Taurus Full Moon Eclipse: November 8, 2022
Taurus Full Moon Eclipse: November 8, 2022
peaking at 6:02 A.M. EST
happening at 16°01’ Taurus
click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart
When did it happen?
“It was a long time ago.”
Where did it happen?
“It was far away.”
No, tell. Where did it happen?
“In my heart.”
What is your heart doing now?
“Remembering. Remembering!”
Mary Oliver
I remember I was out in space, high above the earth, far beyond the surface of things.
I was up there, looking down at the earth, and that’s when I saw the nuclear reactor explode. I watched it send death and destruction out towards the people, the animals, the land. I grieved. I grieved, and I was crying not from my eyes (did I even have those then?) but from my entire being. And in that state of intense grief, I said: Okay…okay, I’ll go back.
Seven months later, on November 18, 1986, I was born in a hospital in the state of Virginia in the country of America.
I was born lucky. Far from poisoned land, loved by two parents, always fed, always clothed. And as soon as I could, I started writing. I wrote stories about invisible beings that came from above that only children could see, and I wrote notes to myself, things like: “There are miracles in life we must achieve. Some that seem impossible, and some come quite easily.”
But by the time I was in my teens and twenties, I’d forgotten all about these things, and I wonder now just how many things I’ve forgotten. I certainly didn’t remember then being up above, looking down at the earth, and deciding to return. I didn’t remember that until two years ago, when the memory returned like a full body shake to my system.
Is it even a memory? Did it ever really happen? I suppose I’ll never know, but earlier this year, I was remembering it again.
I was feeling it in my body, seeing it in my mind.
All the grief.
All the heartbreak and pain.
And as I was feeling it, I opened the news on my phone and read that on that very day, a battle was happening in Chernobyl, threatening the site where the nuclear reactor had exploded then - back in 1986.
On April 26, 1986, to be precise.
I texted a friend - someone who’s particularly interested in the spirituality of childbirth - and I asked: Isn’t there some theory about when a soul enters the body during pregnancy? When is that?
Two months, she told me. It has something to do with the development of the pituitary gland.
And I don’t know if I believe this. I’m not saying it’s true…but I do find it fascinating that that theory exists and that I have this memory of deciding to enter this life and that that memory is tied to an event that happened almost exactly seven months before the day that I was born.
Mom said that being pregnant with me changed her ears. That before, everything sounded normal, but during, it was like the volume got turned up on everything, and ever since, the world’s been very loud.
I learned this fact on May 7, 2022 - just eight days after a Taurus new moon solar eclipse.
I was sitting at the dining table with my parents - the table I’d magically found in November, just eight days before yet another Taurus eclipse. And now, for the first time in my life, I was hosting my parents for a meal.
As we sat there, Chernobyl entered my mind. I wondered if my mom had been particularly upset about it while she was pregnant with me. I wondered if the grief I remembered was actually hers, like maybe I absorbed it through the womb or something. But she told me she didn’t really remember being upset. She only remembered how she was always craving pizza, how she ate so much of it that now, she can barely stand the stuff, and she remembered how her ears changed. How being pregnant with me seemed to change her hearing, and I wonder now if maybe that was something she absorbed from me or something we gave to each other or something that was given to us both because for me, the world is very, very loud.
Not always. Sometimes, it seems to spin at a perfectly normal volume. Sometimes, I have allergies, and my ears are clogged, and I’m the one who’s loud. But most of the time, it’s just like how my mom described it. It’s like the volume’s been turned up on everything, and the world gets very loud, and I can suddenly hear the TV perfectly at volume five, and simple sounds like the unloading of the dishwasher and the rolling of dice hurt my ears, and the electric hum that fills the air also fills my ears, and my ears were like this - so sensitive - on April 29, 2022.
It was like my whole body was buzzing, and that morning - in my mind’s eye - I saw myself above and beyond the earth - out in space, looking down - and from there, I could see that the earth was on fire. I could see all its struggle and pain, and all I could think to do was love it, just love it.
The next day - on April 30, 2022 - there was a Taurus new moon eclipse, and I lay my body down, and I listened to this: a meditation called The Practice of Eternal Light.
During, I felt so much in my heart, and in my mind, I saw bright rays of light shooting through my body, moving through me like two crosses, laid overtop of each other, interlocking. That’s how I described it then, in my journal: “like 2 crosses interlocked.”
I’d forgotten all about this until just now - on November 5, 2022 - and as I see the notes I scribbled then - along with my poor illustration of what the light looked like inside my body - I can’t help but think of the movie my husband and I watched six nights ago.
It was released on Netflix in August, and we’d been talking about wanting to watch it ever since, but for some reason, we didn’t actually get around to it until now, until the eclipses.
Eclipses mostly come in twos. Two came in the spring (on April 30th and May 16th), and two came in the fall (on October 25th and November 8th).
