Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse: May 16, 2022
Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse,
May 16, 2022
peaking at 1:27 A.M. EST
happening at 25°18’ Scorpio
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
This eclipse season has felt like a kaleidoscope. Moments of zoomed in focus - where all the pieces come together to form a clear picture - and then suddenly, it’s like it all becomes a blur. It’s being rearranged, and there’s not much we can do but be with it all - the expansion and the contraction, the expansion and the contraction, the expansion and the contraction.
We’re just floating through the sea of being, and here on Earth, I see flowers blooming on a tree - pink and white petals sprouting from moss covered branches. I take a picture with my phone, and an app tells me the tree’s name: Paradise Apple. Then, the white petals begin to blow in the breeze. They cover the grass, the hyacinth, the concrete drive. I find one in my entryway, another in my kitchen sink. As I place the petals in the trash, my mind feels like a hazy mess and leaves me wondering: What was I doing? Where was I going? What was I trying to accomplish?
Shhh. Just be, just be.
What happens now requires the most intimate, thoughtless being. I mean that in the most literal of ways - thought less. Without thought. Words feel scrambled. They feel all wrong and insufficient, and all of the seemingly solid stuff feels so important and fragile, under attack.
The message for May that was channeled in December feels frighteningly accurate:
“THE BEAST IS IN A LEADERSHIP ROLE. But it isn’t just about a single person. This is pervasive dark energy, like a weed that just can’t be killed. In your own personal life, this may be a beautiful time of joy and celebration, but outside - in the collective - the beast looms large.”
I remind myself to trust, trust, trust. It’s a test of faith. Great gifts are coming. That was the other message for now.
And while my mind feels confused and scattered, the land appears particularly bright - vivid hues of blue and green - and I place one foot in front of the other upon a changing world, and every time I close my eyes, I see the same thing.
The same image that’s been with me now since the last eclipse on April 30th:
I see the earth from space, and I see a large fiery angel with wings of golden flames. I see it hovering out in space, above the earth, and the angel doesn’t really have eyes to close but it has the appearance of closed eyes, of resting, of just being there - completely still - except for its beating heart, beating.
Beat, beat, beat.
The heartbeat is radiating, pulsing down to Earth, touching everything it can. It’s like the entire earth is syncing to this fiery, heavenly heartbeat.
And when I first saw this image in my mind - at the start of eclipse season - the earth was ON FIRE. All of it, in flame. But not in a way that felt powerful and godly like the angel. This fire felt suffocating, dangerous. Like the earth was going up in flames, being consumed by this raging fire.
Over the last two weeks, as the days have progressed, I’ve just kept seeing this image, and while the angel remains the same - still, save for its beating heart - the image of the earth has changed.
It’s not all fire anymore.
Parts of the sphere have turned blue and green, resembling the grass outside my window, the shimmering surface of the lake.
Things are changing, I think.
And while the kaleidoscope can shift and create an image that shakes you to your core, it will quickly shift again. It’s all shifting now.
Don’t let any one image fool you.
Don’t let any single story convince you that this is the way it is.
The world is up for grabs.
Our reality a pervasive nightmare.
You are lucid dreaming through space and if you can just realize where you are, you can change the scene. You can press into the soles of your feet, you can shoot up towards the sky, and YOU CAN FLY.
I’m flashing back to the movie Waking Life.
I’m hearing the Sarah McLachlan song “World on Fire” in my mind.
I’m placing my Self down on a shelf, and I’m promising to do my best, to deliver the words that are needed through this madness.
May they be in sync with the heart of the earth.
May they be in sync with the heart of the earth.
May they be in sync with the heart of the earth.
The heart of the earth? Wait, wasn’t that the message?
I flip back to the Taurus new moon eclipse note:
“First, first, we must harmonize. We must sync our hearts - and the heart of the earth - with Heaven’s Light. The light hitting our hearts like a series of electrical pulses.”
