Taurus New Moon Eclipse: April 30, 2022
Taurus New Moon Eclipse,
April 30, 2022
peaking at 4:28 P.M. EST
happening at 10°28’ Taurus
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
There is a great energy underneath our feet.
But what is it?
And where does it come from?
The Great Divide, to date
To understand where we are going, we first need to understand where we have been.
On January 18, 2022, we entered a new karmic cycle called The Great Divide.
The Great Divide goes through July 17, 2023.
And in early January, before it started, I opened my channel. I tuned in. I let the story of this cycle move through me, and it opened with this.
This is how the story begins:
“The Great Divide starts with a WHIRRING. An undercurrent of energy, flowing beneath the surface of the earth, moving quickly and easily around the entire earth, encircling it. This energy is not impeded. It faces no obstacles in its path that it cannot overcome without even a second’s pause.”
That was the message for the beginning of the cycle, the cycle that started on January 18, 2022.
And, now - in April - we know: it wasn’t a metaphor.
It came true.
On January 15, 2022, there was a huge explosion in the ocean. A submarine volcano in the Ring of Fire - off the coast of the island of Tonga - erupted, releasing an explosion that was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb that fell on Hiroshima.
The explosion unleashed “a once-in-a-century shockwave” that over the course of approximately thirty-six hours, traveled around the entire earth, encircling it.
This places the completion of this historic shockwave (according to the aspects of the wave that can be measured with our devices) right on the Cancer full moon on January 17, 2022.
That full moon sat at the nexus between the last karmic cycle (a.k.a. The Golden Gate) and the current cycle (The Great Divide), and in the Cancer full moon note, which I channeled many days before the eruption, I wrote:
“There may be more upheaval than expected. I’m seeing this like literal, physical earth being moved. Like dirt that was underneath rising to the surface…This is new earth.”
The eruption unleashed new earth.
The new earth didn’t come over night. It is coming.
It started with this: a shockwave that encircled the entire globe. The shockwave was so huge that it let out a massive RING in the ionosphere - the outermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere.
Far above the surface of the earth, the air was ringing. It was ringing like a bell.
“Previous volcanic eruptions have not produced such a signal, leaving experts stumped.”
On January 18th, as The Great Divide started, scientists were racing to understand the data arriving from satellites. Data that revealed “an unusual pattern of atmospheric gravity waves” ringing through the atmosphere. A pattern unlike anything ever seen before.
The NASA satellite images “show[ed] dozens of concentric circles, each representing a fast-moving wave in the gases of the atmosphere, stretching for more than 16,000 kilometres. The waves reached from the ocean surface to the ionosphere, and researchers think that they probably passed around the globe several times.”
“Atmospheric gravity waves occur when air molecules in the atmosphere are vertically, rather than horizontally, disturbed…The up-and-down waves transfer energy and momentum through the atmosphere…[and while] the eruption might have lasted moments…the impacts could be long-lasting." (Nature)
Ultimately, “The eruption that devastated Tonga on 15 January lasted just 11 hours, but it will take years for scientists to work out exactly what happened during the cataclysmic explosion...Researchers are finding it hard to explain why the volcano sent a cloud to such heights, yet emitted less ash than would be expected for an eruption of such magnitude. And the shock waves that rippled through the atmosphere and oceans are unlike anything seen in the modern scientific era…‘It just basically rips the Band-Aid on our lack of understanding of what’s happening under water,’ says Nico Fournier, a volcanologist at GNS Science in Taupo, New Zealand.” (Nature)
Scientists are still puzzled, working to put together the pieces and explain what happened in January, and while I look forward to learning what they uncover about the physics behind the explosion and while my heart goes out to all the people and plants and animals who lost their lives and struggled as a result of the explosion, I, too, have been putting some pieces together…and here’s the thing…when I look back at the writings here at The Magic Guide, I can see clearly how I started receiving messages about this explosion two and a half years ago. I see all the ways Spirit was telling me and us about this, and in the messages, there are explanations. Powerful, promising explanations.
It may not be scientific, but it’s clear.
It’s clear.
