Gemini New Moon: May 30, 2022
Gemini New Moon,
May 30, 2022
peaking at 7:30 A.M. EST
happening at 9°03’ Gemini
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
It’s as if we are stepping into a clearing, and everything that came before led us here but also, it doesn’t really matter anymore. This is a FRESH START.
A time to release all the old stories - or most likely, you’ve already let them go - and now, you’re ready to just be where you’ve arrived. After everything that’s happened, this is where you are. It’s as plain and simple as that.
LOOK AROUND YOU. Take it in.
How does it feel?
Place your hand on your heart and close your eyes and now, just look inside.
How does it feel?
Without judgement, without persecution, and with only the simple acceptance of acknowledgement, write the answer down.
Go ahead, grab a piece of paper and a pen.
This is your story now. Your jumping off point.
Write the date and time on the page, and then continue:
“Once upon a time, all the world outside felt like {fill in the blank}, and all the world inside felt like {fill in the blank}.”
Perhaps you even keep writing, letting whatever wants to be said flow through you and onto the page, and then, whenever you’re ready:
Let us begin.
On May 30, 2022, the sun and moon will align in the morning sky, appearing to be at the exact same spot. On this new moon - like on every new moon, every month - the sun and moon merge. They become one.
Of course, not literally. Not in terms of the actual mapping of time and space, the millions of miles in between, but for now, in this moment, all of that space seems to disappear, collapsing into the common thread that binds us all as one.
And perhaps really, that’s how it always is.
Notions of time and space seem to mainly be the work of our minds and our perception,* for in reality, the world simply is however it is - not flowing in some straight chronological line and maybe not even flowing out in multiple dimensions, but instead, all most likely happening right here, right now. Perhaps even as a holograph, projecting off the surface of a black hole.
Take a moment and imagine that at this very point · you find every great beginning, every poignant conclusion, every breath in between.
Can you take it all in? The great oneness of everything?
It’s already inside you, but now, can you let your mind absorb and know it?
This new moon falls at approximately 9 degrees Gemini, aligned with a cluster of stars known as the Hyades.
The Hyades form the shape of a V - a great V in the sky - a V for victory.
And this is where we begin.
Our new story starts at the merging of the sun and the moon, held within the chalice of the V for Victory.
When I look at the image above, I see the great clearing at the start of this story. I see it residing at the center, at the place where the sun and the moon are one. I see our new beginning bursting forth from this union, spinning like a disco ball, reflecting a million little rays of light. I see the light shooting out beyond the frame of the V, out to all the world.
And I think of the word victory.
It comes from the Latin victoria, which makes me think of asteroid #12, the asteroid named Victoria.
image from Universe Guide
Two weeks ago - on May 16th - there was a total lunar eclipse. At that time, the sun and moon weren’t merged like they are now, but instead, they were placed on opposite sides of the earth, 180 degrees apart. To find each other, they would have had to reach across space and through the center of us, but while the sun and moon seemed so far apart, the sun appeared to be one with the asteroid Victoria. In other words, on May 16th, the sun and Victoria were “conjunct,” which is an astronomical measurement that in layman’s terms means that the sun and Victoria appeared to be merged at the same point in the sky.
So just two weeks ago, the sun merged with Victoria, and now it merges with the moon, held within the V of the Hyades. We are enveloped in Vs, and on this new moon, not only are the sun and moon merged, but the asteroid named Jubilatrix (#652) is merged with them.
This new moon marks the start of newfound joy.
But this jubilant time is about more than just joy - the emotion of celebration - for it is part of a larger message that has been weaving its way through the stories here at The Magic Guide since October 2020.
Since those stories are in the past, and we are now here - where everything is new - I won’t go into all the details, but I will do this. I will point to the thread reaching into this story from the past, anchoring itself into this new beginning of ours and suggesting - as all time does - that the past is not so separate from the future, and every new beginning holds within it something very old.