And in the movie - like in my mind’s eye on April 30th - there were two crosses. The crosses weren’t your typical crosses. Rather, they had two horizontal bars. This immediately jumped out at me because in July 2021, I had a powerful experience of intuitively drawing a protection symbol:
I could feel the symbol in my mind, but I couldn’t see it. All I could do was pick up a sheet of paper and a pen and let the feeling spill out of me. When I did, I found myself drawing an ankh within a rose within a cross, but the cross wasn’t a shape I was familiar with. Instead, it had two horizontal bars.
Curious, I researched varieties of crosses and learned that this particular shape was known as the Cross of Lorraine or sometimes, the patriarchal cross. And I thought of this - this symbol of protection - when I watched the movie Uncharted, and sorry to spoil the film (for what it’s worth, it wasn’t very good), but in the movie, the crosses weren’t just crosses. They were keys.
Each cross/key opened a different door, and then, it was revealed that the two crosses could be interlocked, that by joining them together, they became an even bigger key.
Clearly, the movie was inspired by Christian imagery and mythology, specifically the idea of the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And normally I wouldn’t put much stock in a mediocre action movie I watched on a Saturday night, but after seeing the note in my journal from April and being reminded that I had a vision of two interlocking crosses of light, I realized that between this and the protection symbol (and a number of other details soon to be revealed), this movie was bizarrely reminding me of a series of visions that all happened over the course of the last three Taurus moons.
On November 8, 2022, there is a total lunar eclipse happening in the sign of Taurus.
The last three Taurus moons fell on the following dates:
April 30, 2022
November 19, 2021
May 11, 2021
So let us rewind this story back, back to May 2021:
On the morning of May 11, 2021, I was sleeping on an air mattress in a new apartment when I suddenly felt someone standing next to me. Not a solid, material someone, but still, I felt the presence of someone there. I immediately recoiled. I wanted to close myself off and protect myself from this sensation, but instead, I decided to explore it, to open my mind to whatever it might be. When I did, I saw the image of a young girl in my mind’s eye.
She appeared to be from the early 1900s, and in looking at her, I could feel how much pain her body had been through - almost like she’d been crushed - and I heard a name - Santa María Josefina - and I thought of Spain, and then, she handed me a silver key. She told me that when the time was right, I would know how to use it, and then, I felt the soft, gentle sensation of a kiss on my forehead before she disappeared completely.
I’ve told all the magical details of this story before, so I won’t do it again now. I’ll simply say that after experiencing this, I searched the name I heard, and I learned that in the early 1900s, a young girl was paralyzed by spinal tuberculosis. She went on to become an extremely devout woman, a nun who was confined to a wheelchair because of all her body had been through. Upon taking the habit at the Carmel of Santa María, she adopted the name María Josefina de Jesús Crucificado, and while she was Italian - not Spanish - for some odd reason, the website I visited that day was in Spanish.
I don’t even recall clicking on. Instead, the page seemed to open on its own from the Google search results, and it was only after asking Google to translate it to English and reading all about her that I noticed a small image in the upper lefthand corner. It was the image of two keys that just happened to be shaped like the key she had handed me.
It turns out that unbeknownst to me, I was on a buried page of the Vatican website, and the two keys were the symbol of the Holy See.
All of this led me - in May 2021 - to learn in detail about the keys of the kingdom of heaven: their description in The Bible and their use in the Catholic church. Prior to this early morning encounter, I really didn’t know much about them at all. I’d been guided to learn that they existed one other time before (almost exactly one year earlier - to the day), but otherwise, I’d never heard of them.
I wasn’t raised Christian. I’ve never read The Bible. I don’t go to church, and if it wasn’t for seeing María that morning, I wouldn’t be talking or thinking about these keys now. But I saw her, and she handed me a silver key, and oddly, a week earlier, I’d had another vision of another key. But that one wasn’t silver. It was gold.
In May 2021 - with the Taurus new moon - I saw two keys in my mind and two keys on a web page, and I learned the story of the two keys in Christian mythology, and oddly, in that random movie I recently watched, once in possession of the two crosses (which were really two keys), the characters traveled to Spain of all places. Specifically, they realized they needed to go to a church named Santa María, and it was there where they found the doors that the keys unlocked.
Six months after seeing the young girl and being handed the silver key, I was sitting on the couch when I suddenly became very sleepy. So sleepy I had to lie down.
I closed my eyes to take a nap, but I didn’t really sleep. Instead, I felt all of this movement throughout my body - like it was buzzing - and in my mind’s eye, I saw my hand near the floor of a temple, and I saw myself inserting the silver key into the floor and unlocking it, and as the floor unlocked, I saw this huge explosion of fiery light, and that’s when my husband walked into the room announcing: You got mail!