What follows is a list of puzzle pieces, messages related to the mysteriously powerful explosion that lay the foundation for The Great Divide:
in chronological order
December 3, 2019
I dreamt that there was a substance called “Tao.” The Tao was being kneaded like dough, and I was told that the Tao grows in the ocean during a very rare event when all of the light in the ocean lights up. I was surrounded by a group of people, and we all started taking the Tao together, like it was a food source or drug or something to be imbibed.
What is Tao? In Eastern philosophy, Tao is a metaphysical concept for the natural order of the universe, an order that is not easily named but can be discerned through inner wisdom and intuition. It is, in many ways, an intuitive knowing about life.
At the end 2019, I dreamt that a group of people were taking the Tao - they were taking in this intuitive knowing about life - and I dreamt that this knowing, this natural order GROWS during a very rare event that lights up the ocean.
June 11, 2020:
I dreamt about an island off the coast of Australia. It was formed by volcanoes deep in the ocean.
The next morning, I watched a video of a volcano erupting in the ocean, and I thought “Light! Fire! Flame! In the ocean!” I immediately thought of my dream from six months earlier and the message about a very rare event that lights up the ocean.
I started researching these underwater volcanoes and that’s when I learned (for the first time) about the Ring of Fire, a ring of 425 submarine volcanoes that encircle the Pacific Ocean.
Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai is in the Ring of Fire, and this is where Tonga is:
In map view, it very much looks like an island off the coast of Australia.
Here we are now, at #3 in the list of messages:
January 18, 2021
On January 18, 2021, exactly one year before the start of The Great Divide, I had a dream that led me to learn about a stretch of the sky known as The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic.
I realized that many planets were about to cross this point in the sky and that the karmic north node of the moon (a.k.a the destiny point) would be crossing it later in 2021.
Three weeks later (on February 12, 2021), I experienced a massive psychic download of information that revealed a pattern - a distinct correlation - between planetary movement across The Golden Gate and a series of explosive events from 1780 through 2021.
Included in the list of explosive events was the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883, and when the volcano exploded by Tonga in January of this year, scientists repeatedly compared it to the 1883 eruption.
When I was processing the list of events in February 2021, I wrote this:
“What do all these events have in common? They all had AN EXPLOSIVE FORCE THAT SENT US (AT LEAST TEMPORARILY, PARTIALLY) INTO DARKNESS.”
The Tonga explosion happened JUST as the north node of the moon was completing its transit past The Golden Gate, and a few weeks later, Russia invaded Ukraine.
(You can see the complete list of explosive events in the March 2021 Magic Guide.)
End of February - Early March, 2021
I heard in my mind - the words on repeat - unlock the portals of the earth, unlock the portals of the earth, unlock the portals of the earth - and I had a vision.
I saw myself digging in the earth. I saw myself uncovering something golden buried there. I saw a golden light, and then I saw that light shoot up towards the sky and out into space.
I saw and heard variations of this again and again in August and September of 2021.
(Read the Mercury retrograde reading “Buried in the Earth” for more on this.)
May 11, 2021
I had a vision. I was handed a key in the ether. I was told I’d know how to use it when the time was right.
November 17, 2021
I saw the key. I saw it being used to unlock a seal at the floor of a temple in the ether - like the unlocking of a portal between Heaven and Earth - and I saw A MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF FIERY LIGHT.
Just as I saw the explosion in my mind’s eye, my husband entered the room, announcing: You got mail!
He handed me a postcard. The image on the card was of a gorgeous temple dome with windows made of thin stone, and as the sun shined through the stone, it appeared to be glowing, as if it was on fire. The person who sent it had no idea about anything related to the vision. Its arrival felt like a synchronous confirmation of what I had just seen.
November 24-25, 2021
A vision of a lamb woke me from my sleep. The lamb came to me and said: There will be one more day of peace before the explosion.
One day later, Omicron was detected outside South Africa.
When I shared this full story (and the many more overlaps and predictive elements of it) in the Sagittarius eclipse note in December, I wrote that “everything that shifted on November 26th was the result of an ethereal EXPLOSION OF LIGHT.”
The explosion happened in the ether. It came from up above. A ringing heard high above the surface of the earth. And when the earth was ready, it received the light.