A Thread in Time
On May 24, 1819, the sun and moon were merged in the sky as a baby girl was born at Kensington Palace, London. It was a Gemini new moon then (just like now), and as the girl’s parents greeted her, they named her: Alexandrina Victoria.
They didn’t know then that eighteen years later, she’d be queen,** and they certainly didn’t know that there was a piece of rock out in space - an asteroid floating between Jupiter and Mars - that on the very day of her birth, was conjunct the sun and moon.
Three decades later, in 1850, when this stony asteroid was finally discovered, it was named Victoria. But the discoverer didn’t know about its connection to the day the Queen was born. He claims he didn’t even name it after her. Rather, the asteroid was named after the Roman goddess of victory, and the fact that Victoria was also the name of the astronomer’s queen was - according to him - a happy coincidence that allowed him to say - after the fact - that the asteroid was also named in her honor.
So on the very day Victoria was born, there was a Gemini new moon conjunct an asteroid, and then, thirty-one years later, that asteroid was discovered and just happened to be named Victoria.
Time is weaving. Everything connects. Like roads on a map with some great force moving underneath.
But that’s not all.
At the very moment Victoria was born (4:15 AM), the V of the Hyades was rising in the sky, making itself visible just above the horizon. In other words, Victoria was born during a new moon that conjuncted the asteroid Victoria as a glowing giant V appeared at the line between the earth and the sky.
And then, on June 20, 1887, shortly after her sixty-eighth birthday, Victoria and all of England celebrated her Golden Jubilee - fifty years of being queen - and on that very day, there was yet another Gemini new moon, and on that moon, the asteroid Jubilatrix happened to be at the exact same degree (9 degrees) of Gemini as this Gemini new moon now on May 30, 2022.
The asteroid Jubilatrix hadn’t even been discovered yet, but still, it was out there, moving through space, marking that moment then and this moment now as A TIME OF JUBILATION.
And to celebrate that jubilee then, a clocktower was erected in Victoria’s honor, and she spoke to the crowd: “That God may protect & abundantly bless…is my fervent prayer."
This is Victoria’s Chart
The yellow circle highlights the cluster of planets, asteroids, and points in Gemini that are all aligned with the Hyades and with this May 2022 new moon.
Queen Victoria was born.
She ascended to the throne.
And she went on to become the longest reigning female monarch of all time (prior to being surpassed by Elizabeth II), but I didn’t know much at all about her, and I certainly didn’t know about any of this when on July 7, 2020, my mom sent me an ancestry publication with a picture of a clocktower on the cover.
The clocktower had the letters VR on it, which caught my attention because those are my initials. I soon learned that the clocktower was in England, that it had been built to honor Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, and that VR stood for Victoria Regina.
After this, message after message - a flooding of synchronicity and visions - around the idea of A New Golden Age and Queen Victoria kept showing up everywhere. It’s like one day I saw the clocktower, and the next day, the universe or God or whatever you want to call it - some knowing deep inside - was pouring a confetti of GOLD and VICTORY and JUBILEE messages all over my life.
That started nearly two years ago, and it hasn’t stopped.
It’s shown up in wild magical moments again and again, far too many to recount here, but here is a highly abridged thread of examples:
In September 2020, when I was channeling messages for the October 2020 moons, I found myself telling (for the first time) the story of the clocktower, the messages around Queen Victoria, and her apparent connection to A New Golden Age - one that we are building now, that is appearing in pockets of golden glory, that exists for us in each step we take.
Weeks later, I was intuitively guided to learn about the existence of the asteroid Victoria. I learned about this just before the October 2020 new moon, and it just so happened that the asteroid Victoria? It was conjunct that new moon!
It was October 2020 then. I had just learned about the asteroid Victoria, but I didn’t know about the existence of the Hyades yet - the great V in the sky. I wouldn’t learn about that for another four months, but still,
I held two roses then - one red and one white, and I placed them on the ground in the shape of a V - a V for Victory - and I wished for harmony, for peace, for the total unification of heaven and earth.