I opened my eyes, and he handed me a postcard. The image on the card was of a gorgeous temple dome with windows made of thin stone, and as the sun shined through the stone, it appeared to be glowing, as if it was on fire.
It was November then - November 17th - and two days later, a Taurus full moon eclipse arrived.
Then, in April 2022, a second Taurus eclipse arrived, and it was then that I saw myself high above the earth, and it was then that the earth appeared to be on fire, and it was then that I saw rays of light like two interlocked crosses shooting through my body.
And it is now, in November 2022, that the next Taurus eclipse is arriving, and I can’t help but think that it isn’t a coincidence that right before, I watched a movie featuring two keys that became two interlocking crosses that opened a door to a map.
Reflect back now to the Taurus new moon time from April 29 - May 14.
Maybe you even want to think back to the entire Taurus moon cycle shared here:
May 11, 2021
November 19, 2021
April 30, 2022
Is there a theme or a story that’s been weaving through your life through these moments in time?
Turn to your calendar, your journals, your photos - whatever it is that helps you remember.
What do you remember?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
What is your heart doing now?
In astronomy, there are two points known as the lunar nodes. These two points mark where the path of the moon (as seen from Earth) intersects with the path of the sun (as seen from Earth). One point (known as the north/ascending node) marks where the moon’s path appears to rise above the sun’s, and the other point (known as the south/descending node) marks where the moon’s path appears to fall beneath the sun’s.
In astrology, these two points have come to be associated with notions of karma and the cycle of what was and what’s to be. It’s almost as if the sun and moon are moving like hands on a compass, and the north lunar node is your True North. It’s where you’re headed.
And as I type this, I find myself thinking yet again about that silly mediocre action movie. I find myself remembering that after the two keys (which were actually crosses) were shown to interlock, it was revealed that they could also be used together like a compass.
And in my mind, I’m now seeing a series of symbols throughout the world. I’m seeing how the two keys in Christianity are like the red and white rose in hermetic alchemy are like the sun and moon in pagan traditions are like the yin and yang in Chinese philosophy are like the anahata in Hinduism and the Star of David in Judaism and the vajra in Buddhism, and while all of these symbols and traditions speak of two separate, opposing forces, they also all talk about what happens when these opposing forces merge, and it’s the merging of forces that every one of these symbols depicts. Every one tells the story of unifying that which appears to be separate.
What happens then - when unification occurs?
On November 8, 2022, the sun and moon will be on opposite sides of the celestial sphere. If you look at the picture below, you can see the two points where the moon’s path crosses the sun’s - you can see the points where these two paths become one - and on November 8, 2022, the moon will be almost in the exact same point as the ascending node and the sun will be at almost the exact same point as the descending node:
image from Wikipedia
They will each be aligned with these points of unification, and as I look at these points now - located on opposite sides of the earth - I see in my mind the scene in the movie when the two crosses are used to form a compass, for in that moment, the crosses are placed at opposite ends of the map, and the “true north” they are pointing to is neither of the crosses, but instead, it’s the space in between.
And on this eclipse, it’s not the sun or the moon that is highlighted by a ring of light, but it’s what’s in between them. It’s what’s in the middle. It’s the earth, which at the exact moment of the eclipse will appear to be crowned by a glowing, fiery ring of light. In other words, if you were looking at the earth from above - say, from the moon - it would appear to be on fire.
And maybe that’s what I saw in my mind in April. Maybe that’s what I saw when the sun and moon aligned at nearly the exact same degree along the ecliptic as where this full moon is falling now. Maybe the earth appeared to be on fire because the sun was shining all around it.
I saw the earth from up above.
It looked like it was on fire.
I saw four rays of light shooting through my body like interlocking crosses, like two planes - which - when they cross each other - always form a line:
It was like my body was lying along the y-axis while my arms were open wide along the x. The first two rays of light I saw were crossing each other along these two axes, but then I saw a third ray of light. It was shooting through my heart and reaching up and down along the z-axis, but it wasn’t just those three rays I saw. There was a fourth ray crossing the z-axis and running along the exact same line as the x-axis. It was separate from the first ray I saw along the x-axis, separate but in the same place. Here, along the length of my arms and out through my hands, the planes were unified.
When I first sat to write this story, I thought I’d probably be writing about the election in America on November 8th - the same day as the eclipse. But when I think about that, it feels far away and separate from these planes of light. It feels like it doesn’t want to be poked and prodded with my questions. But then - just for a moment, in my mind’s eye - I see the quarter placed in my hand at the bakery yesterday. I’d never seen a quarter like this before in my life, so it stood out to me, and from its surface, I read - in Spanish - the words: VOTE FOR WOMEN. And I knew I would, and I hoped others would too, and I wondered if maybe it was a sign, a sign of all the votes that will be cast by and for and on behalf of women.