December 6-14, 2021
I saw the lamb again. I never told you. It was standing above a huge golden seal on the floor of the earth, and it handed me a second key. This one was golden.
Words were written on the seal that I couldn’t read with my mind, but I knew anyway. In short, they said that unlocking the seal would bestow the gift of grace.
Four days later, I had another vision. This time, I was floating in front of a huge seal out in space - just like the one I’d seen on the floor - but this one was as big as the earth. A GOLDEN SEAL AS LARGE AS THE EARTH.
In my vision, I unlocked the seal. I opened it, and at first, I was scared. I felt scary creatures and darkness escaping, but then it was all golden light. The darkness was but a blip - a clearing from the surface - to release the bright, clear, golden stream of light that came next.
Four days later, I had another vision: I saw golden gates all over the surface of the earth. Big mechanical, circular gates. I saw them unlocking, and I saw golden light shooting out of the gates, and I saw golden light pouring in.
I saw the explosion from above - from November - arriving below.
And I wrote (for the Gemini full moon on December 18, 2021) that now, “WE ARE RECEIVING THE GOLDEN LIGHT OF KNOWING. For we have opened the gates.”
When I wrote that, I wasn’t even remotely thinking about the Tao (the intuitive knowing about life) and the message from two years earlier:
A group of people were taking the Tao - they were receiving the knowing - and this GROWS during a very rare event that lights up the ocean.
December 20, 2021
Two days after the full moon, an eruption began in a submarine volcano in the Ring of Fire off the coast of Tonga. I wouldn’t know anything about this for another four weeks.
January 13, 2022
I saw an image to accompany the Cancer full moon on January 17, 2022. I saw a white rose blooming at the edge of the sphere, and I wrote all about a white rose - a symbol of pure love.
In the channeled message for that moon in January, I also wrote: “WE ARE BEING REBORN through the womb of the cosmic mother, the cosmic web…The gifts of heaven are pouring down to Earth.”
Two days later, on January 15th, the moon officially entered Cancer and the submarine volcano CLIMAXED, sending a shockwave around the earth.
This is what the explosion looked like from space.
Kind of like a white rose blooming at the edge of a sphere.
On the morning of January 15th, I immediately saw the connection between the volcanic explosion and the imagery of the white rose, but other than that, I hadn’t put any of this together. I didn’t think for a moment about all of the messages that had been building for years.
I didn’t for a moment think just how big this event was.
I didn’t yet know anything about the shockwave rippling around the earth.
In that very moment, rippling, rippling.
I just got in the car and drove to Target.
Then, as I was driving home down a hilly, windy road - the shockwave rippling, rippling - I suddenly felt THIS GREAT EXPANSIVE ENERGY AROUND ME. It felt like magic and power, and with my eyes wide open - still driving - I had a vision.
I saw the throne room of Heaven, and I felt ALL OF THE THRONES descending to Earth. I saw them spread out all across the earth.
I saw how the individuals in the thrones are now spread across various locations on Earth, lending support as their presence permeates life here.
The shockwave, rippling, rippling.
One month later, on February 15, 2022, I received a series of messages that led me to learn - for the first time - that there are actual portals on the earth. This isn’t some science fiction or conspiracy. And this isn’t just a message whispered to me by Spirit. This is very, very real.
They are called Flux Transfer Events (or FTEs), and they are magnetic portals that connect the earth and the sun, sending high-energy particles from the sun towards the earth.
Every eight minutes or so, these portals open as terrestrial magnetic field lines reconnect with interplanetary field lines. Reconnection is the technical scientific term.
And these portals are HUGE. As wide as (if not wider than) the earth. (Like the golden seal I saw open as I was floating out in space on December 12, 2021.)
Multiple portals can open at once. (Like what I saw on December 14, 2021.)
And these portals have been described as cylindrical in shape. (Like this sketch I drew in August 2021 when I was hearing about the portals again and saw what Heaven on Earth would look like around me once the portal was unlocked.)
These magnetic portals have even been compared to rolling pins, kneading dough around the earth. (Like how in December 2019, in my dream, I saw the Tao as a dough like substance. I saw it being kneaded. I saw us taking this inside ourselves.)