And then, two months later, on December 11, 2020, I dreamt that I was lifted to a heavenly realm by two flocks of birds. The birds were flying in the shape of two Vs - great big Vs in the sky - one atop the other, like this:
And in the dream, it wasn’t just me that was being lifted up, but all of us.
Since then, the images and messages about a great victory and A New Golden Age - something akin to Heaven on Earth - have continued swirling through and around me via synchronicity and visions that often seem to live in opposition to the chaos of the world. With all the war and illness and political upheaval and mass shootings and corruption and racism and hatred and our burning, aching earth, it’s easy to doubt the truth of the messages, but the messages just keep coming…keep echoing…keep manifesting in their way…
In August 2021, I woke one morning to the image of two Vs on my bedroom wall. They were made of golden light - coming through the window (I think). I’d never seen the windows cast light like this before, but that morning, there were two Vs placed one atop the other, and when I saw them, I knew: it’s coming.
A few hours later, I learned that the offer my husband and I had made on a new home - our own little sliver of paradise - had been accepted.
Then, in February 2022, from the new windows of our new house, I looked out and saw A GOLDEN BEACON OF LIGHT, A GOLDEN DIAMOND IN THE SKY. My husband and I stood in awe. We’d never seen the sun do anything like this, and it reminded me of the vision I’d had just four days after my mom sent me the clocktower. I saw a golden diamond in the sky, spewing golden dust, I saw the golden dust coating the earth.
And just two weeks ago - on Sunday, May 15th, just hours before the total lunar eclipse, just as the sun was conjunct the asteroid Victoria - I was standing in a bakery, buying sour cream donuts, and when I was handed my change - a few bills, a few coins - I looked down at my hand and saw: the image of a queen.
The coin I was holding wasn’t even American currency, but there it was, in my hand - just as I had dreamt it would be.
In October 2020, shortly before learning about the asteroid Victoria, I dreamt that I was standing in a checkout line, and when I was handed my change, I was given a coin with the image of a queen.
Over the last few months, I’ve mentioned this dream a couple of times. I’ve mentioned it because I knew - what happened then in 2020 was just the foundation, now we build, now it comes true.
We are living through a 2020-2022 echo, and all of those 2020 messages about Queen Victoria and A New Golden Age? They were just the beginning.
We are lifted higher now. All of these points in time - the stories weaving through - are connected, and they’re offering us a new story now: one of celebration, of victory, of manifesting a new version - our own understanding - of Heaven on Earth.
And guess what? In doing all of the research on Queen Victoria’s astrology for this note, I just learned that for her Golden Jubilee, a new coin was issued in her honor with her image - the image of the queen - on the front.
Now the coin is resting on my nightstand, next to the tarot card I’d gotten a few days earlier - The Queen of Coins. It rests beside a single dollar bill, a bill that was also handed to me that day in the bakery. It was resting beneath the coin, and someone had taken a pen and written on it: “hoy domingo.” Hoy Domingo means “Today Sunday,” and that day, it was. It was Sunday, but also, it was the day of THE SUN. The sun conjuncting Victoria. The Sun crowning the earth in its glowing red halo. The sun is coming for us, I wrote again and again in the astro notes leading to that very day.
And as the sun and moon merged on her Golden Jubilee, the asteroid Jubilatrix conjuncted the V of the Hyades, and she spoke to the crowd: “That God may protect & abundantly bless…is my fervent prayer."
I pray. I pray. I pray.
I sat in the car, looking at the coin in my hand and the words scribbled atop the dollar bill, and for the first time in my life, the image of the pyramid jumped out at me. Specifically, the words beneath the pyramid: NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.
How many dollar bills have I held in my thirty-five years? How many singles have passed between my palms, moved in and out of my wallet, landed in tip jars and cash registers? How many times have I never noticed those words? But on that Sunday, I noticed, and I wondered, What does it mean?