And then, I thought I’d probably write about the war in Ukraine because back in May 2021 when I was handed the silver key, I also heard (intuitively) that war was coming, and a month ago, I was guided to see that with these fall eclipses, the asteroid Bellona was crossing the dwarf planet Pluto. Bellona was discovered during the start of the Crimean War, and in honor of this, it was named after Bellōna, an ancient Roman goddess of war. Bellona has been in a retrograde cycle over Pluto since early March (shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine), and when I saw that Bellona was making its final crossing of Pluto during the eclipses, I sensed some big change might happen with the war. Interestingly, the day that Russia pulled out of the UN grain deal was the day that Bellona was perfectly conjunct (zero degrees from) Pluto. Once Bellona moved past this point, Russia rejoined the deal. And while Bellona’s cycle still isn’t complete and some big change may still come during this fall eclipse period, it no longer feels as important as it did a month ago.
Not because it doesn’t matter.
Not because I don’t care about the wellbeing of everyone and everything affected - because I do - but it just feels like there’s something about this time that transcends all of this.
All these competing forces and opposing archetypes and perpendicular planes.
This full moon time feels like it’s about the X-axis drawn twice by two beams of light - coming from different places but finding themselves ultimately arriving at the exact same spot.
This Taurus full moon is crossing the same point as the north node of the moon (aka the destiny point), and also, it’s crossing the same point in the sky as the planet Uranus, the planet named after a god who embodied heaven itself. Uranus was the personification of heaven and sky, aka the very materialization of heavenly stuff.
Whether heaven is bright golden light weaving through an invisible plane or a place we go when we die or simply a state of mind - however you think of heaven and however it wants to share itself with you now is for you uncover. This full moon time is aligning us with the personification of heaven. It’s pointing a celestial compass north towards whatever Heaven is.
It’s helping us remember.
And while Heaven may be our future destination (if such a thing even exists), our experience of it may very likely lie in our past.
For while the moon is helping us see our future - and all the goodness it will bring - the sun is helping us see our past.
It is crossing the south node and Mercury and Venus and the asteroids Circe, Klymene, and Renate. This is a time for big communication, for “date that shall live in infamy” level of famed communication. Except I don’t really feel like it’s going to be infamous (fingers crossed)- just famous, just known.
Like that which came before but was forgotten is now remembered and known by you, like it is reborn inside you, like in remembering you now know how to move forward.
Your destiny is calling.
That’s what this full moon time is about - this time that stretches from November 8th to November 22nd. It’s helping us see our past and our future and how they are woven together not as two separate, competing forces but instead as a unified whole of being that we hold inside us all the time, even when we don’t even remember that we’re holding it.
Is this what Heaven is?
The temple was high above the earth.
At least, that’s how it felt.
In November 2021, I took the silver key, and I used it to unlock the floor of a temple high above the earth.
Then, in January 2022, I saw this temple - or rather, I saw what was inside it - fall to the earth.
I saw it land here and plant itself here.
Like these two planes that once felt so far apart were now united along the same line.
Like whatever it is that’s inside that space is now here to help.
But still, we keep reaching for what’s above. We keep seeking it as if it’s far away.
We send rockets to the moon - or at least, we try.
On November 14 - as predicted - NASA will be attempting to launch Artemis 1 yet again, and it just so happens that on this day, the destiny point will be at the same point along the ecliptic as the asteroid named Artemis. And when I say same point, I mean the same point. The north node (aka destiny point) will be at 13°20’ Taurus and Artemis will be at 13°26’, and while we’re busy looking up and out and beyond the surface of the earth, don’t forget to close your eyes.
Don’t forget to look inside.
Don’t forget to take stock of what’s happening there - inside your heart - in every moment, of every day, for you just may find that something’s happening there.
Something unexpected.
Something like a revolution.
Something akin to…magic.
To be continued…
Long Story Short:
This Taurus full moon is the penultimate Taurus eclipse in a cycle taking us through early November 2023. But this is the last eclipse while the karmic north node of the moon is still in Taurus, pointing us in the direction of the earth, helping us remember that everything we seek is already here. Major events are coinciding with this eclipse. Something is bound to happen during this time from November 8th to 22nd that becomes FAMOUS. Perhaps it’s Artemis 1 arriving on the moon or the election in America or something else or many things all at once. This time is marked by FAME. By fame and magic and rebirth and unity. A great big overwhelming sensation of unity that transcends all the competing forces on the ground. This unity moves through the air and through all things. You breathe it in. You breathe it out. You embody it in all that you do, and at some point during this time in November, you come to understand it in a whole new way. What is this unity? What is heaven? I’m not here to tell you. I’m only here to ask the questions: How will heaven reveal itself to you now? How will it materialize in your life? Stay tuned.
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