And I turn to the article with the latest research on the Tonga volcanic explosion that was just released on May 10th. Scientists are now reporting that the Tonga explosion changed the electrical currents in the far reaches of the earth’s atmosphere - at the boundary between “earth” and space:
“After the eruption, the equatorial electrojet surged to five times its normal peak power and dramatically flipped direction…'It’s very surprising to see the electrojet be greatly reversed by something that happened on Earth’s surface,” said Joanne Wu, a Berkeley assistant physicist and co-author of the new study. “This is something we’ve only previously seen with strong geomagnetic storms, which are a form of weather in space caused by particles and radiation from the sun.'”
They’ve never seen these electrical changes from something on the earth before…they’ve only ever seen it from space, from the sun.
It’s almost as if…the power of the sun is on Earth.
“First, first, we must harmonize. We must sync our hearts - and the heart of the earth - with Heaven’s Light. The light hitting our hearts like a series of electrical pulses.
And what is this light?
I think it may be quite literal…but also…I think it may be the sun’s light from the (very real) magnetic portals of the earth.
I think - I hypothesize - that there is something about these portals and the charged particles flowing through them that connects to magic…
I think now of Ancient Egypt and the story of Isis - the goddess whose magic was considered to be the most powerful. She was so powerful because she knew the secret of Ra - the sun god. She wore the sun on her head like a crown.
The sun is coming for us.”
The volcanic explosion sent a shockwave around the earth, it rang like a bell, and in the outer reaches of earth’s atmosphere - at the boundary with space - the electrical currents surged and flipped directions.
And I think of the image of a fiery angel out in space - just above the earth, resting at the boundary between “earth” and space - and I think of its beating heart, radiating like waves towards the earth, like electrical currents, like light hitting our hearts like a series of electrical pulses.
And I think of how the image of the earth has been changing - all fire then some blue, some green - and I remember what comes next (according to the channeled story of The Great Divide):
“And with the eclipses, the energy penetrates down to the core of the earth, anchoring itself.
Once it reaches the core, IT FILLS IT COMPLETELY.”
Now, with this second eclipse, IT FILLS IT COMPLETELY.
The sun is coming for us.
On May 15-16, 2022, there is a total lunar eclipse, and unlike the first eclipse of the season (which was partial and invisible for most), this eclipse is complete and IT WILL BE SEEN.
Wherever you are, you will likely be able to see it.
THIS WILL BE A HISTORIC ECLIPSE. It will last 84 minutes long, and the sun will be nearly perfectly conjunct asteroid #84. Asteroid 84 is Klio, named after the muse of history.
This Scorpio full moon eclipse time (May 15 - May 29) marks a historic moment, AND this moon is about our history.
What we’ve done and where we’ve been.
At the time of the eclipse, the moon will be perfectly conjunct the asteroid Karma.
So we’ll have the sun on one side of the earth, aligned with the asteroid Klio, and on the other side of the earth, there will be the moon, aligned with the asteroid Karma.
There is more to this story, but first, if you’d like to see the eclipse, check out this article for details on the best viewing time based on where you live. For me, in EST, I’ll be able to start seeing the the eclipse a little after 10 p.m. on the 15th.
Not only is this the first total lunar eclipse visible in North America in two years, but it’s a super moon, meaning the moon is closer to the earth and will appear larger in the sky, and thanks to the eclipse, this super moon will appear red, which is why it’s known as a BLOOD MOON, and if you were to look at the earth from space - as if you were the fiery angel hovering above - then you would see a halo of red light encircling the earth.
And when I read about all of this…that’s when I realize…this is the red halo moon!
Last summer, I watched the final episodes of a pretty cheesy show that I absolutely adored called Good Witch.
During the final episodes, three magical women are facing a historic prophecy warning them that the red halo moon has the power to strip them of their magic. The whole time I was watching, I kept wondering if red halo moons were real, and I found myself thinking that this story wasn’t just some fiction - it was a message. I know that may sound crazy - to think something from a fictional TV show is in any way foreshadowing real events, but here’s the thing: this fictional story was eerily similar to a channeled message I received from my Great-Great-Grandma Cora in August 2020 and to the plot of a screenplay I channeled in October 2020…ten months before the episodes aired.