When these portals open, what’s below on Earth is quite literally reconnected with what’s above. Golden light from the sun comes streaming down to Earth.
The artistic renderings of FTEs very much look like golden beacons of light shooting out from the Earth, up into space.
There is a great energy underneath our feet.
But what is it?
And where does it come from?
There is so much more happening in this world than we understand, than we can possibly measure. We see a volcanic explosion. We see people dying. We cry, we scream, we get angry, we hurt. None of this is wrong. We feel what we feel. We are here to live.
But there is more happening than what there seems to be on the surface.
There is MAGIC. There is GOD. There is NAMELESS KNOWING.
On April 21, 2022, I suddenly saw how all of this is connected. All of the messages had been living inside me and on the page like puzzle pieces - some interlocked and off to the side, others still in the pile waiting to find their place - and then, suddenly, it was like, I just SAW IT. I saw it all, all at once, and how it was all connected. The entire puzzle. The knowing was received.
And this is how the story goes. The story of The Great Divide.
In the beginning, there was a great whirring. A shockwave that encircled the entire Earth.
Then, we kept living our lives, going about our days, dealing with our troubles, our worries, our whatevers. We were just going, and for the most part, we didn’t even see THIS GREAT ENERGY UNDERNEATH OUR FEET.
We didn’t see what the shockwave brought.
But it didn’t need us to see it in order to keep moving, to progress around the entire earth.
The explosion rippled for far longer than thirty-six hours, in ways that our instruments failed to understand. It didn’t end for three months.
It didn’t stop until around April 19th, and it was only after that that the knowing was received.
And now, here we are at the end of April.
The ethereal energy has COVERED THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, but we still can’t see it. Not yet. It’s beneath our feet, beneath the crust.
And now, with the eclipses, the energy penetrates down to the core of the earth, anchoring itself, like an arrow.
Part II
An Arrow to the Heart of the Earth
On April 30, 2022, there is a Taurus new moon partial solar eclipse.
This eclipse is like AN ARROW TO THE HEART.
The heart of the earth, yes, as the ethereal energy from the end of The Golden Gate cycle descends to the core of the earth, anchoring itself there.
But it’s also like an arrow to your heart, for your body is not so separate from the earth’s.
I’m reminded of these words from the story of The Great Divide:
“I’ve been seeing this sun at my chest…and this energy - THIS HEAVEN’S LIGHT - is permeating down not just through the earth as a whole but through our individual bodies. We are experiencing the whirring under the surface, the filling up, the blooming just as the earth is experiencing it. But not everyone will experience this in the same way. Not everyone is open to experiencing this at all. But for those who are open, this will bring forth an incredibly powerful time for WORKING MAGIC ON EARTH.”
On this eclipse, the sun and moon and the asteroid Eros are all aligning at 10°28’ Taurus (check to see where this falls in your chart).
The asteroid Eros is named after the Greek equivalent of Cupid, a god whose arrow hits the heart and inspires passion and love. This moon acts like LOVE’S ARROW TO THE HEART, fueling our desires and encouraging us to go after them. To make them real.
I’m reminded of this line from the book A Discovery of Witches:
Magic is desire made real.
And on this new moon, the destiny point is conjunct the asteroid Hekate at approximately 23 degrees Taurus. Hekate is named after the Greek goddess of witchcraft and magic. In other words, our earthly destiny is being aligned with MAGIC.
Specifically, with the power to work magic. A power that starts in our hearts. It starts with an opening in your heart, an opening that allows you to receive Heaven’s Light. What does this mean?
Well, I think it may be quite literal, but I also think…this may all be seen on Earth in highly tangible - even measurable - ways.
In August 2019, I dreamt about rabbits. Magical rabbits that somehow were able to just hop in and out of a house by hopping through windows. Not open windows. Solid glass. But the rabbits understood - nothing is as solid as it seems. And in the dream, as I saw this, I exclaimed: Oh my God! This proves something about spacetime! It’s connected to the research they did with rabbit hearts.