Before putting the car in drive, I searched the words. I had my answer.
It means: “A new order of the ages (is born.)”
It’s coming. It’s coming.
This Gemini new moon falls just four days after the holiday known as Ascension Day.
In Christian belief, this holiday marks forty days after Jesus’ resurrection, and it’s on this day, so the story goes, that he ascended to heaven.
Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter, and it just so happens that this year, there was a full moon on Easter, and on that full moon, the asteroid Jubilatrix was conjunct the destiny point - for all of us.
And here we are, 40 days later, and now, there’s a new moon conjunct Jubilatrix.
But it’s not just Jubilatrix that’s repeated between these two moons and these two holidays.
On the Easter full moon - this year, of all years - the destiny point was conjunct Jubilatrix and the asteroid Lamb (lamb being a metaphor for Jesus, amongst other things).
And now, this new moon is conjunct Jubilatrix and the asteroid Lamb.
Together, Jubilatrix + Lamb basically mean “a celebration of the lamb,” and it just so happens that as the planets are telling that story, a billion+ people on Earth are celebrating “the lamb" aka Jesus.
Regardless of whether the story of Ascension Day means anything to you personally, it is a story that’s part of the collective experience. It’s a story that’s connected to the dates of these moons, and it’s a story that’s being weirdly echoed by these highly specific and rare asteroid conjunctions. Together, it is all weaving, telling us a story about being lifted into “Heaven.”
This is a time of divine healing. The asteroid Angel (#11911) conjuncts the asteroid Chiron (aka the wounded healer).
A great healing happens now that can seem like it comes out of nowhere. Like it’s from another layer of reality of which you were previously unaware. Like perhaps it comes from the angels themselves, delivered to you, like a gift placed in the palm of your hands.
A big shiny bow stares you in the face, reflecting the joy and hesitation in your eyes, as you question whether this can really be happening. Is this really for you? YES! Let yourself receive what you’ve been wishing for.
Place your fingers around the ends of the bow, pull gently, and surrender to this moment now. Let yourself unwrap this whole new start. Inside you just may find: the entire world.
The world - the earth - is BLOOMING.
A great conjunction is happening now between Mars and Jupiter and the asteroids Gaea and Thalia.
These four planetary bodies are all aligned between 3 and 4 degrees of Aries.
In astrology, Jupiter is considered a sign of good luck, abundance, and benevolence. Since this conjunction is happening with Gaea - meaning the earth - and Thalia - meaning blooming/abundance, I interpret this to mean that this is a time of EXPANDED ABUNDANCE ON EARTH.
An abundance rooted in the very actions we choose to take.
Actions connected to a greater sense of social responsibility, divine identity, and earthly stewardship.
This comes as we simultaneously continue to PURGE OUR COLLECTIVE KARMA. It’s through this that we arrive at a new victorious beginning.
The asteroid Karma is currently retrograde. This means that it appears to be moving backwards in the sky - but like with seemingly most things, appearances can be deceiving. Our perception is a trickster. Our mind a maze. Our heart is where the secret lies: all is well, you are loved, and it’s okay to just be.
On this new moon, Karma conjuncts the south node. This is the third time during this Karma retrograde cycle that the asteroid will align with the south node. These three conjunctions are working in tandem to propel you forward and propel you past your past. To propel us all - past our past.
The first conjunction happened exactly on February 9, 2022, and you likely would have been feeling its affects in the 3 or so days on either side of the 9th as well. This conjunction happened at the same time that the north node of the moon (aka the destiny point) aligned with the asteroid Porta Coeli (meaning “Gateway to Heaven”). So as we were purging our karma, we were being aligned with Heaven’s Light, and it was during this time - on February 5th (just as the sun conjuncted Gaea) - that I woke to see a fiery beacon of golden sunlight shooting through the morning sky. It was then that I saw THE GOLDEN DIAMOND IN THE SKY. (Click here to see those pictures and learn the story behind them, and if you’d like to read the powerful story behind Porta Coeli, click here.)