In August 2020, I had a powerful experience where my Great-Great Grandma Cora spoke to me from wherever she is now. She told me a story about magic arriving on Earth, how the organism that brought magic was female, how magical women hold inside them the great secrets of the earth and how matter grows and how to create, and how certain men long ago wanted to entrap that power so women would forget. But, she said, “We never forgot. We remembered. We placed the memories in the bodies of our high priestesses to be bearers of wisdom through the ages…And the world needs its priestesses as it always has or else the earth will shrivel and die and the air will become toxic for man without our magic - which they stole.”
As this message arrived, I held in my hand a gold pocket watch that once was hers. Its face embossed with a ring of wild roses, and at its center, there are three flowers.
A few days before her message arrived, I was sitting outside, wearing the watch around my neck, when suddenly I realized it was glowing. I saw its light shining on a passage in the book I was reading, and this is what it said:
“If all the woman of the world
recorded their dreams for a single week
and laid them all end to end,
we would recover the last million years
of women’s hymns and chants
and dances,
all of women's art and stories,
and medicines,
all of women's lost histories.”
Clarisa Pinkola Estés
And as I saw the golden light encircling the words - “all of women’s lost histories” - I wondered what was happening to the watch, so I turned the camera on myself, and I captured the sun, reflecting off the watch’s golden surface, and with every breath I took, the golden light was pulsing, radiating at my chest. See?
And just now, when I went to find the Estés quote online so I wouldn’t have to type it all myself, I was shown the words in the next sentence that weren’t included in the book I was reading in August 2020, but were included - in spirit - in Cora’s message seven days later: “Sing it! Nothing that can be remembered with love can ever be lost!”
“We never forgot. We remembered.”
We’re remembering. We’re remembering. We’re remembering, and they are terrified.
For months now, I’ve been writing about this ethereal explosion of light, this great return of goddess energy/feminine/yin magic, the holy cosmic mother. I saw the goddess Isis rising from the center of the moon, cracked open like an egg - the great cosmic egg - I saw her rising in February with a great blooming of grace.
Eight days later, Russia invaded Ukraine. The consequences have touched many - not just women by any means - but the impact on women has been extreme. Most of the approximately six million refugees are women and children, and as this latest report details, the war’s effects on women has been devastating, robbing them of work, shelter, healthcare, and safety.
And now, since the eclipse on April 30th - the eclipse that happened as our destiny was aligned with the asteroid Hekate (the goddess of witchcraft and magic) - the Taliban issued a new decree that women must fully cover their bodies, a draft SCOTUS opinion was leaked that would effectively end the right to abortion in America, and multiple American states have since announced that not only will they eliminate abortion rights, but they will make it a crime to use birth control, leaving women with little to no authority over their own creative centers.
Women’s bodies are under attack.
As this great energy wave takes root, there is great resistance.
As the magic is returning - our power remembered - there are those who do not want this.
As Cora reminded me, “Women hold inside them the great secrets of the earth and how matter grows and how to create.”
In energy theory, this power is often connected to the womb space, the area where new life is forged, the area they want to restrict. Is this how they entrap our power? This is certainly part of how they try.
And this is part of our collective karma. As Cora and history books have told me, women have been oppressed again and again in a variety of ways, but the earth needs women. It needs our creative power.
Five weeks after Cora came to me with her message, I found myself looking ahead in my calendar to a special full moon falling right on Halloween. It was October 2020, and the energy of this Halloween blue moon felt so huge that I struggled to comprehend it, but I sat down and found my way - as I often do - through writing.
This time, I wrote a movie - a fictional story - and when I look back at it now, I see how it is seeded with messages. But the messages weren’t for when I wrote it - in 2020 - they are for now. I didn’t realize this until I re-read the movie last month, but I actually set the story in 2022 - a detail that is so subtly placed in the script I didn’t even realize I had done it. And when I did it, I knew nothing about the 2020-2022 echo cycle. I didn’t know that that Halloween blue moon was falling in the same place as the eclipse that just happened on April 30th. I didn’t know that it was leading to a moon that was falling in the same place as this Scorpio full moon eclipse now. I didn’t know about the historic Blood Moon coming in twenty months.
