Sagittarius Full Moon: June 14, 2022
Sagittarius Full Moon,
June 14, 2022
peaking at 7:51 A.M. EST
happening at 23°25’ Sagittarius
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
Enlightenment is like a ladder your soul is climbing but you don’t even know it.
At each rung, you are given a new perspective. You see something new, and you can’t go back.
In this way, enlightenment is really just a word for an expansion of sight, an expansion of awareness, but still, there are always questions. Things you cannot see.
You wonder about them.
You sit on the rung - wherever you are - and you live your life, and you see what you see, and you wonder.
Rung? Is that the right word?
I google it just to make sure, and I see:
“You should never stand on the very top rung of a ladder - it can be dangerous!”
And I wonder if it’s a metaphor.
So many people are out there - seeking, searching, wondering, hoping for more.
For the next rung to satisfy the pressure - the desire - of their soul they can’t quite quench.
There’s something about the experience of rising that feels like progress.
Silly egos often mistakes any experience of “rising” - an increase in fame, wealth, or status - as the one they’re searching for, only to get to the top and realize their exertion wasn’t accomplishing what they thought it was.
The desire’s still there.
Unceasing, unyielding, calling you to climb.
And somewhere inside, you know the direction.
You know what you’re reaching for, and in time, really, you learn that enlightenment is just a word for getting to know yourself.
I think of the cube.
The cube is an ancient visualization exercise that I first shared here at The Magic Guide in July 2021. If you’ve never done the cube, you can do it now. If you’ve done it before, you can do it again (maybe this is your full moon ritual).
Full disclosure: I’m about to share some information about the cube that spoils the exercise - it’s best to go into it with no knowledge of what it is - so before ruining it for yourself, I recommend taking ten minutes, and doing the cube.
Done? Okay good.
The cube helps you know yourself.
The cube helps you SEE where you are inside and out. It gives you perspective on your perspective.
I first did the cube on September 18, 2019. Back then, I saw myself as a Rubik’s-sized cube, made of fool’s gold, and I saw a ladder: wooden and witchy, reaching towards the ceiling and placed right at my feet. I was at the bottom then, eager and ready to climb.
I did the cube again on July 24, 2021, and by then, everything had changed. My cube had gotten smaller. Tiny. Shrunk to the size of a die.
As I type this now, I think it’s funny how both times, my cube reminded me of a game, a toy. First, a Rubik’s cube to be perfectly arranged, and then, a die to roll.
But this die wasn’t meant to be rolled. It was meant to be opened.
It was purple - royal purple and matte - and when I first spotted it, I was seeing it from up above because when I entered the house, I found myself not on the floor, but up high. I was standing on a wall, but the wall wasn’t flat. It resembled a rock wall - made of solid gold - and in the golden wall, stairs were carved. I was standing high on the stairs, looking down at my tiny purple cube, resting on the floor.
I picked it up, and then, I noticed that it was a box. Its top could be opened, and when I looked inside, I saw the entire universe.
In this exercise, the cube represents your ego - your sense of self and who you are in the world as a contained entity - for we are all many things: a contained, defined “self” and everything and nothing.
And maybe the “self” is just a play thing, a way to access everything else.
And the ladder? When I was guided to see it, it appeared not at my feet, but right next to me. It felt majestic, formed from pure crystal and clean, simple lines. A far cry from the knotty, earthen wood of 2019.
2021 was something different.
We are evolving. Our connection to everything is evolving. Our awareness is evolving.
How you see yourself one day is not indicative of how you’ll see yourself the next, so in short: Don’t take your Self too seriously.
In the exercise, the ladder is supposed to represent your goals and ambitions, but as the July 2021 version of myself taught me, goals and ambitions are hardly the only way to climb.
For there is a golden staircase, carved into the home of your being, and before you even know it, you may be at the top.
But you should never stand on the very top rung of a ladder - it can be dangerous!
So you take a seat. You rest. You climb back down.
You walk all the way down to the floor where the cube that is you doesn’t feel so far away but instead can be held in the palm of your hand.
But appearances can be deceiving, what seems small can hold everything, and who you are now is a play thing, connecting you always to the seat of the divine.
