The next day, I started writing this story.
The day after that, I placed an order online, and it totaled $79. I grabbed dinner with friends, and it cost $79. Then, I walked into an office and saw two keys hanging on the wall. The number 79 was etched into the top key - a silver key - staring at me as if to say, remember?
For in the last part of this story, I wrote about two keys. Specifically, I wrote in detail about a silver key seemingly capable of opening whatever it is that is heaven.
I dreamt about seventy-nine, saw the number etched on a silver key, and learned that of the over one billion identified astronomical objects, number 79 (of all numbers) is named after Eurynome, aka the Queen of Heaven.
The Queen of Heaven. The words immediately made me think of the Virgin Mary, for in Catholicism, she has been given the same title. She too is known as the Queen of Heaven.
And in my mind, I imagine all the stories that have traveled from person to person and place to place. Stories that have traveled over hundreds and thousands of years and hundreds and thousands of miles. Stories that have been reborn with new names but that are mostly all the same and have simply been transformed in such a way that we may understand them now.
How will heaven reveal itself? I wondered. How will it reveal itself?
It will reveal itself through fire.
It will reveal itself through fire.
Again and again, you will see fire.
I first saw fire in 2015.
Back then, I’d never heard the words “queen of heaven” or “keys to the kingdom of heaven” or “immaculate heart.” I knew nothing of the fire that burned through the imagery of our modern world’s dominant religion, and I knew nothing of the flame that was tended in Ancient Rome at the temple of Vesta, and I knew nothing of the “burning bush” of the Old Testament, or the notion that there, fire symbolized god’s presence in the temple. I only knew what Kerouac wrote, and I agreed with it in the core of my being:
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…”
And back then - in 2015 - when I saw myself (in my mind), I was a body with a flame for a head, like a candle. I saw this so often that I wrote the words burn, burn, burn in permanent ink at the back of my neck, and perhaps if it wasn’t for that, I never would have seen fire again or perhaps the fire was always there and had always been there and was actually very, very old or perhaps in writing the words, which now lay mostly hidden beneath my long red hair, I was casting some sort of spell. Perhaps all words are like that - markers of an idea with the power to grab hold of our minds and spin us towards all sorts of thoughts and beliefs and actions.
Spin, spin, spinning us towards a course of events that seems to burn like fire spreading along a line…
A year or more passed before I saw fire again. On June 14, 2016, during my first Kundalini Yoga class, I felt an incredible tingling at the top of my head, and in my mind’s eye, I saw my life as a series of images - like stages of development - and in the beginning, I was a ball of fire playing in a black sky.
That’s where life began.
In the fire.
As the fire.
It kept burning for 4.5 years until I finally saw it again in December 2020. Then - in my mind’s eye - I started seeing a circle of flames around a hexagram at the center of my chest. Like it was no longer my head that was on fire, but my heart.
In the weeks that followed, I kept seeing fire. Every time I closed my eyes and tuned into my own being, I saw fire. I saw myself in the black void, sitting in a ring of fire - as if the circle at the center of my chest had expanded to hold all of me - and I saw the fire expanding even farther. I saw it like an explosion at times - from the center of my chest - and by May 2021, the ring of fire had disappeared, and when I closed my eyes and focused my attention on my heart, I saw it was ablaze. Burning now like my head in 2015 - like a furnace, a contained flame - and when all this started, I didn’t even know about the Hindu symbol of the anahata or the Christian symbol of the sacred heart, but because I was seeing fire - again and again, fire - I started researching fire and began to learn about its enduring use as a spiritual symbol.
And I’m realizing now that what I shared above isn’t wholly accurate…I saw the fire one other time between June 14, 2016, and December 2020.
In the early morning of November 21, 2020, I woke with the words BAPTISM BY FIRE echoing in my mind, lingering from the dream I’d just had.
In the dream, I was fire - all fire - existing solely as a fiery ring. And I was standing - as said fiery ring - by a pool of water. A person I once knew - and hadn’t seen in nearly twenty years - was standing at the edge of the water. He began wading into it and was about to be baptized, but this wasn’t a traditional “holy water” baptism. This was a BAPTISM BY FIRE, and those were the words that grabbed hold of my mind while I was sleeping, had maybe a cast a spell on me and inspired what I did next: I googled “baptism by fire.”
And I learned that not only is it an idiom for going through a difficult time, but it’s also a biblical idea wherein Jesus was said to bring baptism by the Holy Spirit and by fire. According to some, fire is simply another word for the Holy Spirit, but according to others, baptism by fire is a punishment akin to immersing oneself in the “lake of fire” described in Revelation.
I’m not saying I believe in either of these interpretations (or a single word written in The Bible necessarily), but I do find it interesting that I’d never heard of the “lake of fire” before, and I had no idea about the notion of Jesus bringing baptism by fire, yet I had this dream about a man entering a body of water in order to receive a baptism by fire, and then, seventeen days later - in real life - the exact same man was arrested for murder.
I’ve seen fire again and again, and most of the time, when I’ve seen it, it hasn’t been something that existed outside of me, but instead, I was burning. I was the fire.
The fire lives in us, moves through us, consumes and propels us.