But I wrote the story. I let the words and details fly through me in just three days - from some unknown source, perhaps a deep well of memory - and the story? It’s about a historic prophecy, warning the main character of a threat arriving with a rare full moon. The night of the full moon, a man comes and tries to steal her magic from her, but she fights back, and she binds his power. She’s protected by a special trinity amulet she wears around her neck, and she’s able to harness her power through a golden coin that was buried under a tree hundreds of years ago. As the full moon rises, a bolt of lightning strikes the coin, and the coin absorbs its energy, and not only is she safe, but afterwards, the world is finally ready for the magic to return.
I wrote that in October 2020. Ten months later, I was watching the series finale of Good Witch and all of my spidey senses went on high alert when this is what happened (spoiler alert!):
A historic prophecy warns the women that a rare full moon is coming that can steal their magic. As the moon approaches, their magic starts to fade, and they feel sick. In order to protect themselves, they realize they have to create this special necklace made from a trinity of ingredients. They make the main piece of the necklace (an amulet), and it resembles a gold coin. Then when the red halo moon rises, a tree falls over revealing a piece of the necklace that had been buried beneath the tree hundreds of years ago. They’re able to secure the amulet in place just in time, and the necklace then absorbs the harmful energy of the moon, kind of resembling a bolt of lightning striking the gold amulet. After the moon passes, their magic returns in full, and the threat is gone.
As I watched this, I couldn’t help but see the many weirdly specific parallels between the Good Witch story and the movie I’d written, and here we are, almost a year later, and as I was researching the Scorpio eclipse and learning about how it’s the first visible Blood Moon in two years, I found myself remembering the story I wrote in 2020 and the Good Witch episode with the red halo moon.
I started researching moon halos, and I learned that halos only form around the moon if there are ice crystals in the air, which is actually pretty common. I figured, “Sure, okay, maybe there will be a halo around the moon.” Time will tell…not gonna read too much into this…
But then, the next day, I got a National Geographic email that started with these words:
“In today’s newsletter, we prepare for a total eclipse to remember [and] puzzle over witch killings throughout history…”
Eclipse…and witch killings?! I thought it was curious that Nat Geo decided to feature these together like this. It grabbed my attention, and I started reading Jay Bennett’s description of the eclipse in the newsletter:
“With each lunar eclipse, I think about what it would look like to stand on the moon, gazing back at Earth as it moved in front of the sun. Our planet would be encircled by a glowing red halo…”
And that’s when I realized that regardless of the appearance of ice crystals, there is always a red halo with a total lunar eclipse. It’s just not around the moon. It’s around us, on Earth.
The Scorpio blood moon is approaching, and I am suddenly sick, sick in a way I haven’t been in over two years. The sickness started almost exactly as Jupiter entered Aries on Tuesday, May 10th, and I can’t help but think of the women in Good Witch falling ill before the red halo moon. I can’t help but think of how so many people around me are sick or surrounded by people feeling sick this week. I can’t help but think that this discomfort in my body is another message, telling me how this eclipse connects to these stories. I can’t help but think of how our deepest memories and knowings slip out in our stories. I can’t help but think that the image of the amulet around the Good Witch’s neck - as the amulet absorbs the light of the red halo moon - resembles the image of Cora’s necklace around my neck - as the golden watch reflected the light of the sun.
Image from TV Line, aired July 25, 2021.
August 20, 2020
We must sync our hearts - and the heart of the earth - with Heaven’s Light. The light hitting our hearts like a series of electrical pulses.
And as I look at these images, I’m reminded of these words from the story of The Great Divide:
“I’ve been seeing this sun at my chest…and this energy - THIS HEAVEN’S LIGHT - is permeating down not just through the earth as a whole but through our individual bodies. We are experiencing the whirring under the surface, the filling up, the blooming just as the earth is experiencing it. But not everyone will experience this in the same way. Not everyone is open to experiencing this at all. But for those who are open, this will bring forth an incredibly powerful time for WORKING MAGIC ON EARTH.”
And embracing our “feminine” nature, our intuition, our magic is essential for healing and protecting the earth.
As Heaven’s Light anchors itself in the core of the earth - as it fills it completely - a great blooming continues.