The second conjunction of Karma and the south node is happening right now, with this new moon, and peaking to perfect precision on June 3rd - the same day that Mercury goes direct. What happens now connects to what happened in February, and it’s leading us to the third and final conjunction.
The third conjunction is coming on July 28, 2022, the very day of the Leo new moon. This third conjunction happens as the asteroids Gaea and Thalia conjunct Chiron, bringing a great healing to the earth, and that Leo new moon? It conjuncts Porta Coeli! Stay tuned for more on all of this in July, but in short: this huge karmic purging cycle keeps aligning with the same asteroids: Gaea for the earth, Thalia for abundance, and Portal Coeli for the Gateway to Heaven.
The actual, physical movement of these planetary bodies are dancing in rhythm, telling us a story. The story that weaves itself around our new beginning, and I could not make up all of these connections and synchronicity if I tried! Something very real is happening around the idea of Heaven/a Golden Age/Something Big is coming.
And guess what? On the very day Queen Victoria was born - on that Gemini new moon in 1819 - the asteroid Karma was retrograde and perfectly conjunct the south node of the moon (exactly as it will be now on this new moon).
look to the purple circle
We are living in stories upon stories upon stories, but the message is the same. It’s repeated. Not because we look to repeat it, but because the words rise from a deep knowing, and it’s there that they return. Only to rise again and again.
It can feel wild and crazy to believe these big, beautiful, spiritual shifts are happening as suffering continues, but right now - for this moment and hopefully all the moments to come - let us listen to the great knowing inside that reminds us: LOVE HAS ALREADY WON.
Love has already won.
And we are victorious.
All the Important Points in Time
for you to remember now
This new moon time lasts from May 29th - June 13th. Let it unfold. Continue returning to this note as you feel called throughout the two weeks and then return at the end to see how the messages came to pass for you.
The actions you take and the moments you experience now lay the foundation for what’s to come with the full moon time that begins on June 14th, but it doesn’t stop there. What happens will keep rippling over the next six months, leading to the Gemini full moon on December 7th.
This new moon connects back to the following recent periods of time. What happened then is woven with what’s happening now. Return to your journal, your calendar, your camera roll, your IG - whatever record you have - to explore what was happening in you life during these periods. You are likely to experience echoes of those experiences now (down to even the most minor details like repeated imagery, the people you encounter, the food you eat, etc.). But what you experience now will also be different. It is expanding upon what happened - not repeating it.
November 30 - December 13, 2020
This was the period of this Gemini new moon’s 2020 echo moon.
This is also when I dreamt about the Vs lifting us to Heaven.
July 28, 2021
This is when our destiny was aligned with the exact spot in Gemini as this new moon.
This was part of a larger transit of the destiny point through the Hyades that lasted through September 8, 2021. You may want to reflect on that entire time period: What big event happened for you from the end of July through September 8? For more on this time, click here.
February 5 - 14, 2022
This was the last south node/Karma conjunction.
This is also when I saw a very real golden beacon of light in the sky.
Do you have questions about what to make of this weaving of time or are you struggling to understand something here? Don’t hesitate to ask.
And don’t forget to circle back to the big overarching message for the collective for June. This message was channeled in December 2021, and it’s already coming true.
“That God may protect & abundantly bless…is my fervent prayer."
Long story short:
A NEW GOLDEN AGE IS COMING! I know, I know - it often doesn’t seem like this could be true - especially right now - but the messages have been woven, the story keeps coming through, and now is when we are offered a new beginning. A great gift! A gift that turns the tide, that helps us start to see, and that reminds us that our prayers are being answered - our wishes made true - for we are protected and abundantly blessed. Amen.
*For more on the science of time, check out Carlo Rovelli’s The Order of Time.
** Read the fascinating story of Queen Victoria’s ascension here.