And I’m realizing now that there was one time when I wasn’t the fire but instead, I saw the fire as something separate from me.
One year after the baptism by fire dream - nearly to the day - I saw myself take a silver key and insert it into the floor of a temple. The temple felt as though it was high above the earth, far beyond the surface of things, and when I inserted the key and turned it, I saw A HUGE EXPLOSION OF FIERY LIGHT.
And I don’t know, I don’t know - I’m far more comfortable in the realm of questions than answers - but…it felt like heaven.
It felt like heaven.
And there, in heaven, I was not the fire, but the fire was there, and it wasn’t until this day - November 21, 2022 - nearly a year later, that I learned that in the Old Testament, “the Temple priests were enjoined to preserve the eternal flame, which had originally come from heaven during the inauguration of the Temple (Leviticus 9:24).”
The eternal flame came from heaven during the inauguration of the Temple.
The eternal flame came from heaven during the inauguration of the Temple.
The eternal flame came from heaven during the inauguration of the Temple.
On November 17, 2021, I inserted the silver key into the floor of the temple, sparking a huge fiery explosion that blew open the temple floor, allowed the light to reach far and wide.
Almost exactly one year later, on November 14, 2022, I dreamt of fire spreading all over the place, of five firemen coming in 79 minutes. 79, like the asteroid named after the Queen of Heaven, like the silver key hanging on the wall, and okay, okay, say 79 was a message. Say it was a clue about heavenly fire or the existence of heaven or something related to whatever heaven is - say this new moon now is about a fire in heaven - then who are the five firemen? Is it even important?
On the evening of November 14, 2022, at 9:02 PM, I asked this question. I typed it on my screen in the form of a wish, a spell grabbing hold of my mind: “Who are the five firemen? WHO ARE THE FIVE FIREMEN? Show me tonight. Show me tonight.”
I immediately started thinking about Eurynome, the Queen of Heaven, and as I thought of her, I thought of the Virgin Mary (another Queen of Heaven), and I thought of all the times I’ve seen my heart on fire and how I later learned about the idea of Mary’s immaculate, burning heart, and I don’t know why, but sitting there on the 14th, thinking about all of this, I decided to google: “virgin mary and fire.”
I clicked on the second result titled “The fire in the Heart of the blessed Virgin Mary,” and as I read the opening words, I started experiencing a powerful, tingling sensation across my back.
I paraphrased what I was reading, jotted it down in my notes:
While the seraphim burned in heaven…the heart of Mary burned on Earth…
Who are the seraphim? I wondered. I followed the thread in my mind, and I learned that all Abrahamic traditions speak of seraphim - fiery celestial beings known as angels - and as I read about them, the tingling sensation spread throughout my body. I felt it especially at the crown of my head and the soles of my feet and at the back of my neck, and the tingling became more and more intense until suddenly there were tears in my eyes, and I didn’t know why because none of it was happening in the world of logic and all of it resided in the land of sense, and I sensed that my body was being lifted high in some way that couldn’t be perceived by my eyes but could be felt by my body, and as I read about the seraphim, I just kept remembering what I saw in my mind in April, with the Taurus new moon eclipse:
I saw a large fiery angel with wings of golden flames. I saw it hovering out in space, above the earth, just resting there, just being - completely still - except for its beating heart. And its heart was radiating. With each beat, it was pulsing energy down towards the Earth, touching everything it could, and as this happened, it’s like the entire earth was starting to sync to this fiery, heavenly heartbeat.
While the seraphim burned in heaven…the heart of Mary burned on Earth…
And now - here I am - just days after yet another Taurus eclipse, learning about seraphim, aka fiery angels, and feeling like my body is floating, and wondering if this is the answer to my question.
Are these the fire men?
On November 23, 2022, the sun and moon meet in the fire sign of Sagittarius. They align with Eurynome, aka the Queen of Heaven, which just happens to be at the same degree along the ecliptic as the hypothetical planet Vulcan, named after the god of fire:
Vulcan & Eurynome conjunct
When Watson was looking up at the sky, discovering asteroid 79, he may very well have thought he would find Vulcan.
Back in the 1800s, many astronomers thought Vulcan must exist. They theorized its entire trajectory (thus how it can display itself as a hypothetical placement in planetary mapping software today), but Vulcan was never found. It’s no longer thought to exist, but nonetheless, I find it fascinating that its hypothetical location is conjunct this new moon and Eurynome.
On this Sagittarius new moon, the Queen of Heaven and the God of Fire meet. There is a burning fire in heaven as Jupiter goes direct.
There is a fire in heaven.
There is a fire in heaven.
What is this fire?
And why have I seen fire again and again over the years?
Why have I seen fiery angels and fiery temple explosions and baptisms by fire and burning hearts and all sorts of Jewish and Christian images of fire when I was not raised Jewish or Christian and I had no prior knowledge of these images/ideas before seeing them in my mind?
Is it that they simply live deep in my memory, absorbed subconsciously from the culture in which I live? Or is it that they live deep in my memory, known from a time and place where I existed beyond this life? Or is it that there really is something to fire and something to these images and stories that travel again and again through various religions and spiritual traditions?