The moon waxes full on June 14, 2022, at the place in the sky where the constellation Sagittarius once was and still sometimes is - in part - but like our Selves, the stars are always moving, the universe expanding, and ultimately, this moon is about our state of awareness.
The awareness of our own expansive nature.
There are gaps in our awareness. For each person individually and for the whole of society collectively.
Where you are is not where I am. Where I am is not where my sister is. Where my sister is is not where Ohio State Representatives are - the ones who just passed a law that would force any female student athlete to undergo a “genital inspection” should any coach, parent, or fellow player decide they want it to happen. (Yep, that happened. Female bodies are under attack.)
There is a Great Divide in human consciousness, and while the divisions themselves are an illusion, the consequences are very real.
Expansion matters.
Enlightenment matters.
The great beating heart of all that is that moves through you and me and all of us reminding us WE ARE ONE - it matters.
And when you bleed, I bleed.
When you cry, I cry.
It’s easy to chalk all of this spiritual, philosophical stuff up to the realm of impractical things that don’t really make a difference beyond however it shapes your personal enjoyment, but I’m here to tell you: it matters.
Your personal evolution matters.
It has an impact.
Your being is connected to all beings, and while tangible actions matter, so do the “invisible.”
We are expanding rapidly now. The expansion exacerbates our awareness of the gaps that persist, but it also creates more expansion.
Expansion begets expansion.
“The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.”
- MLK, Jr.
Each of us, like a leaf on a vine, is connected, reaching towards something from our specific spot wherever we are. Our growth shaping the growth of the rest of the vine. So take good care of YOU and YOUR DOMAIN, and trust that your flourishing state will help everything else.
You help through the decisions you make and the actions you take from your state of expanded awareness.
And you help through being - just being - like a beacon of light radiating out towards the land, the people, the things you can see, and all the things you can’t that pass through your sphere of being.
This full moon opposes the sun, and the sun is (still) conjunct the asteroid Jubilatrix - meaning JUBILANT.
At the outer edges of being that you can touch in every moment, there is JOY. There is CELEBRATION. There is a REFUSAL to let the narrow-minded bullsh*t of the blind get you down.
“Once you see something, you can’t unsee it.” And the world needs your sight. Don’t let the world shrink your vision. You know what you know.
Get angry. Cry. Feel the vine weaving through time, but don’t lose sight of where you are and what you can see.
What do you see? Take time to close your eyes, place your hands on your heart, breathe, and reflect.
This full moon brings an EMOTIONAL RESET.
The moon is aligned with the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, and for a moment, it might feel like you’re getting sucked into it. Into the dark vast unknowable mystery - the point where you have no idea what happens on the other side - but around this hole, there is BRIGHT, BRIGHT LIGHT.
The brightest stardust in the galaxy, encircling the event horizon.
We must be like this bright light right now. We are like this bright light right now.
The divide is wide between the dark holes of uncertainty and the bright light of knowing.
LET YOURSELF KNOW THIS: Everything is going to be okay.
Everything is always okay, really.
It may be hard right now, but this is not the end.
This is not YOUR END.
This is your ARRIVAL.
An astrolabe in use. The History of the Astrolabe.
The moon conjuncts an asteroid named after the first female philosopher in recorded history.
She studied math and the stars.
She built astrolabes and held a map of the universe in her hands.
Her name was Hypatia, and in a time when women weren’t taught much and were mostly actively denied an education, her dad taught her how to read and how to read the stars and how to calculate formulas.
The year was 400 (approximately), and her home was Alexandria, Egypt - after Caesar set fire to the great library and during the time when religious conflict was increasing.
Hypatia herself was pagan. She believed that “everything emanates from the One,” and while she spoke publicly and shared her message with anyone who would listen, she was wholly tolerant of other beliefs. She became a revered scholar, and her belief (that everything emanates from the One) was ultimately considered a school of philosophy (Neoplatonism) more so than a spirituality or religion.
I’m flashing back now to Sunday, June 5th. I was riding in the passenger seat while my husband drove, and I forget what we were talking about, but somehow I found myself saying:
“I do think Jesus was a great spiritual teacher.”
My husband scoffed.“Spiritual teacher? I mean, he was a philosopher.”
To which I replied: “I don’t know if there’s a difference.”
Etymologically, philosophy comes from the Greek philosophia, meaning “love of wisdom.”