And it’s true, our world is not solid. On the atomic level, “solid” is just an illusion created by electricity, electricity that moves through our bodies creating one large electric field full of many smaller fields. And while I wasn’t familiar with any research around rabbit hearts, after I woke from the dream, I searched “rabbit hearts physics,” and I learned that scientists used electricity to harmonize rabbit hearts, to get them in sync.
You see, the rabbits’ hearts were beating irregularly, but by applying electrical pulses, scientists were able to change the hearts’ behavior. The hearts became synchronized with the pulses.
And in 2019, when I was down the rabbit hole of researching rabbit hearts, I stumbled upon a version of The Tortoise and the Hare that I’d never seen before. In this version, as the tortoise achieves its victory, the god Eros flies overhead and proclaims: PERSEVERANCE WINNETH.
And here we are…at a Taurus new moon…a sign known for its slow movement…and the asteroid Eros is conjunct the moon…and as you’ll soon learn more about, the next eclipse (in two weeks) is all about VICTORY.
But first, first, we must harmonize. We must sync our hearts - and the heart of the earth - with Heaven’s Light. The light hitting our hearts like a series of electrical pulses.
And what is this light?
I think it may be quite literal…but also…I think it may be the sun’s light from the magnetic portals of the earth.
I think - I hypothesize - that there is something about these portals and the charged particles flowing through them that connects to magic. I think that somehow, we can harness the power of these openings by synching our behavior with them, and I think we can use this to make BIG magic happen.
I think now of Ancient Egypt and the story of Isis - the goddess whose magic was considered to be the most powerful. She was so powerful because she knew the secret of Ra - the sun god. She wore the sun on her head like a crown.
The sun is coming for us.
“Eros is ultimately the desire for wholeness, and although it may initially take the form of passionate love, it is more truly a desire for "psychic relatedness," a desire for interconnection and interaction with other sentient beings.”
On this new moon, we feel THE DESIRE FOR WHOLENESS. We initiate a cycle of experiencing wholeness - LOVE - in a whole new way. To feel the love of the universe moving down through the crown of your head, moving through your body, to feel the moments when this love is charged, when it possesses the power to deliver you a whole new reality in magical, previously unfathomable ways.
On this eclipse, we experience a great EXPANSION OF LOVE ON EARTH.
The planets Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune are conjunct the asteroids Gaia (the earth), Bennu (the rebirth of the sun), and Thalia (blooming) all in Pisces - the sign of interconnection.
For our earthly reality is an interconnected reality. Our world is not constructed from a series of solid objects. It is malleable, electric, shifting, and whole.
The Taurus new moon eclipse time goes from late in the day on April 29th through May 9th.
Then, it keeps going, growing towards a Taurus full moon TOTAL eclipse on November 8th.
This new moon is also falling at the same place as the very special Halloween blue moon from October 31, 2020. Reflect back on the period of time in your life from October 31 - November 14, 2020. There are likely clues from then - things that happened - that will be echoed and built upon now. (Look to your calendar, your journal, photos, IG, etc., to remember what was coming up in your life then.)
Now is a time of MAGIC. MATERIAL MAGIC.
Magic rooted in LOVE.
Magic reaching down into the heart of things, burying itself like a seed in the earth - a seed in your heart - from which it will grow.
It will grow, grow, grow.
Like a great tree
in a garden
offering shade
and every desirable thing
you never before thought was even possible.
Everything is possible.
Long story short:
Eclipse Season starts with a bang! A REVELATION. An arrow to your heart. The arrow is planting something new, something magical. It’s helping you UNLOCK A PORTAL, helping you answer a mystery. Not with words and knowing but with feeling. Desire that brings forth LOVE and THE MATERIAL MANIFESTATION OF LOVE on Earth and in your life. It comes forth over the next two weeks and then the next six months and throughout this grand karmic cycle lasting through July 2023. It’s magic. It’s magic being born inside you. It’s something happening rapidly and in whole new ways. Like you’re able to just hop from one version of reality to the next. One without magic and one with. You’re able to take big leaps past seemingly insurmountable obstacles and discover that you are capable of so much more than you thought. Slow and steady wins the race. PERSEVERANCE WINNETH.