Why have God and notions of “the divine” so often been associated with fire?
What is fire?
Fire is an “exothermic process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products.” In other words, it is a natural thermodynamic process that releases energy out beyond itself and into its surroundings. Flames are just the visible part of the fire. Fire itself is so much more, and sometimes, it gets so hot that it produces not flames but plasma, like on the surface of the sun.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter on a list that includes liquid, solid, and gas. It’s actually (to our knowledge) the most abundant kind of (non-dark) matter in the universe, and its name - plasma - comes from the Ancient Greek πλάσμα meaning “moldable substance.” As I read that, images from a dream flash in my mind.
On December 3, 2019, I dreamt that there was a moldable substance called “Tao.” It was being kneaded like dough, and I was told that the Tao grows in the ocean during a very rare event when all the light in the ocean lights up.
In the months and years that followed that dream, I had many wild experiences (more dreams, synchronicities, visions, etc.) that led me to connect the light in the ocean with a ring of volcanoes (aka the Ring of Fire) in the Pacific Ocean. And as I type these words now, a National Geographic email lands in my inbox with the subject line: “The Volcano of the Century.” I click on it to see a video of the volcano that erupted off the coast of Tonga in January, and I learn that just yesterday, new information was revealed about the eruption.
The Tonga eruption on January 15th was very rare, unlike anything seen in over a century. It released as much energy as 1,000 atomic bombs, and while most of us have continued to go about our lives mostly probably forgetting that such an event happened less than a year ago, it is still affecting us. Make no mistake: it is still affecting us. It materially changed things. It reshaped the earth and space, carving a giant hole in the ocean floor and puncturing a hole in the ionosphere. The fiery eruption created openings above and below while shooting a plume of fiery byproducts 35.4 miles high, beyond where planes fly and out towards the space where shooting stars appear. The eruption affected space plasma globally unlike anything ever witnessed on Earth, and scientists continue to uncover new things about the event (such as a HUGE HOLE in the sea floor).
But why did this happen? What triggered the eruption? They don’t yet know.
And while the physical process remains a mystery, I can’t help but notice all the ways the eruption connects to messages here in The Magic Guide and messages I’ve received over many years and especially to the vision I had of a huge explosion of fiery light happening as a turned the silver key and opened the temple floor. I very much interpreted that vision as indicating that some sort of opening had occurred between “heaven” and earth, and in the days that followed, I started having visions of a lamb that appeared in such a way that I could not have made it up/imagined it. It didn’t even look like lambs as I know them to be, and the lamb arrived, and it showed me a golden seal and gave me a golden key, and then, I saw the key opening a seal high above the earth and a seal on the surface of the earth, and it seemed as though the earth was now preparing to receive the fiery light I’d seen bursting from the temple, and then, six days later, the Tonga volcano started erupting.
The eruption grew and grew, eventually releasing the massive, rare, inexplicable, never-seen-before explosion on January 15, 2022. The eruption created two massive holes/openings. One formed above the earth in the ionosphere, and the other formed closer to the deepest point of the earth’s surface in the ocean floor. Lamb waves specifically are what rippled from the eruption and blew open the hole above the earth, in the ionosphere, and while all of this (and the many years of messages leading up to it) could be a wild coincidence, I tend to be of the mind that this eruption was a physical manifestation of an ethereal eruption of fiery light, and for whatever reason, this is the story that wants to be shared now. This is where our attention needs to go: towards the fire.
Towards questions about fire, questions about heaven, and questions about the connection between what we see in our mind and what we experience in our lives as we spin, spin, spin through a course of events that burns like fire along a line, in the shape of a circle, seared into the surface of the earth.
On this new moon, don’t go looking for fire, but notice if and when and how it appears. If it comes to you, take it as a sign. A sign of what? That’s for you to explore. Don’t assume to know the answer, simply let the answer burn through you, in time, as all things do.
This new moon is leading us to the full moon on December 7th and also to the full moon in early June 2023. This time now (from November 23 - December 6) is an open space to be explored and enjoyed. So go now - live your life - watch as the words from this story grab hold of your mind like a spell, casting you into the illuminating fire of a moldable, changeable world.
To be continued…
Long Story Short:
This Sagittarius new moon time from November 23 - December 6th is deeply connected to the same time last year and a series of powerful ethereal events that rippled though time and space like the lamb waves that burst through the ionosphere on January 15, 2022. Our attention is drawn to fire - how it consumes, hot it illuminates, and however it appears for you now. Stay open to a message about fire. Stay open to what fire has to teach you. Stay open to all things always, noticing the way the world is weaving and connecting but never letting yourself forget that while you SEE and while you KNOW, you also know nothing and need hardly anything, and as long as you can let the fire keep burning through you and returning you to the place of not knowing, you will ironically know more than you otherwise ever would. Meditate on your heart. Close your eyes, and draw your attention here. Maybe you see something in your mind as you focus your inner awareness on this physical part of your body, or maybe, you see something in your hands, or maybe, you see it on the surface of the world that forms before you when you open you eyes. Everything is connected. The fire in you is in everything. Let it burn.
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