Of course, this moon is also called the Flower Moon, and during this full moon eclipse, the asteroids Thalia (a name that means blooming) is conjunct the asteroid Gaea (the goddess of the earth) and the planet Jupiter (the planet of god and expansion). The earth is blooming! Quite literally in the northern hemisphere, where spring has arrived, but also metaphorically / energetically. This intense blooming energy will only be amplified as the month progresses and we continue into June.
This is the vision I had of the fiery angel - the earth changing from fire to green and blue. The earth’s great blooming as the light is fully seeded and preparing to burst forth through the surface where it can no longer be denied…
Though there will still be those who try to tame it, mistaking that which is wild for a weed.
It can seem scary - to process the karma of our collective aches and pains. It can seem like it’s going to take us under, wash us away completely, rob us of that which we hold most dear - what is that for you?
Your freedom?
Your love?
Your magic?
These things they cannot take even if they try.
For the sun not only conjuncts Klio - the muse of history - but it’s also conjunct the asteroid Victoria (for victory), and as I type that now I find myself laughing because at the end of that movie I wrote in 2020? Three flowers merged into one, and the one they became - after the full moon - was Victoria amazonica, a.k.a. The Queen Victoria Lily.
On this historic blood moon, super moon, flower moon eclipse, the karma-laden moon is cast in shadow, and the sun aligns with VICTORY. It crowns the earth in its glowing halo of red light, and in addition to Klio and Victoria, the sun is also conjunct the asteroid Eros. The same asteroid that played such a huge role with the first eclipse of the season.
Eros - the god of desire, proclaiming “Perseverance winneth!”
Eros - the opposite of logos and the Jungian term for the feminine:
“Woman's psychology is founded on the principle of Eros, the great binder and loosener, whereas from ancient times the ruling principle ascribed to man is Logos. The concept of Eros could be expressed in modern terms as psychic relatedness, and that of Logos as objective interest.” - Carl Jung
Eros is a symbol of women’s psychology, their unique intuitive way of being and thinking that by no means applies exclusively to people with female bodies but that lives in those bodies and beyond and in the earth.
The sun brings a historic victory of Eros!
What will this mean? We persevere. We win.
We heal.
Venus perfectly conjuncts Chiron in Aries. We are healing how we relate to each other and the world. We are healing our love. We are healing VENUS ENERGY - divine feminine energy.
And if you know me, you know I don’t love the terms divine feminine and divine masculine, but right now, for this moon, it’s the right term. It’s apt. This is a bursting forth - a cocooning that’s about to break - of divine feminine power on Earth.
Feminine creative power is RESTORED.
Our destiny is with the sun and all it holds. We are releasing the moon and the emotional karma it’s carrying.
This eclipse allows us to BREAK FREE from the past.
But first, we have to move through it. Only once we move through the eclipse on the 15th and 16th will we start to feel this freeing.
Reflection Exercise
this eclipse hooks into the following time periods
November 14 - 29, 2020
July 23 - August 8, 2021
November 2 - November 18, 2021
What was happening in your life during these periods? Look at major events/decisions but also look at emotional themes, recurring imagery and ideas. Use your journal, camera roll, calendar, IG - whatever helps you remember.
What thread is weaving between these three points in time? What message does it have for you now? What karma are you clearing?
And last but not least: Are you ready to be victorious?
Are you READY?
The sun is coming for us.
I place Cora’s golden watch around my neck. I stand in the light of the red moon. And somewhere out in space, a fiery angel waits and sees: a glowing red halo encircling the earth.
It’s time.
And she knew the secret,
the secret sealed inside her body:
She wears the sun on her head like a crown.
Long story short:
This eclipse marks a historic moment. A historic victory for women, for magic, for all the ways we are in our wild state that logic would have us believe are wrong. A deep PURGING of collective karma ripples through humanity and makes way for what comes next: the blooming of a new earth, a restored earth. This eclipse prepares us. It heals us. It PROTECTS US. How, how? How could these things be true? Don’t worry about that. Instead, fall into the rhythm of your heart. Let it speak to you in another language. Let it express all the things you know that for so long, someone somewhere didn’t want you to believe. Feel the freedom here and trust: no one can ever take this away.