And Hypatia was a lover of wisdom.
“She stood for intellectual values, for rigorous mathematics, ascetic Neoplatonism, the crucial role of the mind, and the voice of temperance and moderation in civic life.”*
She drew people’s attention to the One.
The oneness of all things.
She gained tremendous respect and was even admired by the governor of Alexandria.
Then, she was dragged into a church, stripped naked, beaten with tiles, torn to pieces, and burned.
And I wonder: How many stories have ended this way? How many great thinkers espousing the supreme simplicity of love have been murdered? Jesus, Hypatia, Gandhi, Martin Luther King. Just to name a few.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
This can be hard to believe when you’re so close to all of it and when history keeps repeating itself.
Why is it that messages of love are met with hate?
Because in those moments the gap is so wide that in order to let the love in, people would have to completely let go of their current sense of self. They’d essentially have to kill the version of themselves they know. They feel threatened by the message of LOVE because it challenges their ego, and instead of rising to meet a new version of themselves, they dig in, lash out, and kill the threat. For them, it’s about survival. They’re just trying to survive. They don’t understand.
And so, it keeps happening.
It keeps happening until the day the love is felt by enough people. People who are able to protect the love, to foster more love, to STAND THEIR GROUND IN THE ONENESS and say: LET US GROW IN THIS DIRECTION.
Let us grow in this direction.
Let us grow in this direction.
Let us grow in this direction.
On this full moon, Mars conjuncts the asteroid Chiron. We are HEALING war. We are healing our actions. We are healing the direction in which we are growing.
Our destiny is being aligned with Venus, Uranus, and the asteroid Pallas Athena.
Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom.
Wisdom & War.
Something is happening now. We are at war.
The war is bigger than any single country.
The peace - the piece - is found through surrender.
We surrender. We surrender. We surrender.
We surrender to the ONENESS.
We let LOVE in.
We rise.
We rise.
This full moon connects back to the new moon eclipse on December 4, 2021.
Reflect back to the new moon time from December 4 - December 18. What happened in your life then? What ideas were running through your mind? Look to your journal, calendar, camera roll, etc. You may see repeating images now, the same people showing up, echoes upon echoes. Stay tuned for how this reveals itself, and know that this full moon doesn’t just connect with the new moon time, but also the entirety of December and the transition into 2022.
The end of 2021 was just the beginning of what starts NOW.
And if you were feeling a little uneasy about the war messages above (I was, and to be honest, I don’t know exactly what they mean. I was just channeling what I heard and didn’t edit a word, so we will see, but), I will share that when I returned to the December 4th new moon note, this passage jumped out at me:
“This new moon brings a BLOOMING OF PEACE AROUND THE WORLD. Does that mean that there’s no more violence ever? Doubtful, but it means that this fiery infinity symbol we’ve been riding is about to lay down its grand finale - A GOLDEN MOMENT IN TIME.
And since that new moon then set the stage for what happens now…maybe peace is what we will see.
Maybe…it is time for peace.
And I think again of all the great spiritual teachers - nay philosophers - who preached peace and were met with violence, and I think: “but here we are, still talking about them.”
Their work ripples.
It ripples.
Carrying us up the ladder to our remembrance.
And what do we remember? That we are free, we are powerful, we are loved, and magic? It’s real.
Miracles happen.
Unexpected incredible things happen.
Some we can explain, and others we can’t.
And what seems small can hold everything.
Like a tiny clinical trial with unprecedented results, a whisper of hope, a cure for cancer.
Oh yes, and there’s also this - another point for reflection:
Look back at the time period from December 14 - December 28, 2020. What happened in your life then helped lay the foundation for what’s to come now - during this full moon time from June 14-27. It’s almost like 2020 was the trial run and now is when you go. Now is when YOU GO.
Long story short:
This full moon brings expansion upon expansion upon expansion. This time, we’re breaking free from the constriction. The wind up to the big release. We are ready to JUST GO. To be. To GROW. Grow, grow, growing now in the direction of the greatest unnameable mysterious love. Growing in the direction of peace. Not just for ourselves but in service of everyone because in every moment that we tend to our garden, it creates a ripple effect - nourishing an interconnected ecosystem of which we are now more keenly aware.